Did the traders usd bruto mount size get nerfed?

i remember the mount being a lot bigger and taller I swear it did I’m not delusional guys

Don’t worry in a few months there will be another 90$ mount you can buy that will be slightly larger.


You sure someone didn’t Baby Spice it?


I don’t…think so? Seems the same to me.

will it come with the barber shop and can i make it a pastel pink or as cute as jeff the land shark?

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They reduced it by 45%. its in the notes

wait can u link the note? i dont feel like digging for it

Nope. I am re-creating a screenshot from WoWhead posted 21 days ago. The size is still the same.

Brutosaur shrinkage? I hear there’s a pill for that now.


The mount size changes a little bit depending on the race of the toon spawning it. Maybe a Panda was riding it when it did the first screenshot. It’s smaller when my Gobbo spawns one compared to my friend’s Panda.

oh boy here we go

inappropriate jokes in 1…2…3…


I’m guessing this is what they were seeing. Even compared to the character in this screenshot re-creation, mine’s actually a little larger. lol

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i know that but even then it feels ridiculously small

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It hasn’t changed. Stop trying to spread misinformation.

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im not im asking a question that is not misinformation

Space Goats have a cure for that, it’s out of this world!


Really? Compared to what? It seems the same size as the previous Bruto I see from time to time. Heh, seems overly large enuf. Not sure how Dornagal will look if the suckers come even larger :slight_smile:

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I apologize. I used the World Shrinker on you.


you are infact delusional. mounts, like weapons, scale based on race, and sometimes that scaling whacks out

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it will be 10% larger.