Did Shadowlands reward system fail?

I’ve logged on to some drama in guild chat, half the guildies quiting because raid barely drops any loot, and those that do m+ hit a wall where they only get upgrades from vault, and most don’t like pvp and feel like they’re forced to do it. There’s discussions on currencies for content that you can spend for loot and stuff, but all in all, current system doesn’t seem satisfying.

Is your experience similar, or is it sunshine and roses in your guild?


It’s funny you post this - most of the people in my guild just quit this week. They either went back to classic WoW, or are just hanging around playing other games.


I’m not sure that It’s a question of if it has failed but more of how badly has it failed.

11 raid bosses 4 m+ and 2 world bosses in the last 2 weeks and 1 trinket to show for it all


The loot system is very disheartening. I’m not sure who sat down and said “this is it, this is the perfect loot system for shadowlands”, but they should be fired.


my guild is pretty casual. Those that complain about the reduced loot drop rates are still playing, and I dont see them slowing down.

I have definitely hit a wall, and I’m trying to break this wall with pvp. Not necessarily enjoying myself for sure. I’ve been forced to enjoy other aspects of the game, like, herb farming haha.


If you’re a big PVPer, and playing a strong class/spec, then the reward system is pretty good.

And/or if you are a PvE player who does a ton of PVP, so you’re geared from the pvp, then it’s okay.

But pure pve? It’s pretty barren.


Whoever designed the reward system should get a pay drought just like the anima and gear drought.


Yeah, it’s all around bad.

Nerfing loot gains in mythic+ was a big mistake. It’s going to be a dead zone very shortly here. Barely anyone will be doing it. It’s all ready the case for most keys between 10-13. People looking to get into 14-15’s but nobody cares at all about 10-13.


Yes, the reward systems for shadowlands were terrible failures. I’m not only talking about loot though. Grinds in shadowlands are ridiculous, and the rewards from them are terrible in comparison. Half my group has quit already mainly due to the time gates.

As far as the vault, I’m not quite 200 ilvl yet, and I’ve taken the stygia “reward” from it for 2 weeks now, because I didnt have an upgrade in it.


I tried doing a start up raid guild for SL…it imploded…


I would certainly say it failed.

First it failed when I wanted to focus on a spec that Blizz decided to not support (I foolishly focused on Arcane initially and not Fire).

Then it failed because then I needed time to re-gear and try to catch up, but by then I’d already missed the general push from the main crowd, so now pugging is a bit of a nightmare.

So trying to pug M+ or Raids is an exceedingly toxic adventure of insanity, one which I don’t see the point of subjecting myself to.

And thus, I’m inspired to skip it, lol. Instead I’ve been focusing on Loremaster achievements and old professions. At least with those there is a fun process that has clear, well defined and enjoyable rewards.

Once I’m caught up with all of that, I’ll likely take a break from the game and try again later. Maybe the next big patch, we’ll see.


Yes, people should lose their jobs because of a subjective view point.
Forget being able to support yourself and your family, you made some neckbeard upset over video game loot and now you should be fired for it!


PvP’s system sure didn’t fail but PvE’s is an absolute disaster that needs to be fixed as soon as 9.1 is a twinkle in Daddy Ion’s eye.

It’s genuinely one of the only gripes I have with what is otherwise a fantastic expansion but it is a huge blemish on said expansion.


Strongly agree. I got 1800 rating (not huge, but 220 gear) and half my gear is from PvP, despite having 100 m+ runs, half being 10-15. M+ and raid is pretty barren loot-wise as you say.

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Yes my guide also died cuz people didn’t feel like playing anymore.


Covenant Gear will end up 275+ There will be a raid based on the remaining three covenants. Night Fae will be the last one.

Of course it has failed.

I only ever do M+, and my only possible source of upgrades at this point is the weekly vault. M+ aren’t worth doing anymore aside from filling up the vault. M+ quickly transformed from a fun activity into a weekly chore, and this chore is a real time sink.

Do you have any idea how long it takes to do 10 M+ runs? Assuming no leavers wasting keys and an average run time of 35 mins, it takes about 6 hours of M+ to fill up the vault. That doesn’t even take into account the time required to form the group or for people to actually get to the dungeon entrance. Now consider the fact that raiders are expected to invest this amount of time in M+ in addition to their normal raid times (12+ hours combined if raiding 3 hours a day on 2 days per week), and you have a perfect recipe for burnout. I pity those who try to maximize all 3 slots of all 3 rows. The game becomes a job, especially when you throw in daily maw quests and callings.

The worst part is the vault likes to generate duplicates of items I already have. I’ve already had a week where none of the 226 choices were upgrades, and it will only become a more frequent occurrence as more gear slots are filled. If I’m not getting any rewards from any content, then why would I bother with the content?

The grinds and the vault have driven off most of my friends and guildies to other games. They’re all either playing bunny ladies and cat daddies in FF, or they’re killing stuff in PoE.

I hate to admit it, but titanforging was one of the major things keeping M+ alive. Without it, running M+ is worthless aside from the vault. I have no doubt it will eventually be brought back. However, I would suggest a limit to the amount an item can titanforge. +13 ilvl max titanforge (one raid difficulty level) with items being unable to titanforge above mythic raid ilvl level should be enough to address most of the complaints about it from legion and BFA.


Titanforging was bad idea from get-go, because when u get regular drop it doesn’t feel as good.

What would work for m+, is scaling it up even higher.
+15 should be 213 drops at this point, +16 216 +18 220 and so on.

Or just… bring back 3 drops per run so people can actually play alts without going “Oh… I have to grind all those dungs again?”


Look. Maybe where you work you don’t have to do your job but in the real world when you are paid to do ‘x’ and you instead lose the company millions of dollars, they generally aren’t very happy.


I think they should go back to a currency system like we had back in Wrath, where you could eventually just go buy the gear pieces you needed if they never drop for you. I do like how each piece of gear means that much more now, because there’s no longer a loot piñata throwing gear out like candy… I mean, when’s the last time anyone even knew the name of any piece of gear they’re wearing/farming to get? Sure, they could make the loot drop just a little more often or have some kind of bad luck protection so nobody goes weeks of raiding emptyhanded, but please for the love of all that is good in the world, don’t go back to the piñata system. If they don’t increase the drops whatsover, at least give players the chance to accumulate badges so they can go buy what they need.