Did they ever explain

Cenarius was Malfurions teacher, but he doesnt empower him. Malfurion is empowered by all of nature, I guess? And the Emerald dream.

Either way, I think its foolish to assume Tyrande lost to Nathanos for plot reasons, rather than taking this defeat to have lore implications, that Elune is not omnipotent.

And I think that if it was supposed to show us that, we’d see nelf characters being worried in-game that Tyrande’s power-up wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

(Seriously, I may be cynical, but any time “the writers messed up” is an option in BfA, I gravitate towards that explanation.)


Lmao, imagine trusting the Void.


They want to drum up hatred for Nathanos and Sylvanas while edging the players that buy into it with unsatisfying moments that don’t allow payback. It’s Blizzard’s cheap trick to force shallow investment in the story in the form of “I NEED TO KILL THIS CHARACTER FOR THEIR CRIMES!”.

To be fair, it seems to have been a wide success. And it probably will mildly increase the feeling of catharsis players have when they more than likely get to kill Nathanos in Shadowlands.


All of the cosmic energies have their shady quirks, you cant trust any of them really. If you do anything that gets in the ways of a specific cosmic power, like light or void, arcane, fel etc
they will kill you all the same.

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If they actually let us finally kill these characters and not pull the worst redemption arc in mankind history

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they don’t.
a zombie with a bow vs a mutated troll with a bow.


I think they mostly likely will kill them but it’s impossible to say for sure with Blizzard. However, the amount of enthusiasm they generated in players for the opportunity to kill them is all Blizzard needs to declare this story a resounding success with enormous player investment.

So they’ll repeat the story again. It’s extremely easy to do. They can just invent new Horde characters that do bad things to get players to hate them. The faction war story gets trashier each time so I’m predicting a new Forsaken character named Doctor Josefina Plaguela <The Val’kyr of Blight> that does heinous things to night elves when the Horde attacks Ashenvale next.


He didn’t. He lost the fight by a landslide, without dealing a single tick of damage to Tyrande. The Val’kyr interfered personally beyond just empowering him to not get obliterated, and she instantly shrugged it off and killed said Val’kyr.


It gave Night Elves black eyes.

Literally and figuratively.


Sorry I should have been more clear. Prior to the power up, no I don’t see that being a one shot. It would have been an easy fight for Tyrande but not a one shot. If anything without the Night Warrior it would have been the same fight we saw because Nathanos wouldn’t have been able to handle her. This is assuming the Valk’yr were not there, with them it might have been more even for Nathanos and I’m not too sure about that. As Night Warrior she should have been able to smite them all.

Says the double mutated, arcane and fell addicted, draining others life force for magic troll. :expressionless:


Maybe is because of the imbalance on factions powerful chars.
His death would be sawed as “look at that bias, another horde char dead, how many are left?”, or to avoid having to write another char mid expansion to take his place.
All for nothing as he is no longer Horde so it can’t be counted on the roster, but that means, he can be killed to give the NElves a victory and more importantly some revenge for teldrassil.

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Truly, Stevanos Blizzcaller is the most powerful character in WoW right now. He will be the first Raid Boss that defeats the Heroes of Azeroth.

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I wonder how much more/less arguing there’d be if the scenes of the Night Warrior scenario were flipped - Tyrande fights Nathanos+val’kyr but can’t keep the dead from being raised, then goes and does the Night Warrior ritual?

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I mean

If you are not going to like the scene, fine. But can we at least argue about facts?

The scene emphasized that Nathanos was not nearly as strong as Tyrande, and needed a Val’Kyr battery to be able to stand against her. Before still losing.

It’s like you guys read The Dark Knight Returns, saw Batman briefly hold his own by using a bunch of tricks and the Gotham-powered supersuit, and concluded that the point was that Batman was now physically just as strong as Superman.


I like how a jailer/valk powered nathanos doesnt even hurt tyrande and has to run away with losing a valk, is tyrande losing, I wonder what real losing is like to you guys.

Sylvanas and Nathanos being powered up by the Jailer.
Tyrande being powered up by Elune.
Player character being powered up by one of 4 covenants.

Elune probably related to the Shadowlands

There is something here. I think those “deals” with shadowlands figures are changing how “power scaling” works in WoW

Even Sylvanas didn’t sounds like she would have fared well enough, at least from the way A Good War presented it:

    Saurfang and Sylvanas had discussed strategy and tactics for days, and it had become clear that there were two huge, inescapable points of failure in their plan: Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind. The leaders of the night elves were powerful, dangerous, and perhaps even unbeatable on the field of battle. No matter how surprised the kaldorei would be by this attack, those two would be a terror for the Horde once the fighting began. They had lived for so long, and survived so much, that Saurfang had to consider the possibility that they could hold off the Horde long enough for the Alliance to send help. Ashenvale was their land, after all. They would rally nature itself to their cause.

    Sylvanas could match one of them—perhaps—but even she knew that taking them on by herself was . . . not an ideal tactic.

Saurfang himself admitted he could not beat Tyrande in A Good War, and might have haughtily implied Sylvanas could not have, either:

    “Where is Malfurion’s head, High Overlord?”

    “Attached to his body, as far as I know,” he said.

    She was not amused. “And where is that?”

    Saurfang met her eyes without flinching. “Stormwind, I’d guess. Tyrande intervened and took him away.”

    It wasn’t often Sylvanas was left speechless.

    It didn’t last long. “Malfurion lives?” she snarled. “You let him escape?”

    His lips did not smile, but his eyes did. He was happy— happy!— about this. “I could not stop Tyrande. Perhaps you could have.”


In that scenario:

  • Sylvanas/Nathanos lost a recreatable Val’kyr
  • Tyrande had her own people risen by the Horde and is later forced to kill them in the warfront, with Delaryn and Sira also staying in the horde, Nathanos was even able to have them risen while fighting Tyrande and Malfurion

Now who is better off? :thinking: Not to mention that THIS was the revenge for Teldrassil.

The nelves cause they took back darkshore

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