DH [Tank/DPS] + F [Mage] LF CE guild

Hi all

i’m looking for CE guild with a spot open for my DH [Tank/DPS] and my friend “Fire Mage” with same level of our progression or higher. I can DPS but prefere to Tank.
Also intrested in doing M+ push ++15’s and higher.

Current progress is 10/10H 2/10M “Tank/DPS” expriance
prevouis progress is CE in WOD and first three raids in legion as Tank/Dps.
Aotc first tier BFA then quit.

Currently +1350k io’s for M+ and pushing. No team, just pugging and randoms.

Happy to do Any raid Days/Times.
Note: Willing to xfar/faction change to Frostmourne for the right guild.

please feel free to add me on Discord Admonlog#6371 if you have a spot open for us. Happy to answer any questions.

Thank you.

Still looking.

1 Like

Hey dude. Still looking? 5/10m.

My discord is - Thiccabella#8055

Raid Schedule:

Wednesday and Sunday 9:30 pm to 12:30 am , gmt 10.