I like to try and discover game secrets, and a few months ago, I think I may have found part of one. Problem is, it involves trying to change the prices and/or currencies at a particular vendor in the game for particular items. Although I have not been able to do that yet, based on what I discovered, I think it is the goal of the secret.
If I’m wrong about what I discovered, and its a bug, I could easily be accused of trying to exploit and get banned and so could anyone I tell about what I found, so 3 months ago, I sent in a ticket but the only fitting category was " Chat or interface problem" and I received an automated response.
I kinda left it alone after that, but recently I have discovered that some other vendors can do the same trick with some of their items and I am just dying to know if what I discovered is intended or not. Can a staff member look up my ticket and just tell me if its a bug or not? ( don’t want to explain the whole thing here in case it IS just a bug or glitch)
IF its not a bug and you tell me this, there is nothing else it could possibly be other then part of a secret and a potentially huge one at that, so feel free to delete all this and reply to me in game mail, or as a ticket reply (this toon).
A Game Master wouldn’t be able to provide information about a potential undiscovered secret but generally speaking… The “Are you sure” pop up boxes involved with making large purchases would not be part of one. That isn’t very in-game immersive, using a protection functionality as part of a quest/secret.
It may be an issue with your UI, or it could be a bug. If it happens with the default UI I’d recommend submitting a bug report so our QA team can look into it.
It’s possible that a Blue in this forum can look at your ticket and give advice. But if it’s a bug, then you need to post the information in the Bug Report Forum, or use the in-game Submit a Bug feature. The in-game option would probably be better for this, so you aren’t publicizing a possible exploit.
If it is intended, then I don’t believe they will be able to answer you in the ticket. GM’s cannot give game hints, which this would fall under.
I would advise that there is really no “secret” or feature where you should be able to change a vendor price. If you have found a way to do it, I would 100% err on the side of “it’s a bug, I need to report it immediately”.
Once you report it, don’t go back to try it again to see if/when it gets fixed. You’ve done your part by reporting it, so let them fix it, if needed.
Reputation, your standing with a faction, can lower the prices you pay at vendors. Otherwise as far as I’m aware, beyond the auction house players have no ability to alter prices.
OK I will just spill the beans and lets see what people think.
That new vendor, Ms. Xiulan, when you have time, go to her and try and buy the Golden Regal Scarab mount, whether you have the gold or not, a window will pop up on your screen that says “Are you SURE?” with a YES or NO option. DONT CLICK EITHER OF THEM, instead, go on with your day. Port to Dalaran, or garrison or join a raid, and let me know if that window is still there on your screen, no matter where you go.
Please edit it out. A Blue poster will be able to see the edit, but other players won’t. If you think something is a bug or exploit, please don’t publicize it.
Having said that, it would depend on what happens if you clicked the Yes or the No. I suspect that if someone were to click Yes, the purchase would be cancelled due to not having enough gold. I would use the Submit a Bug feature in-game to give them this information. It sounds like the vendor checks for the necessary currency at the incorrect time in the transaction, but it still wouldn’t allow the transaction to continue if the funds weren’t there.
DONT CLICK YES OR NO - just go somewhere, and let me know if that window stays with you, thats all. If I am wrong that window will disappear as soon as you walk too far away from vendor. If I am right, something else is going on with that vendor and 20 others who do the same trick and always high priced stuff, like spider mount Mad Merchant sells.
Yes, it stays with you. It normally should go away.
That it is staying with you doesn’t indicate it is a secret, but that something is not happening with the pop up window that is supposed to. We call those Bugs.
My suspicion is, there is a way to buy high priced items with another form of currency, I suspect it is nethershards, - if you had to gather 2 mil nethershards for spider mount, it wouldn’t be easy.
I would never do that and risk my account.
Is there a possibility I am right? This secret would be undiscovered since Legion, is there someone in the secret department at Blizz you could ask? Its possible that not every staff member at blizz knows every secret. No Offence.
Even then, Blizzard, let alone the blues here like Vrak, isn’t going to ask this for someone. More so when what you’re talking about isn’t what Blizzard does when it comes to secret. Like with the Nightmare mount, it’s in-game through gameplay, not an NPC ‘Are you sure?’ box as Vrak hinted at.
Going to quote Vrak’s post again to ensure it’s clear on what he’s saying.
I have been working on this for months, ONLY certain vendors selling certain items do the trick, also, I have been able to stack 4 of those windows together. Seasonal vendors too, remember that pirates day thing in booty bay? That expensive item? I forget what it is.
At what point is the secret considered “discovered”? Perhaps they will cut me some slack being that its vendor related and fear of being accused of hacking or exploiting is something they may not have thought of.
Discovered or not, Support will not provide information on it In fact, it is rare that we’re provided any information on those. Any information would come from various sites and secret hunters that you find, or discover in-game on your own.
I don’t know of a single secret that has ever included a game function like the pop up “Are you sure” window, which our Game Developers put in to help prevent folks from making an accidental and very expensive purchase, or a purchase using alternate currency.
If the windows are sticking around it is FAR more likely that it is a bug with the UI than anything else.
I’m confused as to why you would spend months on something that you don’t care to use, but I digress…
I’ll tell you bluntly: you didn’t discover a “secret”, at least not in the sense of something along the lines of the Secrets of Azeroth or anything they work on in the Secret Finding Discord. You may have discovered a bug or a corrupt UI element, or even a combination of the two.
But now that its known, it will most likely be fixed.
If by some slim chance it IS a game secret, then it was a poorly designed one and perhaps they will come clean. I am too fearful of being accused of hacking or exploiting to pursue it any further.
So strange that this bug only effects high priced items at certain vendors, like uncle bigpocket, mad merchant, I havent checked that vendor that sells frogs for 333,333 gold, but I would bet on it.
I thought perhaps, for people who have trouble paying thousands of gold for certain things, they came up with a secret way for people to use a different currency they could earn over time, 2mil gold is a lot for a spider mount, but if you could earn nethershards and get it free after a while…
Sorry to cause any trouble, I will go crawl back under some rock and dream of better secrets…
I don’t exactly get what you think the secret is though. The yes/no window staying up isn’t a secret, it’s at most a bug but possibly not even that, devs could intend for it to stay up sometimes. If you actually clicked yes or no and were able to buy something outside of normal behavior then that would be an exploit but that hasn’t happened has it?
Unless someone reported it as a bug, it might not be considered a “known issue”. Even if it is, it may be extremely low priority as it doesn’t seem to be impacting anything. Unless I misunderstood how this is working, it doesn’t actually allow you to make the purchase for anything but what the purchase price is.
Yes, because only items that would be flagged as high value and ask “are you sure you want to spend X” would have that window.
I don’t know how much clearer I can be, Tricks. It isn’t.
If you are interested in finding secrets in World of Warcraft I’d recommend visiting the link Tindomerel provided on the WoW Secret Discord. There you can discuss possible secrets and bounce those off others who have some experience in hunting them down. They might be better able to dissuade you from spending an extraordinary amount of time on things unrelated to a secret.
I think it is probably best to put this secret to bed. Thanks, all.