Did they Buff / Fix Mortal Strike yet?

This is how you fix Arms. Aim to have it do the raid DPS of a ret paladin (still wont have ret’s utility, but at least you dont need 70% overall dps to catch it lol).

  1. Make Mortal strike do damage. I.e. 250% wpn damage, OR modify the ability to do more damage in some way. Make it do its current damage, but also another 150% weapon damage as a bleed tic that can crit, or as a dot (SoD wyvern strike is as a DoT, WotLK scourge strike as a single bleed tic are samples of comparable abilities).

  2. Make rend do actual damage, and base it off weapon damage, and apply a tic on application like in Cata.

  3. Make Sweeping strike also apply X% of your weapon damage as a bleed on your primary target.

  4. Add heroic throw with a similar cooldown to SW:D that also applies 5x sunders.

  5. Make an interaction with overpower where if your target has mortal strike applied, overpower “gushes” the target for X bleed damage.

  6. Make the Taste for Blood rune also reduce the CD of overpower like in WotLK so you dont lose dodge overpowers and also allows for a more interesting rotation of timing your overpowers based on other procs and CDs like in Cata.

Just start with this, and tune the numbers so youre around Ret paladin DPS, and Arms will suddenly be playable! It will be an option for open world, pvp, dungeons, etc. It will do okay damage to armored targets the way enhance and ret can because bleeds will be like the “magic” damage. Fury will still be the premiere ramping spec for raid on short fights where you can maximize deathwish uptime but Arms will have some purpose in SoD as the slower, bigger hitting, more bleed focused spec.

If hunter and rogue and all these other classes can get tons of ways to play their class (like why does rogue need all 3 talent trees to be good in PVP and PVE? lol) then surely Arms can not lose an entire talent tree in SoD.