Did NOT listen to the feedback about the UI

Moving things wherever, toggle things on and off…THINGS THAT ADDONS HAD FIGURED OUT A DECADE AGO…

Pretty basic stuff. We were not asking for anything fancy. Most people would have been content with the BASIC level of customization that can be brought with the Bartender addon, nevermind things like ElvUI’s ability to completely overhaul every aspect of the entire ui…

You had to make people BEG for more than five bars.
Bags are still busted, no fixes from Beta to PTR nor from PTR to Live. Again, the most basica of addons solved these problems over a decade ago.

The point I am trying to make, is that people are asking for basic, SUPER BASIC, features that are pretty much the industry standard, and almost all of which are currently being done better by a bunch of randoms on the internet, who are doing it for funsies.

People were asking for some basic things like:

  • Being able to lock individual items in your bags, instead of having to lock out an entire bag for a few items, you could lock a few items to a specific bag.
  • Being able to toggle any bar on/off.
    *Being able to actually move UI features, like the Mini-menu at the bottom right being absolutely unchanging and immovable.
  • Allowing us to move things like the dungeon finder icon back to the mini-map. Why is it down there where my mini-menu is? Where I am going to be forced to put my bars since I can’t move the mini-menu. Lots of people were pleading for that one.

I can keep going, but frankly it would be wasted time at this point.
Why do we have to beg so hard to get the most basic of features? Things that have been solved for over a decade at this point.

Things that people have been pretty vocal about in the beta testing and in the PTR testing as well…
Things that should have never went live without being fixed, and that are obviously easy to impliment since there are already implemented versions in the form of addons.

Was that not the whole point of all this UI work? Was it not to make it so that people could have fewer addons?

So far, you can’t even replace Bartender, literally THE smallest UI-management adddon that I can think of, that works with your bars specifically. And Bagnon, the most basic bag addon, still has about 75% more features.

I thinks are probably wild beyond anything people can imagine…but come on, basic stuff here, as proven by the fact that some of these solutions have existed since, what? Vanilla?


The new UI is hideous. Absolute garbage!


Maybe im just not as picky as others, but I am enjoying the new hud. It’s much better than it used to be, even if it’s not completely customizable.


Controversial opinion but bartender has a lot of settings that most people don’t even use or know how to use.

This is meant to be basic. Bartender is still there if you want that level of customization.


I’d really like quest NPC not to have a neon yellow glow or giant sparkles. I can see the already large yellow question/exclamation points over their heads just fine.


I had to laugh when it turned out I can’t move the quest text window. Like this ui editor is more feature bare than what was available with addons fifteen years ago. It’s so weird.


Yeah I’m still sticking with it. Hopefully that by having more basic things be baselined that addons won’t have as much overhead as before.

Pathetic UI,

It’s a halfbaked early version of some of the popular addons (cough…elvui) and even then they can’t even do the basic right.

And don’t get me started on the convulated mess of a talent tree

I get it they need to cater the basic UI user, but for the love of Thrall it’s 2022 you’d think a revamp 20 years down the making would be something more than simply Elvui v. 2.0


I think you are looking for a replacement for UI addons and Ion made it VERY CLEAR in several interviews the new UI is NOT a replacement to those add-ons, its to give a better overall experience to the out-of-the-box UI that players see when first playing if you want a more detailed and feature-rich UI then, by all means, stick with the addons. That doesn’t mean improvements can’t be made to the new UI but its certainly nothing to get all jumped up over and rant about lol


Well, it’s a small indie company, all they could do is hire a high school intern for the ui design…

It’s not like they have millions of dollars and look at other ui’s from different games to get a better understanding of how things should look and feel…

Oh wait


I am looking for a complete replacement that scraps this ugliness away and gives me what I had yesterday. Its a game killer for me. Have already unsubed and will not be buying this expansion or any others based on this UI.


Yeah you are one of those people that hates change…congrats and enjoy your new game somewhere else.

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Is there any way to move that Dungeon Finder eyeball right in the middle of your screen when your queued?

“Edit Mode” doesn’t allow me to move it. Its really annoying.

Looks like Bartender has it classified as “Queue Status”.
I can move it via Bartender when unticking “Lock” within the add-on.

Not sure what the point of the UI customization Blizzard implemented is, when Bartender still does it way better. Blizzards version of it is too limiting.


How hard would it be to let people have the UI the same as it was. They literally have a preset called “Classic” and all it does is move your personal icon back to the top. A preset already loaded to look very similar to the old UI would have been a good idea. No one’s against them prettying it up a bit but like it’s the mentality that “You think you want this but what you really want is” attitude.


I don’t use them either.
I am talking about literally just the most basic functions, like moving the mini-ui.

Talking about customization, you are likely thinking of ElvEUi, which is a complete overhaul of the UI as a whole, where as Bartender just lets you move the most basic elements, like your bars and interface menus. That’s it. Sure, you can do a BIT more, but not much.

which is all people are asking for. Just a bit.

Pretty sure that is Outline mode. As for the quest icons, I think its just what they look like now. Fairly certain those are just optional visual aides.

Yeah. That’s all I am saying. Not asking for miracles, just the bare minimum effort.

That was the stated intent of the UI changes, but as I said the same thing as you before lol. I want fewer addons as well.
Not that I use a whole lot of them, but if they could put it together with this UI nonsense, then I could literally get rid of 1 of my whopping 5 addons lol.
Just add in a genuinely good damage meter, then I would only have DBM and Auctioneer and pawn to help me keep my gear in order. OH yeah, I also use Gathermate…getherer? one of em…

Honestly, all they need to do to replace bartender is to make the mini-menu movable.

Also, it seems I was slightly misinformed about their Ions corpo speak, but it still means the same thing. Verbally, he says they don’t want to replace those addons, but corpo double speak really means “we will just make our ui changes as close to certain things as possible without quite being the same. It might as well be, but its clearly not the same”

just like DoTA did to Blizzard, Blizzard wants to do to addon authors. They are a business, first and foremost. Any illusion you might be under as to the contrary, is exactly that. An illusion of an enchantment, providing no real benefit…

or like other companies keep taking ideas from Blizzard and doing them better (Dota, League, FF14) somehow…and with far less money and fewer staff.

If you had unsubbed, you wouldn’t have been able to post. Nice try, but we will be seeing you around. Enjoy your time in Outland, and make sure you are prepared…

Edit mode is lacking in its editing capabilities, isn’t it?

But again, the whole point is just some basic features that are literally just intentionally not being put in.

Also, forget replacing the mod authors…JUST HIRE THEM, AND MAKE THEM AN OFFER THAT THEY CAN’T REFUSE…

But what do I know, I only use to work in corporate acquisitions at EA…I know a thing or two about bad ideas
Not hiring talent, and paying them whatever it takes to keep them there, is a bad idea.


Pretty sure that is a bug, it should appear to the left of your mini-menu on the bottom right

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I found the outline mode but when you turn off the yellow glow then all the quest NPC’s sparkle and I cannot find a way to get rid of the sparkles other than disabling particle effects which well disables stuff I do want to see. So if there is a check box for I don’t want sparkle NPC’s someone tell me where it is cause I can’t find it.


Interesting. Thanks for the input.
Maybe its conflicting with Bartender then.

I could try disabling and see what happens, but for now, I’ve moved it to my desired location with Bartender.

You can unsub and still have game time . so yes he mite of .


But was it honestly a good change? Do you think this is something that took tons of effort and work to create? Because it’s not, and nobody asked for this. And for a company that makes millions of dollars in revenue it’s really pathetic.