Did they confirm fire immunity on MC/ONY raid mobs is gone?

By your logic, Warriors and rogue shouldn’t be able to hit anything in MC because their elements, they dont have a legit physical body. Also, Warriors shouldnt ever be able to hit rock mobs either because how does a sword break a boulder? That’s not REALISTIC. So basically, only select few classes should be able to hit anything according to you.

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Yet in your logic, how does a warrior hit Rag when he has no physical body??? A sword is just hitting fire and last time I checked, swords cant cut fire…


no it doesnt but using your logic, mages werent healer and locks werent tank in vanilla so why are they in sod? lol thats right, bc its the seasonal test realm for classic + its all about what should we add to make the best and most enjoyable experience for c+

i think mc bosses will have more fire res but they will not be inmune to fire, like they did with nature and mech bosses in Gnomer

i doubt it. warlocks and others will be here whining about their stupid abilities getting resisted too much :expressionless: everything has to be braindead easy mode

Given that Rogues atm are extremely busted and Enhance shammy likely with MC gear will be dominating, I won’t be surprised if there is going to be higher resist.

Almost all bosses in MC arent immune to fire damage. Only 2 of them are.

Are there mobs immune to diseases? I haven’t done all classic raids. But I believe Blizz absolutely should find workarounds to these issues that are interesting rather than outright remove them like fire immunity.
If there is total immunity to dots they could change it to just resistance so shadow priest is weaker but not unviable.

ya i think its all demons and anything elemental. so basically sp is alrdy top 3 lowest dps and now some bosses we cant even use our disease which is like 30% of our dmg lol idc tbh but would be nice for dumb 2004 design to be changed (since theyve completely changed classic wow might as well change the small QOLs as well

Swords attacking a rock elemental would just take 20% durability damage per swing and do 1 damage.
Swords attacking an air elemental would not cause damage but would conduct electricity to shock the wielder.

:rofl: :rofl:
its crazy when you out lore the lore nerds

Create a trinket that converts fire damage to frost.

Keep thinking end game melee weapons are just metal I guess

Bad design? It’s an RPG, I don’t think you know what that entails

There is nothing to argue about, RPGs just aren’t your thing

I guess we can hold out hope that if fire resist/immunities negatively affect shamans in any way Blizzard will emergency hotfix it.

We just have to hope they fix it for everyone, and not just make shaman do shadowflame damage or something like that.

Perhaps if we can convince them that the fire immunities negatively affect melee in some way? That’ll 100% result in a hotfix.

Lol actually true, how does a physical wep hurt fire. Lore wise Hunters, rogues and warriors are not using any type of magic to imbue their weapons. Only thing that they should be able to damage rag with is a Hunters Arcane shot. Its the only thing thats magic from them.

Both shaman DPS specs rely heavily on fire. If mobs in MC are fire-immune, we can’t push half our buttons, nor use any DPS totems at all.

Literally every end game weapon is magically imbued

Literally no. Specific weapons sure. But the majority of weapons aren’t magically imbued. And yet you still do damage with non magically imbued weapons don’t ya?

You’re wrong but hold onto that BS if you’d like

I am not, and the “end game weapons” you are talking about are mostly from dungeons Like BRD/UBRS/LBRS and MC. What magic would these be imbue with? Fire. Which brings back to the original point. How is a magically imbued weapon with fire dealing damage more lore breaking then a fireball.