Looking over the patch notes and seeing some great changes for some specs and hero talents. Then we get to Priest. It’s almost the shortest amount of changes on the list, beaten only by Warrior. One major problem with that is Warrior has two DPS specs and we have one. If we want to play DPS we HAVE to choose Shadow. Yet it still remains neglected and forgotten.
Shadow received zero changes. Zero. Shadow Crash still has issues and needs two talents to be useful. We have no mobility tools to catch up with teammates sprinting ahead or zipping through the air in dungeons. Capstones are still incredibly lackluster. Voidweaver is still undertuned and Dark Ascension still has a cast time and remains looking like a spell from 2004. You can’t claim to be listening to your players when we get radio silence and no changes, or worse yet reworks that introduce other problems.
As is the usual it seems.
Yes, i saw the changes announced. I started reading them. I thougjt, wow, there are actually a lot of changes, especially in hero specs. I mean look at frost dk! Now Stryges, i said to myself, don’t jump ahead. Savour the anticipation. Read through the other classes, build up your excitement.
Wow, i said. I know hunters have been complaining about Dark Ranger, and look at all the changes. This is going to be great. All the shamen and shawomen have been kicken’ and look at all the attention. So close, i can’t wait.
Voidweaver: you are annoying. We will try to make you less annoying to other players, but really, no one likes you.
I really wish the WoW dev team did a campfire chat version for WoW, similar to Diablo 4, to where they explain WHY they do certain things and why they overlook others. If priest doesn’t perform well in this upcoming raid, what the hell is their excuse? Priest is siming lowest out of all classes, next to Fire Mage, and yet we get 0 buffs.
Yup as I was reading I saw a lot of changes for Monk, many new talents and interactions for MW… Then got to Pally and again, wall of text and changes… All I could think as I was reading was damn, lots of changes, can’t wait to get to Priest we may even get an interrupt now…
… Nope.
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
I wasn’t expecting much, honestly. The devs have left me with little to no hope left for my class. I just play it because Restoration Shaman is super mega bloated with buttons, and Lava Burst focused Ele is no longer a thing.
The one thing I like is that people can now see my black hole as Voidweaver.
Which is cool, I guess. Arguably one of the coolest visuals in the game, but…
Why has Priest just been ignored in every other aspect?
Paladins got ANOTHER major Talent overhaul. My jaw literally dropped when I saw that, I couldn’t believe it.
Then I saw the Hunter updates for Dark Ranger, and I got excited.
Surely, I thought, this was going to be the big one for Priests.
Just visual bug fixes.
Then I scrolled down and saw the Shaman changes and got even more disappointed.
We all must be masochists for playing Priests at this point. I’m at a loss for words.
I just spent the last 30 minutes nerding out on ideas with the Paladin General tree revamp with my friends. My Prot Paladin will get all this cool new stuff, but then I look at the lack of Priest changes again, and I’m back in that same bad mindset from the beta again.
We had 4 months of no changes in the alpha/beta and there being no changes right off the start in 11.0.5 means there’s none coming at all. Expect zero communication from Blizzard again because they didn’t communicate to class feedback the entire beta.
I just came here to make a post. Are we really worried about a slight mana reduction for fort and removing 60 mana from a mind flay cast?
Yeah, honestly to be expected. If priest falls down on its face in raid results like it tended to in early DF, hopefully they’re quicker to patch it with hotfix bandaids at least.
But I don’t think there’s any class they’ve been so slow to innovate with, with even the few design changes they come up with largely just repackaging Classic era talents and designs.
They didn’t though? If anything Priest got worse as Dragonflight progressed, not better.
Oh yeah no, that’s what I’m saying, they let it languish until practically the last patch.
I have this sneaking suspicion/worry that Archon will scale horribly in challenging raid content and Oracle, while fun in 5 mans, isn’t raid competitive either right now, though I’d love to be wrong.
We were smooth sailing until they gave us those S3 tier set bonuses.
And they still haven’t reverted the nerfs on Disc/Holy even though those tier sets are gone.
I’m not talking about power. I’m talking about class design. Coming into Dragonflight Priest was objectively the worst designed class for the modern game and that got worse over the expansion when they nerfed both our utility and defensives without compensation.
The nerf to HW: Salv not ever being usable twice in any (likely) fight alone took a lot of the huge upside potential away from the spec…
Not sure how they kneecapped disc though, besides maybe trimming that byzantine DPS rotation they used to have? Did I miss something - I did skip most of DF.
I mean: they nerfed Mass Dispel, but then went and added frustratingly annoying dispel mechanics to bosses where you had to use weak auras to tell you when it was safe to dispel on Mythic otherwise you blew up the raid.
Adds 75 new Paladin talents
Priests… oh right, I forgot about you guys. Here’s a mana cost reduction on your 1 hour buff
edit: how do we get blizzard to see us? I’ve seen almost 30+ posts of people asking for the same things
awesome changes for druids and shamans
then I saw priest…
so… yea, another patch without maining priest, im having fun with druid
at this point, a rework in this expansion is pure copium, gotta wait until midnight to see if they’re going to make it decent or even worse
paladins, dks, and mages getting nonstop additions and improvements to their trees while priest remains basically the same is hilarious, considering how these 3 classes outperform priest in every aspect of the game now
It’s pretty simple guys. If you want to actually change anything about this class, stop playing it. The only way they are going to start paying attention is if they look at their stupid analytics and see no one is playing this archaic, clunky, waste of space class.
As long as you play it they can, and have proven time and time again, that they will ignore it.
Nobody else is playing priest in either of my 2 raiding guilds so…

I am obliged to play it for stamina buff.
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