Bruh, dunno why you feel the need to try arguing. Thread asked if people switched factions. I did so I posted and felt like sharing why with OP rather than just saying “I went from Alliance to Horde”.
You saying you I’m wrong with how I’ve viewed the expansion so far isn’t gonna make me go back to Alliance nor change my experience. We disagree and that is okay.
i mean, you replied to me with an argument about why what i said was bogus and i in turn told you why yours is bogus- its how things in this forums usually go
No it made me switch MMOs after realizing it was going to be another expansion of Night Elves only ever getting attention as slaughter fodder for the Horde and a stepping stool for Humans to be propped up on because “muh human potential.”
Lol no. I honestly don’t get the claim that these people are out of character, or that the Horde is now worse than it ever was.
Also, the Iron Horde doesn’t retcon the Orcs as “naturally evil.” What? Garrosh convinces them to conquer (not evil), and it’s also a plot of Wrathion to unify the planet (not evil). (Or, one could argue these things are “evil” but it’s not objectively the case. Not everyone grants the same moral axioms.)
My main motivation in game is raiding with my guild. So although I much prefer the Alliance story right now, I won’t faction change. If/when raiding dries up, I’ll just unsure like I did for most of WoD.
I actually started as an Alliance main, back in the day. I only changed when Horde paladins became possible and this character, who started as an alt, wound up in a guild that was really active while my Alliance guild sort of faded away.
But up until WoD, I would play both factions on this toon, faction switching in the latter part of the expansion so I could experience the entire Alliance story.
The only time I hear anyone mention this is players complaining about it. I don’t think they’ve ever indicated at all that humans have this ‘human potential’ thing.
And the only other mediums, that I can remember, that dwelt on this was Dragonball Z when they said that half-Saiyans could potentially be more powerful than full-blooded Saiyans, which ended up being untrue, and Mass Effect, where humans were observably more brash and quick to adapt because they were resilliant and something about short life spans.
Might be worth another thread but where does this 'MuH hUmAn PoTeNtIaL" complaint come from?
Am I so distressed over a vidya game that I have to renounce allegiance to a faction? NO! This game recognizes my superior human heritage over these lesser beings. Every time something attacks humanity we always beat them back. That is the Blizzard way.
It comes from character like Shandris never getting any attention and then when she finally does her first step into the spotlight is the play up how amazing Keeshan is who only came into being in Cata and was nothing more than a bad mix of Fight Club and Rambo references. They turned the General of the Sentinel Army into nothing more than a Cheerleader for a Human joke character who sadly enough was the only one aware that his life was worth less than the three sentinels that Shandris lost to the San’layn.
It comes from Wolfheart and “A Little Patience” where we’re told and shown that Kaldorei, including their leader, are nothing but damsels to be saved by the all mighty Human’s and their King.
It’s 3 Leaders that are all over ten thousand years old at least, a council of three of the most experienced dwarves, The King of the Gnomes aka their best and brightest Engineer, and a whole host of Allied Leaders all bowing down to the Wisdom of a Boy thrusted upon the throne after his Father’s death who’s barely old enough to file his own taxes.
I don’t know if you play any Alliance character to get both sides of the story. But Human Potential is the only story building that the Alliance ever gets. If it’s not Anduin then it’s Jaina if it’s not Jaina then it’s probably some Human Paladin that came out of no where for a bit. The writing team for Alliance stories are incapable of writing about anything other than how amazing Humans are.
So the human potential thing is not something given direct attention in the story and something you’re projecting onto it because the Night Elves aren’t central enough in the story for your liking.
Most of your post was about Shandris and Kaldorei being cheer leaders damsels. It’s pretty clear that those are the things you’re most angry about.
There’s a difference between humans as central characters and the notion that humans are inherently special. So I ask again, where did Blizzard explicitly state “humans are special” like Mass Effect and Dragon Ball did?
Are you incapable of reading between the lines or does everything need to be spelled out for you in big flashing neon letters in order for you to accept it as part of reality? Blizzard isn’t going to admit to their own ineptitude.
I don’t care what you read between the lines and what you think I should.
Human potential is not exactly an uncommon staple for fantasy or sci-fi genres and Blizzard has absolutely no reason to try and cloak it. It’s not ineptitude on its own to include it or not to, it’s just a trope. So if they’re not building the story around it, it’s probably because it isn’t actually there.
And how is the Alliance story, basically since Vanilla WoW, not proof that they’re building the story around it? When has any expansion that’s focused on the factions not been human centered when it comes to the Alliance?
From areally, really gross line said by Shandris regarding Rambo Keeshan -I mean when one beloved but under utilized character is portrayed kissing the proverbial behind of a joke character just because the last one happens to be human in a human centric focused faction you can expect to get serious backslash… I´m with the Nelf fans here: that line WAS disgusting, I´m happy devs got it removed cause Shandris deserves SO much better than to follow on the steps of the Windrunner nutjobs.