Diablo Immortal does not bode well for Arclight Rumble

Yeah its a casual “early game very fun, late game full of microtransactions” type thing. They also push “BUY THIS” in your face often…its sad.

I have no idea where this mentality of thinking companies need every customers permission to do anything came from. Or that if a product isnt 100% tailored to said customers whims its bad. People seriously thinking theyre a ceo because they bought a video game.


Lmao what? They had like 30 million pre-registers for Diablo Immortal. Ya’ll are too funny.


So is pretty much every “free” game. You either pay to play, or you pay to win. They don’t invest tens of millions developing a game to give away for free. I don’t see why these in-game money grabs or noisy ads surprise anyone these days.

Aside from the tiny screen, it’s why I don’t play mobile games.


Yeah, I dunno. Starting to see more and more of the ‘nobody asked for this’ type comments. Like, nobody needed to ask you. I understand the need for focus groups but they’re still going to do what they think is best.


It was not removed. Its a bug…lol

But it is the market of the future. Blizz has to expand into new markets if thet want to stay in business

Odd how you took a comment directed at wow and twisted it to be all about Diablo Immortal. You say they made a lot of money off pre-registers for a free to play game? I don’t think so, this isn’t like wow, where people prepurchase a game without any details and then find they got something different from what they were expecting.

But in any case, I’d like to see your data that shows that 100% of the people who pre-registered for that game were fully aware that if they didn’t pay $100k it would take them 10 years to (maybe) catch up if they were lucky.

People expected this to be monetized. People didn’t expect the depth and how in your face this was going to be. If you like that model of monetization that allows you to skip 10 years of boring content and start playing now for a low, low cost of only $100k, why are you playing wow? Clearly you’re playing the wrong game if you think theirs is a superior model.

A lot of people are going to hit the wall and give up. Odd, just like they did in wow. Most people don’t like hitting walls and having to shell out lots of cash to play a game they already paid for and pay by the month. Will there be enough whales left to do the “whales vs whales” thing?

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If you lose subscribers then you have to go to microtransaction games to stay afloat. I’m going back to Diablo III which is same as Diablo Immortal but has no Pay2Win microtransactions and better storytelling and challenges.

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I think this is the first time i’ve ever seen someone on a blizzard forum give even a remotely positive review of diablo 3. Did I hit my head and am hallucinating?

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You’re doing the same thing in Diablo Immortal as you do in Diablo III. Unfortunately, after 12 years of Diablo III with very few additions the game went stale.

Yeah I feel like d3 got really good after reaper of souls came out but by that point I think blizzard saw the writing on the wall and pulled the plug on active development of the game. Its a darn shame, its a fun game.

What Belgium decides has nothing to do with Diablo Immortal’s success, other than the unfortunate Belgian people who want to play the game, not being able to (without using a VPN). Diablo Immortal can be played completely for FREE, you are not forced to buy anything with real money. Yes, if you play for free you probably won’t ever reach the top PVP ranks, or top the leaderboards. If you really care about topping the leaderboards so much, then find a way to earn more money and become a whale. I do not understand why some people are so offended by there being things you can buy in the game, do these same people get offended by the grocery store advertising things that they don’t need or can’t afford?

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actually diablo immortal is an actual game and its pretty fun its not going up and down on a map on a small screen over and over and over…lol.

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I highly doubt any PC player will be spending too much time on Immortal. It is just D3 copy and D3 is 100x better. It is going to be play it once to max level and forget kind of game.

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What did anyone expect.

Mobile games are a meme for a reason.


WoW doesn’t need loot boxes. From the looks of it in Dragonflight crafting previews, they’re pivoting WoW’s economy from obfuscated plausibly deniable paid carrying monetization to more direct Albion Online style monetization. They’re also preserving the old ways in the classic clients. Blizzard is diversifying, not spreading one monetization style to all products.

Doesn’t bode well how? They’re making a ton of money off this pay2win garbage mobile game. Welcome to the future. You think Blizz cares about making a good game? LOL. Good to them is the biggest profits, and a lot of stupid whales make these mobile trash games huge earners.


You can confidently write these mobile games off unless being a whale is a thing for you.

What gets me is how excessive the prices are for things.

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