I also noticed I don’t have a key ring and keys go right into your bags
Probably just an oversight. Several things were not implemented in the stress test.
Pretty sure you need a key for them to appear. Not sure if you got one or not
This is correct. The keyring doesn’t show up until you actual get a key.
That’s the whole point of making I had a key in my bags
Which key?
The Key from Dun Morogh to Searing Gorge has saved my bacon back in classic many of times when I was fleeing from a band of marauding horde. Nothing was sweeter than doing a /rude emote to those Fu(kers as that gate closed…just hoping they did not have the means to open the gate.
There was no key ring in vanilla. They used a bag slot
This is incorrect, the key ring was introduced in 1.11.0 (Naxx)
h t t p s://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Patch_1.11.0
Key rings have been added to the game.
Level 1-39 = 4 slots
Level 40-49 = 8 slots
Level 50-60 = 12 slots
Permanent Dungeon Keys
Key to Searing Gorge
Workshop Key
The Scarlet Key
Shadowforge Key
Key to the City
Skeleton Key
Prison Cell Key
Crescent Key
Keyrings were introduced in WotLK
what if your keyring had to be crafted by a blacksmith(or engineer?) and then equipped before you could have a keyring?
Keyring is apart of default ui
Actually thinking it was removed in Wrath, it was definitely added in Vanilla.
And you had to manually pick it up when you logged in so sometimes you would run out of “the house” without your keys only to get all the way to the door and realize you forgot them and have to go back home… ugh.
There’s alot that’s different from classic
I clearly remember it being in during 3.3.5. Maybe cataclysm or Mists took it out. I mean Scarlet Monestary was updated with mists
Patch 1.11.1 (28-Jun-2006): Added.
Patch 4.2.0 (2011-06-28): Removed.
“When a player first acquired a key, they automatically acquired a keyring that held compatible keys.”
Pretty sure it will pop up once you loot one of the compatible keys. If not, hopefully they re-add it. I loved my key ring.
People are getting keys and the keyring is not being added so it’s not an issue of people not having keys.
It does not work for every single key. If they have indeed acquired one of the keys listed earlier in this thread then I will be disappointed if Blizzard doesn’t fix it.