Diablo Immortal

Then why reply, or even enter the conversion?


You replied to me, giving me a notification that drew my attention back to this thread?

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Be sure not to speak too loudly about that since there is a law that specifies that meals that contain toys have to meet specific nutritional counts. And are you sure you got extra fries because if not, you were ripped off. The food cost on the apples is a lot higher than that of fries.
I won’t even question why you’re ordering happy meals… :thinking:

If you say so. However, there have been multiple studies done on this. Micro-transactions is a $159 billion industry (globally), and in all the studies it was found that there is indeed loot boxes (RNG based micro-transactions) is akin to gambling addiction. I researched this subject and am linking one of the studies. I’m linking this one because it takes a skeptical approach when looking at the issue. But even with this skeptical approach, the researchers wrote, "*This study demonstrates, for the first time that the purchase of loot boxes are associated with elevated rates of problem gambling among young people even after higher levels of gambling consumption are taken into account... our results suggest that the purchase of loot boxes among those 16–24 years of age may rank as a more “harmful” form of gambling that needs appropriate regulatory attention.*"

Come on. It’s a free 2 play game. What did you expect? It’s like you’re all shocked that they’re gouging people. This is why you just “insert possibly blacklisted word” at it and walk away. Unless of course you want to play the game. I’m sure you can play it without spending a single cent on it - but remember the developers need to eat. Even if YOU are playing for free someone made that possible by paying. It’s not a charity after all.

The question I have is why you’re buying a happy meal and if it was for a child, you clearly didn’t make the best decision for their health. If you are buying happy meals that’s kinda on you.

This really isn’t the same thing. The vending machine is basically due to someone trying to play within the rules. This game Blizzard essentially does make the rules and we’ve seen in the past isn’t particularly above nerfing something ingame to push a monetization effort. We saw it with Diablo 3 with all the scummy things they later admitted to having in place like systems that favored giving you drops your class could not benefit from just to incentivize people using the AH system and by extension RMAH if they were buying gold to buy off the gold market.

Or you know, conveniently timing things over a month out from patch release date that are the big things people want so it suckers them into two months over the one they probably wanted to give.

With Diablo Immortal it’s a lot more egregious than other games which are already considered scummy as it is. You know when people trying to defend things like Genshin Impact can be met on common ground that Diablo Immortal is ridiculous comparatively that the game is screwed. Blizzard absolutely is going to prey on the people who feel they need the best gear because hmm, I wonder what Blizzard’s games are well known for being as of late. Oh right, extensive gear grinds with things that require the absolute best of gear for most people to accomplish.

What is it, three crests a month if you’re free, so 36 a year. . . 50 for the pity you can’t even control because it’s like a Legion legendary. A year’s worth of free doesn’t even get you a legendary gem. Yikes? Like man, Genshin Impact was pretty bad I feel but at least they made it actually somewhat possible to play freely and be happy. Diablo Immortal there’s just gonna be no way for that, players are going to feel compelled to spend money and the longer it takes the more they’ll spend because it will open a lot more to them by the design of it they’ll go overboard.

I see some people here taking the risky stance of pointing out purchases are optional.

I think its a fair point. You dont have to buy anything. There will be ppl who cant help themselves and spend a lot of money. Thats unfortunate. If you are competitive especially in pvp you would need to p2w because obviously someone else already has. So its not entirely fair from that perspective.

Its the core principle that such opportunities exist in an industry that they didnt exist in before that sucks. Games never got quite this kind of treatment and its why ppl are disgusted with it. I agree overall, optional or not its a terrible practice and it really should stop or be managed some how.

That said and to what someone said about the devs needing to eat too. The developers arent victims here even if they are when it comes to including pay to win features because higher ups said so. However, if anyone wants compensation for their work they need to charge an admission fee, like all games used to have. Game costs X and you get to play.

Saying they need to eat too is a bit… absurd in the instance of free to play. A lot of companies that made p2w successful are doing far more than keeping their families fed.

I thought I read Blizzard wanted to revolutionize mobile games…they could have they have a game that plays well.

They could have done it by charging an admission fee and proving you dont need to potentially bleed customers dry to have a mobile game be successful.

More P2W garbage from EA…I mean Blizzard.


It is pretty similar to D3. Keep in mind though, this game was mostly developed by a 3rd party and was actually made with a different name and not meant for Diablo. But having played some, it definitely has the D3 feel and I play a Sorc which uses similar spells as D3 like the beams for example. It also has a Lost Ark feel with queueing etc.

But remember, it is still a mobile game. Even though you can play on PC now it is still a mobile game so there is a LOT of micro-transactions etc. But as far as looks wise, I think they did a good job. I don’t plan on playing it much since most things will be micro-transactions but just playing the story until I can go no further.

But I would say it is far from a D3 game because you are on a lot more rails with this game since it is mobile and not as open as D3. Gameplay/style similar though. You might not like D4 then because seeing some of the in-game footage, it looks similar to D3 also. To me anyways but then again, with that style of game and how the camera is, I don’t think there is really more they can do looks wise.

It is super pay to win.

Seems like anyone truly interested in pvp would test their skills in games that aren’t p2w. I’ve no sympathy for someone that would empty their bank account just to smash other players that aren’t willing to spend as much money on the game.

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Obviously? It’s a mobile game, it was never going to be anything else.

Fortunately I don’t really care about “winning”. If I can play the game without paying, I will. If I can’t, I’ll play something else without throwing a tantrum over it.

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These pay to win schemes aren’t going to be limited to mobile games in the future.

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Im not one of those ppl but there are ppl from all walks of life with a variety of preferences who play a game that will do that and they no doubt already are.

We do agree though.

Then I’ll read more books.

Not really interested in your pessimistic doom, thanks.

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The initial post is a bit dated now but thank you for the response.

Its essentially Diablo 3 in nearly every aspect from the art to the gem system and rift system.

I agree with you that Diablo 4 did look visually similar though I could tell it was Diablo 4. Diablo Immortal is quite literally…I would say within 80-90%, Diablo 3.

Biggest difference is the story and I would have suggested staying closer to Diablo 2 art style would have been better given that its supposed to only be a few years after D2. Maybe a hybrid of them both.

But reality is Diablo Immortal isnt inspired by Diablo 2 obviously, its inspired by Diablo 3 and maybe ppl would look at it differently were that the case for better or worse. Story wise its just a theoretical bridge between the 2 games.

They should have told that story with Diablo 3 not the mobile game and Blizzard needs to imo put more emphasis on story continuity for this franchise as well as WoW.

Diablo Immortal is at least fun to play.

Eh, there’s level of P2W that I’m willing to accept. From what I’ve seen, it’s pay to not obscenely waste my time. And the practices they utilize to do so are… well… they’re pretty um… blatant. It isn’t just a cash shop, it’s repeated advertisements at quest rewards, daily payment boxes that require you to log in daily so that you get faced with… more advertisement, multiple levels of FOMO deals, obfuscated resource systems with unbalanced resource acquisition amounts, and worst of all… almost all of this is to… just increase the chances that RNG rolls in your favor.

And how much do you do this? Just to get your gear? Oh no… it’s to get your gear, legendary gems (which typically have an obscenely low drop rate), 5 levels of ranks for those gems (making the best gems even more obscenely unlikely), and then… once you’ve gotten a 5 star gem it empowers/unlocks your gear so you can put MORE obscenely challenging to acquire gems.

Like… I knew it was a mobile game, so I expected some level of monetization, but HOLY word I can’t say here. This is just new levels of disgusting. Particularly since the entire system seems to revolve around creating a dopamine circuit to extract money out of people. I know this is hyperbolic but in a way… they’re scarily similar to drug dealers in this regard. The only difference being that they’re just using a drug that you naturally produce. I know I know, hyperbole but… it’s hard not to see the parallels.

This all being said, I’m not going to play it as… the game looks almost identical to D3. Almost all of the art assets and tile sets are nearly identical to D3. So not only did they make this a monetization atrocity… they were… pretty lazy about it.

Why not just play D3 and… not feel forced to pay a dime while still actually progressing your characters?

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I just speak the truth.

Because I have a child. They fact you question that alone just tells me the severe lack of an IQ on your end. Also in regards to what you are talking about, its as if you think ordering the happy meal means thats all your aloud to purchase, which LOL its not.

Have you ever purchased a bag of chips from a vending machine?

Side note, I knew you wouldnt be able to actually leave this conversation. You are too focused on trying to make a point no matter how little thought you put into it.

Oh I know, Im a terrible person for buying my kid some nuggets. Please berate me more. Il let you finish that Mountain Dew before you respond.

It is the exact same thing. As for the rules, currently the law isnt going to stop what blizzard is doing. So they are doing the same thing as an owner to said vending machine.

You are probably the most intelligent person I have seen here. You’re parents did a good job.

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But you don’t care, so why even enter the conversation to begin with?

Homeskillet are you challenged? I was the third reply lol, I was in this thread like a month before you.

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