few ppl i know were just banned for 8 days for afking bgs
Sounds like you answered your own question.
Did the price of gas just rise? I paid more for a gallon of gas just now.
I thought this maybe wasn’t accurate but then I saw Reddit, looks like it is.
For anyone who got suspended for AFKing in BGs. LMFAO I told you so.
8 days? it should be 8 months.
How is AFK’ing in BG’s bannable? That is what the deserter debuff is for.
If your caught AFK’ing, it should take away 25-50% of your total honor and marks. Bans dont solve anything.
It constitutes “disruptive play” as it interferes with your own team.
You know how hard it is to get a deserter flag on these guys – this is why the ban.
This is great news! Don’t forget to ban the enemy team when they refuse to ress because of graveyard camping.
How are they gonna know they are banned if they are AFK?
Yes actually, the suspensions solve a lot.
I played a lot of BGs in Classic. At the start people were running botting scripts in BGs and AFKing. it was really bad. Ban waves went out for this. I used to be able to actually sit at a GY on my druid in AV and kill a person 10x over. After the ban waves this pretty much stopped. That team had a real player. The people doing this were gone.
Things went to on and the AFKing became more things like single rogues sitting at stables taking their helm on and off (script) or sitting on a mount soaking up kills in AV.
More recently they got more strict with AFKs with the 8 day suspensions and this started getting cleaned up too. Again, I saw it first hand. People at this point started talking about much better and more fun BGs were.
Now imagine if we were back to square 1 with the mass of botters and AFKers. BGs would still be terrible.
I have the experience to say that suspensions work. Taking away 30% of honor/marks doesn’t fix it. Making someone miss their raid night and have to tell their guild does.
https:// old.reddit. com/r/classicwow/comments/nklaqj/friend_got_banned_for_not_ressing_while_getting/
It’s happening. Honestly find this one kinda annoying as being spawncamped is boring as hell when you actually joined a BG to have fun, and get lumped in with ppl actually doing this on both sides (camping spawn forever) maliciously.
they email you
This isn’t targeted at people who don’t rez when a premade is farming them. People are being suspended for not even leaving the starting area and PVPing at all.
Its automated so of course they are being targeted.
Plus they just wait 15 minutes and do it again.