Dh or monk?

Yo guys! I’m looking to pick up either a dh or a monk to play as a alt, but I’m not sure which to go with. I don’t have a whole lot of time so plz no “just play both” answers. I’m basically trying to figure out what each bring diff than each other. Ik both are very mobile, both have a aoe stun, both can dps or tank (I’m not interested in healing atm), and both bring a dmg de buff special to them, but idk what would make a group want one over the other. For those of you that play both which do you enjoy more? Which seems to be wanted more in groups? Which feels like it can take care of itself better out in the world/torghast?

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Personally I would prefer monk. I’ve played as monk since BFA (never liked them before). When I gave the monk an opportunity was the best choice ever. They are very versatile and strong. In open world they manage very good. At PVP they are amazing!!!
You should choose monk.
Also: they have the Zen Flight, which is just beautiful.


awesome ty for the reply! when you say they are versatile, what do you mean exactly? in what way?

They are great tanks, great dps, and great healers. You could do perfectly in whatever of those roles with a monk.

To play as an alt?
Demon hunter all the way.

If you try to alt a monk you will have a new main.


i love monk play MONK

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LOL, true that.

Wow, they’ really are the same class like you pointed out lmao

They both excel and aoe/cleave in keys.
They both bring a buff to the group.
Both very mobile and wear leather lol.

Monk does more damage in keys. DH is better in raid. Monk is a lot more involved though. DH just can’t heal.

Personally, I’d go DH. It’s better in raid and great in keys. WW is just great in keys.
World content? I’d say they’re equal.

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Windwalker and Havoc are both solid DPS specs atm and Brewmaster and Vengeance are both solid tank specs atm.

Mistweaver is an atrocious healing spec though.

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Brewmaster is the most fun tank spec in the game

Play monk /thread

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i find demon hunter more fun. Double jump and glide is entire universe of difference. And monk just don’t look cool.

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Pretty much a question of if you want simpler spec or a more complex spec

or a better question is probably which ones style/animation/theme you like better because even if it seems like those don’t matter they are something you will have to deal with the whole time you play the character.

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demon hunter, i play monk and monk have ugly transmog.
you are welcome

…They both wear leather.

demon hunter set are cooler

double jump and glide are invaluable in Korthia when getting to those hard to reach treasures. Go DH

And Brewmaster…just covering enemies in your home brew, I love it!

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they are indeed cool but i was trying not to make my decision with those in mind xD

Mobility is on another level, you can actually solo giant packs of mobs, havov is very easy to learn and use, you can use warglaives, really fun class in torghast, abilities work well together (ww is easy to fk up on, and brew plays like no other tank so it’s strange to get used to), and you can turn into a demon.

Also, there’s a pepe demon toy, but no pepe monk. So like that should be enough right there.

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Even generic armour can vary.

The legion crafted dreadleathers look different on non DH’s from DH. DH’s get a battlebra/half top of sorts. Rogue or druid get a full leather top. Not sure about monk.