You can get about 400 resil in beta. You only have to use the blues for the set pieces. You can buy all the epic honor gear instantly. And if anything, it probably helps the dominant teams as they were more caster heavy and casters tend to benefit the most from higher resil.
We’re talking about 3s…Einstein, you know the tourney you were bragging about
I didn’t know rets had a 1mace and shield and had holy librams
Clearly you can’t even know the difference between a ret paladin and a holy paladin so I’m done with your pathetic attempt at saving yourself from looking like an idiot.
No, you are, I’m talking about pvp in general. Idgaf what you are talking about you think holy Paladins are top tier what would anyone care what you think lol
Lol you’re just talking crap for the hell of it like a troll XD, I proved you wrong with your own damn data LOL, that’s sad and pathetic.
Buddy, I’m not even going to attempt to look a single thing up. You have just been entertaining me with posts because I felt like you were just a noob looking for guidance. But you truly honestly believe holy Paladins are some top tier healer in tbc lol. I’m not even going to waste a single second of my time on that. Let me know how your holy Paladin fairs when he gets stuck in an hour long cc, kicked on his only meaningful heal, and then instantly has his bubble MD’d LOL
You didn’t look a single thing up which I already knew XD, you are all bark and no bite with nothing to back it up. You literally told me to look at endless and I did, it proved your sad attempt WRONG. Whats that word for people who refuse facts…oh yea denial.
If Holy Paladins are so bad like you claim why are there more Holy Paladins in the top 10 than Priests? I mean if you want to call these 4 Holy Paladins rets then go ahead cause I don’t know how a Paladin with 40+ talents in Holy is called a ret XD
The funny thing about this is when someone refuses facts and is in denial you know what that means right, they’re wrong lol.
Also good luck being oom trying to debuff a paladin and taking away his shield, clearly you ignored my post on the costs of dispels. TBC isn’t retail kid, you have to manage mana in pvp and not go ham on dispels, hence why I said earlier in this thread a lock and paladin + any other class (like a mage or sp) that can do throw away buffs would be an amazing anti dispel comp.
You are 100% right I didn’t look a single thing up, because I don’t need to. Saying holy Paladins are top tier in tbc is literally like saying resto druids are the best pve healers of vanilla. I don’t need to research a damn thing if I’ve played vanilla to know this.
You can show me a server that has the top 500 teams with all holy Paladins and it wouldn’t even matter. Holy Paladins in 2v2 and 3v3 are literally free wins if you are playing a meta comp.
Holy Paladins can’t los their dps like priests and druids can. They WILL be stuck in endless ccs, they WILL be instant kicked and have their team flop. All of their utility is instantly removed their team and will actively hurt them because of it if you are playing against a mage lol.
Believe whatever you want to believe man, holy Paladins are trash tier in tbc there’s nothing more to it
Maybe you’ll do super well with your holy Paladin in the 1600s farming meme comps. I believe in you boo.
And you are right tbc isn’t retail. The games go faster which does make mana matter. The issue with Paladins is the mana game isn’t an issue, because your team is dead before anyone goes oom LOL.
I cannot begin to count the number of times I have been denied a kill opportunity by a well placed War-stomp. Its not the strongest of racial, but its VERY good when used wisely, in exactly the same way that Perception is valuable; well not exactly the same way but you get the idea, its a racial that’s not universal, but still very effective.
In Retail War-Stomp is kinda meta… for cow paladin LOL-SHOT.
It would’ve been better if major bugs were fixed. There was a reason a mage was almost in every game. Nova is bugged af right now and mages can literally get 5 lances in.
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