Moving things wherever, toggle things on and off…THINGS THAT ADDONS HAD FIGURED OUT A DECADE AGO…
Pretty basic stuff. We were not asking for anything fancy. Most people would have been content with the BASIC level of customization that can be brought with the Bartender addon, nevermind things like ElvUI’s ability to completely overhaul every aspect of the entire ui…
You had to make people BEG for more than five bars.
Bags are still busted, no fixes from Beta to PTR nor from PTR to Live. Again, the most basica of addons solved these problems over a decade ago.
The point I am trying to make, is that people are asking for basic, SUPER BASIC, features that are pretty much the industry standard, and almost all of which are currently being done better by a bunch of randoms on the internet, who are doing it for funsies.
People were asking for some basic things like:
- Being able to lock individual items in your bags, instead of having to lock out an entire bag for a few items, you could lock a few items to a specific bag.
- Being able to toggle any bar on/off.
*Being able to actually move UI features, like the Mini-menu at the bottom right being absolutely unchanging and immovable. - Allowing us to move things like the dungeon finder icon back to the mini-map. Why is it down there where my mini-menu is? Where I am going to be forced to put my bars since I can’t move the mini-menu. Lots of people were pleading for that one.
I can keep going, but frankly it would be wasted time at this point.
Why do we have to beg so hard to get the most basic of features? Things that have been solved for over a decade at this point.
Things that people have been pretty vocal about in the beta testing and in the PTR testing as well…
Things that should have never went live without being fixed, and that are obviously easy to impliment since there are already implemented versions in the form of addons.
Was that not the whole point of all this UI work? Was it not to make it so that people could have fewer addons?
So far, you can’t even replace Bartender, literally THE smallest UI-management adddon that I can think of, that works with your bars specifically. And Bagnon, the most basic bag addon, still has about 75% more features.
I thinks are probably wild beyond anything people can imagine…but come on, basic stuff here, as proven by the fact that some of these solutions have existed since, what? Vanilla?