Did Blizzard have a stroke?

I pray no one you love experiences a stroke OP


And what you have left afterward.

where are these ads? all i see is one when i first launch the app then go to game tab and it’s just news about the game.

Looks the same with some minor changes

Boss told lazy workers to get something done, so they did this. It’s silly and I agree it’s designed to push ads for games.



launcher is basically the same wtf

Right before you click your game tab. An entire row of ads for games you have no inclination to try.

Most people play more than one game. It’s such a minor change though… And it’s fine??

Almost as bad as Steam.

I want the big PLAY button back to where it was. :rage: :broken_heart:

They are tryna force the other crap games on you like a good magician does with cards.
Its al smoke n mirrors

More real estate for adds and call outs.

There’s an option to put it back the way it was.

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Where’s the option or what is it called?

I must have missed it.

I was hoping there was an option to remove Last Played, but couldn’t find one.

You can’t remove last played, but you can hit the WoW icon on favorites, this brings back the play button at the bottom.

Afterwards, go to your settings (Game Settings on the App), select App, scroll down to Startup and right there under “On Startup View” select Last Viewed Game Page.



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the new launcher is super trash

Yea I really do not like it.

I was irritated for about the first five minutes, until I figured out:


  • Click on the Blizzard Swirly in the upper left corner and go to “Settings”
  • Stay on the first page of settings, “App” and scroll down
  • Change “On Startup, View” to “Last Viewed Game Page”
  • Click “Done”

And the original functionality is restored.


Have you tried solving your problem by pre-purchasing Diablo IV?