Did it For Whitney is comprised of a core group of players who have been raiding together since WoD. That core participated in multiple top 100 raid clears, and applies that experience to support the current raid effort.
In Shadowlands the guild became casual for the first tier. We quickly came to learn we did not enjoy raiding with that mindset. As a result we’ve been rebuilding since then with the intent to take raiding more serious, but still maintaining a relaxed and lighthearted raid.
From our raiders we expect full enchants and t3 consumables (except augment runes) to be raid ready. Raiders are also expected to have fill vault for the first few weeks of a tier, but this retirement relaxes as the raid progresses. Come to raids researched and prepared for the upcoming boss fights.
Raid Times:
Tuesday - 9:00 - 12:00 EST
Wednesday - 9:00 - 12:00 EST
Thursday - 9:00 - 12:00 EST
During farm times we cut out Thursdays.
Current roster in need of DPS and Healers. No quality player will be overlooked. If you are interested in joining please inquire on BNET: MayorJuevos#1615, Discord: Tiv#0243