Did 23 November 2004 get skipped over?

Seems like a lot of the folks who are complaining that they have been here since 23 Nov 2004 are still not in the beta, but the folks who were here 24 nov 2004 are. Odd. (This isn’t a complaint but it seems odd that a day was missed if it was missed at all).

its just beta bro ur character will be wiped and im sure people will burn themselves out before it releases too.

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Not old enough account for beta ~ blizzard

Oh I know, It’s just something I keep noticing is people who have accounts created on 23 November 2004 aren’t getting into the beta but people who created 24 Nov 2004 are. As odd as that is.

Well, I kept getting told that 2 PTR accounts would not affect my chances, then we discovered during the stress test, that it specifically did.

So either I got boned because I clicked a button months ago, or I got boned because I’m just that unlucky.

Either way Aug 27 is a long wait that can’t come fast enough.


I started November 23, 2004, I’m not a streamer, and I received a beta invite. :man_shrugging:t2:

Neat. Good on ya. Guess that answers my question :slight_smile: Thank you.

@eloraell - - that’s unfortunate. My account seems to either be blocked from beta access by my own doing or by some other oddball cause. shrug I have 2 different OLD accounts under my bnet, one in which has ZERO actions taken against and still didn’t receive. I think it may also be relative to battle.n et accounts as well, though I am unsure.

Again, I must insist I am not complaining. Just wanted to figure out if anyone had got in with the account date :slight_smile:

What specific date did it launch? Cause that’s when I started and I got in.

Absolutely. I knew it could be a concerning issue, I had a direct experience, and I thought I should respond to alleviate the account start date concern. I have several WoW accounts linked to my Battle(dot)net or Blizzard account, including one from… 2006 or 2007. I’m unsure if these confounding variables are of statistical significance or not, however.

Im not sure, but other potential confounding variables: number of actions on an account, previous alpha/beta participations, number of store mounts/pets purchased, computer specs, etc. I’ve not seen evidence suggesting any of these are variables for beta selection, but they were potential variables I had thought of. Hopefully you manage to get in, friend!

It’s not based on age.

It’s based on a list of criteria of which account age is one thing.

Yes, but I believe they were concerned of a potential bug for accounts with a start date of November 23, 2004. I can’t rule that out 100% because of my confounding variables, but it may help the OP.

OP, I’ve done some digging.

If you have 8 WoW accounts on your Blizzard account, including PTR accounts, or you have two PTR accounts, you may have issues receiving a beta invite.

Beta invites are like Vanilla. Not everyone gets a trophy.

Padre wonders how many of these are paid trolls as he adjusts the brim of his tinfoil hat

I think they gave a lot of original vanilla players beta, plus streamers, but there are exceptions. My friend got beta and I didn’t. He’s not a streamer and has only been playing since MoP whereas I’ve been playing this account since the mid-way point of Burning Crusade.

I think it’s a lot of random. I wouldn’t take it personally.

Blizz fixed this particular issue for me. Anyone who has this problem: just open a ticket.

No it wasn’t. I’m 23rd also, they got me.

I am a player with a November 23rd, 2004 start date, I am in the beta. We didn’t all get skipped over. That said, the pool of players who did start accounts on that day likely numbers well into the tens/hundreds of thousands, not all of them are going to get beta invites.

Based on what happened to numerous other on the stress test, I think you’re just unlucky. :frowning:

You would have eventually received an invite via e-mail even if you’re having two PTR realms did cause that part of the system to glitch. That they’ve corrected that potential issue, and no such e-mail arrived for you would indicate you simply were not on their invite list.

I actually don’t think a “LOT” of people have received closed beta invites all said at this point. Based on what little I’ve seen, although I haven’t done a full manual count(yikes) but I’d wager that the total player count on the closed Beta only numbers about five thousand players. (F&F/Alpha is another matter that I have no frame of reference on, and those guys are likely under some form of NDA)

I mean seriously, there are 25 level 30’s online on the PvE test realm right now, between the horde and alliance combined(I’m not one of them, I’m level 29 lol).

Meanwhile on the PvP realm: There are 122 Horde level 30’s and 110 alliance level 30’s online as of just before this posting.

Basically, I expect there are a LOT of additional invites coming at some point, just don’t expect it soon™.

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