Did some people not get the new mount?

I mean, of course you can complain all the time, and about everything. It just makes you awful. No big.

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If you look at my post history, I most definitely do not complain all the time. But fire your baseless accusations away, little fox

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I apologize, I thought for a hot new York minute that it wudnt apply to inactive accounts. Reading is as crucial as comprehension… That was oop on my part.

I mean you can, it just makes you look like a Karen having grievances about free stuff you’re gonna get soon.

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Time gated

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Perhaps they’re just frustrated over the lack of communication? It’s constantly piss-poor and people get tired of it.


In other words, they are making sure the Streamers and Raiders are receiving it and the rest of us will wait a few months!

Actually, your statement makes you look like an entitled Karen who probably already got I and is giggling because most others didn’t.


Im ok with others getting it before me. If the option is half get it now and half later or everyone later, i choose half now. Dont have mine, but happy for those that do. Mine will come

I have not gotten the new mount.

k fair call sorry.

I have already writen my complain post if I don’t get my mount tomorrow(European account). Now I am writing my complain post for making me waste my time writing a complain post in case I receive the mount on time.

Well good for you, I think its asinine and just lazy implimentation through blizz, as we know all too well it would be nothing for them to give everyone a mount account wide. They did it perfectly with the horde chopper before


no mount but pre-ordered shadowlands and have a 6 month sub. very typical and super frustrating.

Programmatically, its different to use a find and insert (in a database) for those that only match a particular criteria, than to insert into all that match a large group criteria. Horde choppers were given to ALL Horde. It seems here they are trying to micromanage only those accounts who have purchased SL which is entirely different…indexing wise, its oranges and apples and takes significantly more processing power to do. Which is likely why they’re staggering it.


And they instead said everyone would get it at the patch, not days after the patch…so others have to wait because they didn’t get the hidden check mark on their account

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You don’t have a mammoth or coalfist gromling? Lul

Make a ticket.

That made me laugh! Thanks


I didnt but idc anyways its dumb .

They’re still using 1960’s punch cards and sending things in batch.