Did not receive mount reward for completing trading post tasks

This happened to me this morning. Completed the trading post 1000/1000 and I didn’t get any notification or quest to go back to the trading post. I go to check the chest and I’m unable to interact with it.

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Same completed and no mount tried logging out for 15-20 minutes nothing again.

Same problem here, completed travelers log and was prompted to go to the trading post chest and loot my “items”. Only received 300 Trader’s Tender and no mount. Very disappointing.

Tossing in my own “full 1k, complete, no mount”.

One of the steps kept completing then clearing. When I hit 1k, I checked the chest, got a few coins and no mount. Logged in another character, and it stated I was 800/1000. So I completed another objective because one was buggy. Hit 1k again. No chest, no mount, no coins.

Tried the log out and back in. Was offline for hours. Came back, no mount, no chest, no coins. Decided to log out out Battle.net and was offline for a day. No chest, no mount, no coins.

And now the Trading Post is saying I’m 0/1000. Rather annoying, but I understand bugs can happen. Just throwing my own mess into the mix so that it is counted as another with the issue.

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I wouldn’t of even cared if the trading post just got delayed a little longer, maybe 10.0.7? But releasing it in its current state was a bad idea, hopefully everyone(me included) can be given our mount we earned… And now my guide is showing 0/1000 after completing the 1000 yesterday. Come on blizz, you had just started redeeming yourself with DF.


Same here. There’s a quick animation that shows I’ve completed the 1000/1000 pts, but the mount hasn’t been awarded. Same experience on all of my characters.

yea same here, filled the bar and cant loot the chest

Changing post to use my main.

Adding myself as affected by this bug. Yesterday I completed one task that should have earned me 100 tender, but the chest was unlootable. Today when I logged in I still couldn’t loot the chest. I completed two tasks in the last hour that got me to 1000/1000, but the chest is still unlootable and didn’t award me the mount. So now I’m missing 300 tender and the mount.

Hopefully Blizzard is tracking character discrepancies internally to refund missed tender and items.

Also adding myself as being affected by this bug. I’ve also tried logging out for about 15-20minutes or so, and was still unable to loot the chest. No mount still. And I’m back to 0/1000 points.

Update: Reset back to 0/1000 logged out for several hours. Same result.

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I’ve tried logging out for an entire day and I’m still not able to loot the reward chest for the trading post even after getting 1000/1000. The chest doesn’t glow or anything, but it says all rewards have been claimed

Same here, been hours since I got the 1000/1000, now everything is reset and at 0/1000, no mount, no currency. Blizzard, fix yo junk!

hit 1,000 (after realizing i had to do the sojourner of waking shores in order to get the full 200 for optional waking shores ) hit 1,000 got he achievement and tried logging in and out 15 min. then 30. Finally i logged in after 4 hours and my counter is back to 1,000 for the trading post…wtfh

I also didn’t receive my mount or my points… and the worst, when I completed the score, I went to orgrimmar to get the ash’adar mount and I didn’t have any chest to get. I logged out of the game and when I logged in my points bar had restarted. Damn the blizzard is slutty.

it has been doing this to me as well, yesterday got 1000/1000 says that I can go collect, well it only gives me 100 coins…ok, logged out over night, logged back in the next day, well it says I was only 850/1000…ok…got the last 150 I needed, says I can go claim, guess what its not there. Logged out for a few hours says its still not there…what is going on!?

I have not received the mount, nor have I been able to loot the chest for ANY coins since the first day (with the original amount everyone received. Support has a message that says there is no need to submit a support ticket as they “believe” no credit, nor mount is actually lost. Just MIA, I guess.

Just completed it. Opened chest and received my tokens but no mount. Logged out and back in and still nothing.

Next morning, nearly 21 hours after I completed, still no mount or tender… The amount of issues is astounding.

I too did not receive the mount even after being logged for more than 12 hours. Wonder how long it will take for them to get this to work properly. Why is retail becoming PTR?

Same, says all rewards are claimed. I’ll be really upset if I don’t get the mount…