Did Smolderon.... *spoiler*

Get the Vol’jin treatment? I mean he was the firelord for two seconds and we killed him and Fyrakk came down and drained his essence. So is he dead dead?


What is it about the for elementals that just wanna have power?

Cause the 5th one (spirit) was consumed by azeroth’s world soul so in fear of meeting the same fate they gather power in hopes of avoiding the same fate.

They’re killing him to bring back ragnaros as firelord. Feels pretty bad, I liked smolderon lol

I have a feeling they might bring back ragnaros since Metzen is back

As cliche as it is, I would not mind a return of Ragnaros.

He’s a very iconic villain in WoW.

WoW needs more villains who exist as part of the story without being killed the second they’re introduced.


I do agree with that.

Sounds like it’s in keeping with tradition. Sen’jin getting rocked by Murlocs during, what, the second mission he’s introduced in WC3? :confused:

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The better question is where are the Elemental Lords while these incarnates claim the power of the elements. Who gave it to them? Someone must have infused them.

But as with everything, this expansion’s story is just as bad as Shadowland’s half-baked concepts.

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Rag pt 3 let’s go.


Smolderon only cared about power, he didn’t care about us.

He made a deal with us to become king, we helped him defeat rivals.

He then made a deal with fyrakk thinking that was a good play.

Power hungry leads to bad decisions, shocker.

I vote for Kel’Thuzad. Screw the mangled mess they gave us in SL.

You can have quite a lot of fun with eternal liches that just hangs around being obviously evil but not aggressive enough to have to be dealt with, least not in our characters life time. (Like Palawa Joko in Guild Wars)


KT for president? Ok got it he got my vote.

Smolderon has been firelord since legion when shamans did the whole “uniting the elements” class hall campaign and got him that big spear he’s using.


There just won’t be a Firelord. We’re totally gonna hijack that ritual to make him a Lightlord to fight Super Mu’ru in Midnight. Then when he predictably betrays us we’ll cut out his heart to make Sunwell 3.0.

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I feel cheated. My order hall campaign meant nothing. He could’ve been a cool ally. Ragnaros is one dimensional, they didn’t have to make Smolderon one dimensional too. Therazane is nowhere, Neptulon is nowhere, Smolderon disappeared years ago and now randomly appears in a raid as a loot pinata. This is stupid. I don’t even remember who took over for Al’Akir because he may as well not exist as well. Blizz does the elementals dirty so many times.

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Ya, no, Hearthstone isn’t canon to WoW.

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I defy them to make a dumber name than Smolderon.

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I thought they had to be destroyed on their own plane of existence. I mean I guess technically the firelands are leaking through if understand it right so maybe he does die.

Considering Vol’jin got infused with a Loa’s power to become a Loa himself someday… I don’t think so.
