Did the BFA Story Make You Change Faction?

I’m right there with you, except that doing the Alliance quests felt like I was being stabbed in the back. Ion, at the beginning of this expansion, said it was a problem if you felt like you chose the wrong faction. But that’s exactly how they’ve written this. The Alliance are always correct, every single time. They’re always heroes. And the Horde is always evil, dubious, and a villain.

It hecking sucks.



Ive personally played both factions since Vanilla, but definitely felt a push from Garrosh to leave the Horde. However I did keep up with the story on a Tauren druid and I feel that even though they have the worse leader writing, their smaller characters get some of the best and its made me think of other character ideas.

I checked it out years ago and found it reasonably good. The artwork is pretty; I found the gameplay clunkier than WoW, but that was a few years back. I am perhaps too much of a Tolkien purist for it, though (seriously, I was bothered by the use of the word “sellsword”).

OMG, yes. I always want to slap him when he makes that crack about troll paladins as they enter Dazar’alor. So arrogant.


Yes, it did. I do not enjoy getting bludgeoned with the villain bat and I don’t find the Horde story enjoyable at all. This is the first expansion I’ve switched mains over to my Demon Hunter.


To be fair, he didn’t say it in a “oh the light belongs to humanity” way. I way took it, Shaw literally never saw a troll pala before- its nowhere near the level of trollbane calling eitrigg a blackblood or Genn going “the only good undead…” previosuly

It wasn’t a crack at troll paladins, he was just surprised they existed. “Troll Paladins? Now i’ve seen it all.” Is not an insult to troll paladins, he’s stating his surprise at learning of their existence. I don’t know why people see that as an insult, who wouldn’t be surprised to see something like a Troll paladin? It’s almost as outlandish as a goblin Druid or Draenei warlock.


Yep, this. I can’t faction change because my character IS an orc; I wouldn’t bother to keep playing him if I had to race change him, I’d just roll and boost someone else. And I’m loyal to THIS character, not the Horde, or the story, and so playing as one of my alts isn’t nearly as fun for me. That said, I’ve spent a lot more time on my Alliance alts in BfA, and I agree, it just reinforces my disgust at how terrible the Horde story is. You get to feel epic and awesome in the Alliance story; over on Horde side, you get to choose between embracing evil or being a coward who goes along with it anyway.

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The story did not make me change factions. Like many people who ultimately did, it almost made me stop playing all together, though.

Like Draegar, I am loyal to my own characters that I have invested my time in (I have 103 exalted reputations on this character) more than I am to the Alliance or the Horde. But after Cataclysm I did connect with the Night Elves, so I do say now that I main Alliance more than just because my friend plays Alliance. However, BfA has made me put aside my Horde alts, as I’ve posted before, I won’t be doing any of BfA’s Horde side story content and I won’t be logging onto any of my Horde characters until I can get around that.


No, no matter how bad it gets and if two factions exists, I’ll remain Horde.

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Huh what? that “Revenge” was for basically Sylvanas just strolling over to Gilneas and trying massacre the Gilneans while they were getting hit by the cataclysm so basically she was kicking them when they were already down. and then proceeds to kill their prince so pretty much genn’s revenge is justified. And to add to this she burns teldrasil inturn killing innocent night elves and once again displacing the Gilneans. Would you say the same if the night elves attacked orgrimar? that it was just simply revenge and it wasn’t justified and to your “alliance suffered no consequence” well they already suffered a massive loss in Gilneas. That is why Genn did not kill sylvanas in stormhiem he could have easily taken darius and ivar and teamed up on sylvanas but instead he destroyed the lantern that would give her control over the valkyr knowing that the legion is a greater threat and killing her would instantly bring a war that Azeroth could not afford at that moment.


Why do people always talk like Sylvanas invaded Gilneas solo and out of a clear blue sky? All she did was take over the invasion that Garrosh had already started. Which, let’s be clear, you can and should still be mad about, because it was still unprovoked. But make sure you put the blame for starting it where it belongs.

Also, hitting your enemy when they’re weak is a time-honored real-world tactic. It means you have to expend fewer of your own soldiers’ lives in taking the target.


It’s really easy to rationalize how it wasn’t unprovoked.

It’s easy to consider that Gilneas’ decision to remain isolationist during the Third War might’ve contributed to the accelerated fall of Lordaeron agains the Scourge. While it’s not likely, maybe Gilnean intervention would’ve turned the war, or even reduce casualties.

Some Forsaken still have bad blood over the absence of the Gilneans when things went south. Invasion by the Forsaken could be considered payback.

It’s a lot of hoops to jump through, but it wasn’t entirely unprovoked. Not in the sense that Gilneas didn’t bring it upon their doorstep by spurning a fellow kingdom in a significant way.


Well yeah, in that sense, few wars are entirely unprovoked. But in this case, there wasn’t a specific incident that kicked off that particular round of hostilities. Garrosh just decided that he wanted a port and that theirs was the best target.

Sure. The Forsaken were waiting for their excuse.

According to Chronicles, yeah. But the thing that made them actually get up and march to Gilneas was Garrosh’s decision to invade, not anything new that the Gilneans did.

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Faction change? No, never.

However it did make me level the three 110 Alliance characters I had to 120 so I could take a break from villain bat simulator 2019.

Don’t get me wrong though, I still play my Horde characters a lot. However, it does help to have a contingency plan in place.


To be fair, Valkrowzer didn’t say it was solo? In fact, I don’t think anyone really has. But mostly it’s considered now not to be just because Garrosh forced her to because of World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume III, Page 201:

    Gilneas had escaped invasion from outside forces due to the massive Greymane Wall on its northern border. But that had changed with the Cataclysm. Earthquakes had shattered part of the wall, leaving Gilneas vulnearble.

    Garrosh Hellscream was not the only member of the Horde who desired Gilneas. Sylvanas Windrunner was eager to bring the kingdom under her dominion. She convinced Garrosh to give her control over the invasion force, and she led the Horde’s rampage through the isolated nation.

Nowadays people bring it up as it justifies Genn’s attack on Sylvanas in Legion.

Gilneas was also not an enemy of the Horde at the time. Short of considering anyone you can attack at any given time you decide an enemy, I suppose.

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He implied that the decision to attack Gilneas was hers and hers alone when he said she “just strolled over and tried to massacre the Gilneans.” That’s the kind of wording that annoys me because it leaves out Garrosh’s role. It is imprecise at best.

I’m aware of the partial retcon in Chronicles, but even there, it doesn’t say when Sylvanas convinced Garrosh to give her control of the invasion force.

“Enemy” in the sense that they’re on the other side of the battle, not in the sense of someone who has wronged you.

It forced me to go Horde. Because the overall experience is just that much better to me

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