Did Blizzard have a stroke?

When making the new Battle Net Launcher? I’m looking at it and I’m just so confused why change was necessary. I don’t care about last played, I only play one game on there.


You think you don’t like the new and totally awesome and not stupid looking launcher, but you do.


You know, you totally convinced me I don’t hate the totally awesome not dumb looking lazy looking weird looking launcher, I love it. I like how the shop shows up twice when you go to “home” and “shop”


That there is backwards talk for “it’s awesome”.

That’s a very convincing argument I had not considered before. You have done it. You have convinced me that this launcher is amazing.


What an awesome and totally needed change! This on top of the Demo lock changes? Blizz is on a roll!

I l ove all the "recommended this i shoud do! It tells me to go upgrade my d4 game and buy race changes faction changes and race changes!

Gee golly jillekers blizzard! thanks for telling me what i should be interested in!


Right-click the launcher in your system tray and select the game from the list. It bypasses the launcher and goes right into the game…

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I would just like if it would stop showing me there is an update and that I need to restart the launcher. I’ve done that now for both my accounts multiple times and yet that green arrow keeps coming right back.

I updated today and I felt like it was th ebiggest mistake of today and I should go to reddit and be like “TIFU by updating bnet” but yeah, now I see what everyone is crying about now with battle net.

I think ur problem with the launcher is, you didnt get a phone for Diablo Immortal that might fix it. Also try turning it off an on again.


I tried putting it in rice but it didn’t work i even took it to the genius bar ad they said: “we need albert einstein to fix this”


Ahhh see I think I found the issue, the turtle didnt make it to the water


It’s designed to push the ads for games you don’t play without using the popup ad.


Took me a while to find my games on this new adware client Blizzard created.


No, you’re wrong. It didn’t boogie down

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I just tried that. Doesn’t work, but I did use my file explorer and opened the wow.exe and that did open the game without the launcher. It didn’t autolog and I have to enter the p/w was the only difference.

Edit: it just occurred to me that you probably have the launcher set to load on computer startup.

If you click on the WoW button at the top of the launcher, it’ll show the launcher like it used to look, but with the last played still at the top.


You can also go into settings (cog next to play), select App on the list, then scroll down to Startup. Under On startup, view there’s an option to change it to last viewed game page.

That fixes it to look the same as the old one every time you relaunch it.


I get hate for this every time I say it but - I actually like the new launcher. If you play two or more games the last played feature is a welcome addition, even if it’s just wow and wow classic.

The only downside is that there will be a news/announcement for other blizzard titles when you first view the launcher, but it’s not ALWAYS there.

And, as stated above, you can change it back to the old functionality in the settings.

The new launcher looks fine, but I click the last played button and it took a whole minute for Warcraft to launch.

Versus my normal method of clicking the wow icon and hitting play.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: