DH Zekvir Tier 2?

On zekvir with the demon hunter havoc we cannot cs both zekvir spells, we have a 15 second cooldown which leaves us no time to stop his two spells, please fix that, because the boss is impossible…

-Zekvir ??

Update : I have been kill the Zekvir tier 2, we can do it !
If we use Vengeful Retreat for Enfeebling Spittle
and ‘‘CS’’ for Regenerating Carapace

We can kill the boss
with a lot of patience and try…


Interrupt his heal only.

IRC your backflip thingy cleanses snares? Use that to clear Spittle. I don’t know your class but if it can “Remove movement impairing effects” that will counter Spittle, just cleanse it IMMEDIATELY since the first tick will eat you alive half the time.


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The real problem with zekvir is all the AOEs he does while the egg is out, makes it impossible to kill at times. I had him come after me a bit ago after baiting frontal aoe with the aoe fear forcing me to abandon killing the egg…great game design 10/10.


it is supposed to be fixed :

(Blizzard quote)
‘‘The cast times of Enfeebling Spittle and Regenerating Carapace now change in solo to better match the interrupt cooldowns of each specialization’’

If i cs the (Enfeebling Spittle) i can’t cs the (Regenerating Carapace)
or if i cs the (Regenerating Carapace) and can’t cs the (Enfeebling Spittle)… that not normal.

i have only ( Disrupt ) to CS, cooldown 15s … Blizzard come on wake up ! fix zekvir…

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If Regenerating Shell is coming back before you interrupt can stop it, that is an issue.

The fight is horribly designed, it kinda sucks.


they fixed the egg, it’s easier to kill it now and they increased the time before the spider pop

At 50%hp the boss is more difficult :no_mouth:

I managed to take down the boss at 50% but it’s difficult to succeed without being able to do the cs two spelll…

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Yeah it’s definitely not the case.

Finally got it done on my demo loc,died just once,never goin back lol

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So stop kicking the spittle and use one of your other tools to deal with it. The only classes that don’t have those tools are rogue and Evoker.

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Yes, he needs to be fixed.

The light help us if he were to procreate


Stop interrupting the spittle and use Vengeful Retreat to cleanse it.

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Like i felt no difference with the new fix regarding the casts on my evoker. I would kick the heal 15 seconds later spittle.

Sure i have deep breath but the cd between 1 deep breath to the next doesnt come back up in time for the next spittle cause my regular interrupt had to hit the heal again.


I kind of have it as an evoker but the cd is fairly long and a pain to deal with. Its deep breath it removes roots and a hero talent makes it to where the cd is further reduced with each bombardment but still comes up way too quick. Then bran just being bran in a corner dont help.

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it’s hard i need retreat for my kaos, if the spell is on cooldown i dead, what ever, the boss are more hard after 50%hp, i can’t kill him in tier 2 now!

it’s more difficult that the last boss of sekiro. xD
if you know !

Warrior has 4-6 tools to cleanse spittle, Shadow Priest has two and one of them is on a 2 minute cd, the other 20 secs.

If you’re telling me the highers intended the design for you to kick both spells, I honestly wouldn’t believe you.

This fight needs some fixes.



Boss is not impossible. If anything, he needs to be buffed 75% or more for the rewards that drop.

Yeah only interrupt the heal. I believe vengeful retreat can remove slows/snares? Haven’t actually played DH a lot lately.

Rewards? You get cosmetics.


He definitely needed some tweaks but they broke his legs instead.

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You only interrupt his heal. That is one spell you clear the snare with a snare removal. Read the tooltips on your abilities before trying this boss.

A DH is complaining about something being hard?