Did they confirm fire immunity on MC/ONY raid mobs is gone?

this guy gets it.

this guy, do not get it.

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heh then why does ALL weapons still do damage to such mobs.

its not that specific weapons do damage its that all do .

your rp is stupid btw.

All the warriors complained about the potentially bleed immune mobs in Gnomer because mechanical… But now warriors want casters to suck it up and deal with 50% of their damage (or more) being removed?

Youre playing era lmfao.

Make the fights harder than, maybe allow the bosses to be non-target dummies?

Maybe add mechanics to the raid idk?

Like I’ve said many times, SoM did the raids best :expressionless: It was a combination of stat increases and some extra mechanics (but mostly just stat increases, especially for the later raids).

I think the secret final boss should be fully immune to all physical damage and pys debuffs such as bleeds. If melee want to actually DPS it, they need to equip weapons that deal magic damage on hit, but also reduce all their damage dealt by 75% in the process.

Then melee main brains will understand what its like to have mobs fully immune to your spec.

Stat increases just mean longer target dummies.

Era players cant handle mechanics.

BFD was too hard.

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These kids are wiping in UBRS lol

one would argue with certain comps and the massive resist on the bosses along with the massive resists on the adds down below on the earlier versions of kelris it was indeed too hard and it wasnt really “mechanically” hard it was “this number is causing people to not be able to complete at least 1 of the mechanics that is pass or fail on this 1 particular fight” hard.

st or gnomer wouldve been a better comparision.

Youre right.

Gnomer was too hard and so was ST because bosses had 1 mechanic.

Era players just arent very good.

i wont really disagree here .

just saying the kelris fight with a caster comp was next to impossible with bad resists.

My biggest issue is they cant make a game like this and just add higher difficulties because then the people who arent very good would cry because their bis is now off bosses they cant beat.

So you get boring sod with target dummy no challenge raids.

ya it kinda sucks but at the same time era versions of the game have always rewarded prep and knowledge above player skill.

not really :expressionless: more stats = boss lives longer, so they actually get to do their full rotation of abilities. best example of the contrary being rag dying before he even submerges.

Oh no not a submerge where we all stand there afk wiaitng for him to come back up.

Such mechanic much wow

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Back in my day we put out campfires by stabbing them with a dagger or shooting wooden arrows at it.

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that’s because the fire elementals that spawn needed a stat boost too :expressionless:

The whole raid needed mechanics added.

Stats are fine but dont do much if the bosses have no mechanics.

you don’t like RPGs, not my problem