Did 11.0.5 Forget Priest?

Yeah that needs to happen in order for things to change. Right now the other classes are perfectly having their punching bag in pvp, their fort buff in pve, and their raid CD disc priest so they don’t care about the fact the class is a complete a total design catastrophe. Suddenly the class disappears and they don’t have those things they will also have to take note, the pressure increases and when classes Blizzard actually does pay attention to starts saying “WTF is going on with priest” blizzard has to listen.


I actually suspect that Salvation is just inferior to Apotheosis even in raids until they revert the nerfs to the former; the latter is only on a 2 minute cooldown and lasts 20 seconds, you are going to be able to cast Apotheosis 3-4 times before you can even cast Salvation a second time.

And don’t forget, Apotheosis directly benefits from our 2 pc set whereas Salv only saves like 30-60 seconds total from 2 pc maximum.

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It would be less annoying if they could at least fix the exsisting bugs…

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Our Single Target remains amongst the lowest in the game. For the i639 sims, we’re actually THE lowest DPS in The War Within. Our Mythic+ viability is still tied to soothe and PI because we’re essentially target capped to 8 targets with a decent amount of ramp up and poor pay off. Our mobility is about the worst in the game.


I was hoping for:

  1. Shadow Crash changes (lower CD, more effected targets, two charges etc)
  2. Instant cast CDs (Dark Ascension, Void Eruption, halo)
  3. Substantial increases to our DoT damage
  4. Substantial increases to Mind Flay / Mind Spike damage
  5. Voidweaver parity with Archon
  6. An interrupt (24sec silence CD for example)
  7. Mind Bomb

But we got pretty much nothing. Boomies are eatin’ well though, getting the attention we also need.


The mental gymnastics Shadow has to go to do damage compared to a DH is insane lol

Had a DH in the group who used Eye Beam before starting his rotation and was 500k burst lol


Scrolling through every class change. Seeing the abundant changes every class got. In my mind I’m thinking there’s gonna be some decent ones for shadow.

We actually got nothing. Most classes have a list longer than my last 3 grocery trips combined. If you scroll too fast, you’ll miss it.

Shadow crash changes? No longer have a cast time on our major cooldowns like every other class? Talents moved around on the right tree? A little more mobility? Our only silence is just baseline? Phantasm makes us immune to snares for a x amount of seconds instead of just free from one that instantly gets reapplied?


  • Power Word: Fortitude now costs 1% base mana (was 4%). Thank you so much Blizzard! Was going oom fast pressing fortitude 25 times in a row.

We get a tiny “buff” with the archon pausing our damage CDs while out of combat or CCed for up to 20 seconds. Great. That fixes none of our core issues.

Here’s the pvp changes

Mindgames icon has been updated.

Yep that’s it.

My idea would be:

Shadow Crash be baseline with dot application but no direct damage baked into it. Replace the current Shadow Crash talent with one that adds the direct damage and a second charge

Where the second node of shadow crash used to be, add Void Origins (instant cast void eruption/DA). Move nodes around if it needs to make more sense but, what we have now, is a joke for design.

I still really enjoy Priest, don’t get me wrong. It’s the only class I play. All 3 specs but I focus 90% of my time on Shadow. The ideas I stated above would be just amazing quality of life changes I think most would agree on.

Edited - added a few things, fixed some mistakes.


May i ask why is MW getting all these cool new talents , why is paladin getting another tree rework, why hunters again? why everyone is getting fun new toys and Priest is left out of the loop? Priest is also cool . cmon blizz whats happening


Mind flay without mind flay insanity does next to nothing, shadow word death is the weakest execute, mind blast is barely a filler for the dam it does. Id like to see the dragonflight season 3 tier set for shadow word death where it hits multiple times, turned into a talent and connect it to tithe evasion.

Imagine setting up three whole expansions about Light vs Void and not even acknowledging the one class that is deeply rooted in those themes.


It’s actually mind boggling there isn’t a single change to address any of our core issues. Increase our VT and SW: Pain damage, nerf psychic link or just get rid of it all together. They can’t balance it properly without nerfing all of our single target and it’s just not as fun when Mindblast, SW: Death, and what not hit like a wet noodle.

What happened to want wanting casters to cast again? They gutted our instant casts but then no other class has their instant casts touched.

Why do our hero talents work optimally with opposite themed talents to what they are?

Why is Shadow Crash by itself the biggest joke? You need a second talent to make it worth taking. You can’t just take Shadow Crash. It’s absolutely a necessity to take the second one, there’s 0 times you’d just take the first talent because it is absolute garbage and pointless without the second.

One of the few classes to have to cast their damage cooldowns. It made sense when we had the Legion playstyle and we were going in and out of Voidform constantly. Now it’s a two minute cooldown.

Do any devs actually play this class or even remotely put effort into it because I’ve seen a so many suggestions go on deaf ears that so many of us want.


I made a General Discussion variant to maybe get more eyes on us.


Your posts format is borked.

Might want to update it.

Had to remove the numbers, but it looks a little cleaner now.

I’ll still be playing Shadow because I’m forever a Cultist of Forgotten Shadow fan and our ties with Xal’atath make this expansion more engaging to me. However, the spec does feel ROUGH.

In my opinion I think our AoE should have a choice between Psychic Link or more AoE dedicated abilities. Archon needs a visual upgrade. DA visually upgraded to be a foil to Paladin’s Avenging Wrath wings. Capstones reworked or made more impactful and visually more impressive. Our Thing from Beyond just… spawns in and leaves with no fanfare and our Y’Shaarj idol has no visual. Our DoTs are our only means of doing damage yet they do no real damage themselves and SW: Pain isn’t even on our hotbars. What I hate most though is seeing my entire dungeon group leagues ahead of me and my little bony feetsies having no means of catching up besides some weak feathers, spamming a shield that for some reason increases movement or using Dispersion, my only means of soaking big damage.


I’m actually somewhat surprised people were expecting anything from .0.5.

I remember a lot of people during beta assuming any priest changes would have hit in the .1 or .2 patches based on when they got their last updates vs other classes. I expected Rogues to complain if anyone considering the state their rotations are in.

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I wasn’t expecting anything(in life really) but man when you see so many other classes/specs getting love you just figure priest will too.


I understand the thought process here but if everyone stopped they wouldn’t have data to go off of. We need people playing it and lending their voices to presenting serious concerns about design or gameplay.

Especially considering the reduction in staff assigned to specific classes, it’s more important than ever to give our played experiences so the Devs know what’s going on.

It can feel hopeless because change comes slow and sometimes the devs don’t agree, meaning we don’t always get what we want when we want. But it’s still important to try.

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This is a paid service. When the service goes south you stop paying. Not playing the class does nothing. Not playing the game has impact. I’ll be out after my sub once again at this rate.


lol this so much. I am spamming shield on myself just for movement in between feathers.

If I have to try to dot up mobs along the way because I have only one shadowcrash I don’t want to waste I fall even further behind

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DPSing into chain pulling as SP might actually be one of the worst feelings in the world. Being extremely undertuned in general right now also makes matters feel 10x worse.

Once you cast shadow crash on 8 mobs, it’s almost better to just DPS like normal and wait 20 seconds for it to come back up again, than cast VT on every single mob. Maybe in extremely high keys it’ll be worth it. Just feels bad to have to cast VT on every mob just to get Psychic Link to proc, especially since our DOTs do negligible damage.

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