Multi Class raider LF CE Guild/Family

Hello everyone, like many others, I am returning to the game for The War Within and am eager to join a CE guild that also shares a passion for Mythic+. I am seeking a competitive yet sociable guild that values efficiency without sacrificing camaraderie and enjoyment. Living on the west coast, I am available for raids after 7pm PST on weekdays; weekends are less preferable due to family commitments, though I can be flexible. I am well diverse with most classes and have played them competitively which makes me a versatile player. While I took a break from the game, I have maintained my characters (leveling/podcast/RTWF/general knowledge) to stay engaged. Currently, none of my characters are “raid-ready” as I am just returning and recognize each guild has its own recruitment criteria, but I do have 19 level 70 characters both Horde and Alliance. I am keen to play what I enjoy while also meeting the guild’s needs (open discussion). I am proficient in all roles and have achieved Cutting Edge in three out of four (excluding the new support role, Aug). For the remainder of this season, I plan to focus on Mythic+ and familiarizing myself again, but once geared, I am committed to contributing to guild progress. Ultimately, my goal is to find a supportive community where I can enjoy logging in, improve with each session, and forge lasting friendships.
Raiding History:

-I maintained CE all the way up until Battle for Azeroth when I officially quit raiding as well as some server first kills from prior top 10 US raiding (Verified by achievements).

-Generally, I maintain a 90%+ percentile Mythic raid log.

-I raided in AK known as Arathian Knights on Hyjal for the majority of that time which then was a sub top 10 US guild all the way up to Legion. I was an officer and MDPS lead.

-I moved to Resistance US ~200 (sister guild) with my raid leader to help them finish progression/CE. I became an officer and recruitment lead for my duration there. I helped put resistance on their feet prior to departing on good terms for a more competitive scene.

-I joined Warpath World ~100 shortly after and raided two tiers with them before quitting from burnout. I sought to go back to AK but found out that they mutually disbanded so I stopped raiding completely and pushed into M+.

-In BFA I achieved sub 50 US while playing Rogue, Sub 20 US while playing Warlock, and Sub 100 US while playing Blood DK. Shadowlands consisted of Resto Shaman and Brewmaster Monk keys where I fluctuated within top 5 on server (KJ) and within the top 1k world for both specs. I then took a long break from hardcore gaming and became a casual gamer while juggling real life and work (Masters degree, deployments, birth of children).




Lastly, I aspire to grow into a leadership role within the guild, as I believe it aligns well with my personality and character. As a Marine Corps officer, I derive immense satisfaction from supporting others and tackling challenges head-on. I aim to contribute my leadership experience while remaining open to feedback/learning, emphasizing problem-solving, adaptability, unwavering commitment, dedication, and fostering mutual respect. I look forward to connecting with you and wish you the best in your current endeavors with progression, recruitment, or downtime.

Contact information:
Discord: knucks (add _ before and after)
In-game: Knucks#11121

1 Like

All the way up to the top

up up up up up and away

gimmie knucks bro

Top of the list

bumpppp 4 free

Thank you for the guilds I have been in discussion with on discord. Still looking and keeping options open to make sure I find my forever home

Bumping thread

When in doubt, look intelligent.

All the way up to the top

Smile and wave boys

cherry pepsi w/ ice

Keeping options open for the week. Still looking, appreciate everyone

Bumps. not talking STD, Goose, or drugs

Bump 4 the night

To the top. Good morning

Good afternoon :smiley:

bumps for knucks

wild M+ changes on beta

Remix def. secured some gamers