Did they confirm fire immunity on MC/ONY raid mobs is gone?

for all the shaman, warlock, mage homies out there

they alluded to it but didn’t confirm it

Nah we’re all just hoping to baby jesus and using that as fuel to build fire based pre-bis sets.

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DW enhance and Ele lose out hard vs fire immunes. 2H enh and tank enh will be ok. Fire Mages and Fire Destro lose out. Tank Locks become essentially nonviable due to their mechanics.

This needs addressed, one way or another.

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I have a strange feeling that things won’t be immune, but they might have high resistances so that frost mage, for example, might be the emergency shift for parsing mages.

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Fire is still the strongest spec in MC and its not particularly close.

Frost only beats it on the two bosses that are 100% immune to fire.

Everything else fire is absolutely superior. They dont need to touch the immunities… its fine.

Ignite is the core mechanic the fire tree leans on for damage. Ignite is fire damage. Sure you can use frostfire bolt but you lose Ignite entirely.

Its a legitimate issue and along with the other specs that suffer, deserves to be addressed.

Bro I’ve been playing this game since 2005 and I didn’t even know there were bosses that aren’t immune to fire in MC.

We can still be viable as Affliction and by leaning heavily into our Shadow damage, but yes, our dps and tps are gimped pretty hard if mobs are fire immune.

The fire immunity arguments just prove WoW players don’t actually like RPGs and would rather play Raidlog Lobby DPS Simulator

You wierdos get more dopamine from the newest update of WowSims than the actual game


Why are you even here? You’re clearly suggesting you aren’t a wow player, imagine being the pathetic idiot that just sits and talks about it instead of playing it.

Just say you don’t like RPGs bro, or continue looking like a jackass

You reek of Beardy

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Lol vanilla wowbillies at it again

Just removing the immunity would be so lazy. They could do something more interesting like giving lock tanks a rune that changes their damage type to shadowflame/chaos. Mages can just go frost etc. Immunity doesn’t have to go away if Blizz actually tries… but unlikely

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they need to remove mob immunities to all schools bc sp have same issue with our diseases. not sure why they kept that in SoD

ya but what about shadow priest diseases and some classic mobs are just completely immune to dots.

back in my day things made sense. you can’t put out a campfire with a cigarette lighter, and you can’t kill rag with a fire ball :expressionless:

ya but it becomes an argument about accessibility. making the game not accessible to certain specs fuels the snowball effect of more ppl quitting over-time. them removing raid boss dmg type immunities , negatively impacts nobody. it only positively impacts the game. this is sod, not era to be fair… ERA should remain original but even in ERA there was so many changes…

what about making the game nonsensical and stupid like allowing a fire ball to kill rag? :expressionless: does that not add to “ppl quitting over-time” too?

Allowing a melee weapon to kill rag is fine tho…lmfao.


you just proved that you love when bad design happens in game.

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