Did the traders usd bruto mount size get nerfed?

All mounts took a small hit… Get it? small hit.

I’d 100% drop the cash if they made a ridiculously large dino mount. I’m talking the size of SW cathedral big.

its winter time it shrinks when its cold


Maybe it was in the pool…

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Thanks, I needed that laugh today!

Are you using the mount on different characters?

For example, a tauren’s mount will be much larger than a gnome’s mount

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I think the original Bronto mount from BfA is a bit bigger than the new one. Is that what you’re thinking of?

it is slightly bigger the seat back is taller

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It’s my understanding that Zandalari males tend to have their mounts look undersized.

Some of them, yeah. They have gone back though as recently as the TWW pre-patch and rescaled some of the older mounts, like Invincible. I think there were a few others but that one is the mount that stands out just because of how poorly it scaled before. It was actually quite small prior to the rescaling for male Zandalari. Now it’s respectable.