Dh or monk?

Only thing that made this week’s story tolerable.

So many packs, so hp spongy too.

Oh wait…jump off cliff. Stick the landing to get 10’s and the leashes are broken…you 10 peeps go on now. git!

Caught up on my SL stuff on the 2 chars I work SL with. Hunter and DH.

Started a NE monk for some reason. Order hall my usual reason. Collecting tings a hobby. Not so much NE pride. MOre like if a serious run comes out of it meld will be my friend.

Korthia and some story bits have had miss not making the NE’s leads here. And I ain’t playing with the RNG gods anymore to fix that.

This probably won’t help since it’s based on my experience playing older versions of both classes but…

I super enjoyed Brewmaster monk’s ability to chuck kegs all over the place as a means to pulling a whole pack of mobs and getting decent upfront aggro on the whole pack pretty fast. That along with the fire breath just felt super cool. Honestly I was just sad it was a tank only spec (I don’t care for tanking too much because it’s a fairly thankless job that gets a lot of flak if anything goes wrong). The panda roll was also a ton of fun for getting around a bit faster if you can’t mount up for whatever reason.

I really enjoyed DemonHunter in Legion for a few reasons. The dash is similar to the panda roll in that it’s helpful for mobility, but the double jump is craaazy helpful in getting places/taking shortcuts before you have flying available. The double jump plus glide makes getting places incredibly fast (especially if you’re going downhill somewhere. It saves a ton of time.

As for fighting, dps demon hunter feels very fluid and cool. Especially the eye beam ability. In legion there were a ton of talents and artifact weapon abilities that boosted eye beam’s effectiveness. It was pretty great to basically Kamehameha out of your face every like 10seconds.

What things are like now for either class I don’t know. But that’s how it was last I played them.

haha come on now

Monk 10 char

Demon Hunter is what I’ve enjoyed in the ‘long haul’ more. Monk is fun but has always gone up and down between being really good and sometimes very bad.

I enjoy monk more…

Demon hunter does great damage and has great mobility, but I get bored because of the simplicity of the rotation. Which may be a good thing for an alt because you can easily pick it back up

I feel that lol I used to be a warlock then I tried a monk for an alt and now she’s my main

Monk’s more fun once you get the hang of it.

I never liked havoc, especially when momentum is meta. It’s always come across as a mega simplified windwalker to me.

Vengeance is kinda cool but I still like brew more.

Given it’s an alt I’d consider these things:
Do you prefer to dps more or tank?
DH has 2 specs, so leveling conduits will be faster.
DH is more simple to master, and given this is an alt, a reduction in your investment in that area would be less.
What covenant do you like better? Over 90% of WW monks are Kyrian and over 90% of Havoc DH are Night Fae.
Both have amazing mobility.
Both have aoe stuns.
Both have hard CC (prison/paralysis)
Another thing to consider - the vast majority of DH tanks are Kyrian while monk favors Kyrian in both dps and tank roles.
Do you enjoy target swapping or no? You’ll need to in order to maximize spinning crane kick.
Do you like playing elves? DH only has the one race for each faction while monk has almost all.

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How important is it for dh to use the talent unbound chaos? I don’t like that or momentum for it. As for what I like more I like to dps more but I want this alt to try and learn to tank occasionally.

Monk is the least played class for a reason…

IMO, as someone who mained monk in MoP and WoD, their animations are silly (especially Spinning Crane Kick, WTH!), and they don’t really bring any unique utility to the table. The rotation is also too complicated for alts.

DH’s are cooler, and easier to play. Win-win.

Just depends on your build. If you’re min-maxing the damage you get from Fel Rush will always be 1-3 of your top DPS. (Because it’s a huge amount of damage at no additional fury cost)

If you’re just chill with having ‘decent’ damage then you’re fine going Glaive Tempest (for Burning Wounds -BiS Legendary and for Darkglare Boom - BiS Legendary for 4+ targets). If you want an alternate legendary for ST you can use Chaos Theory with Trail of Ruin/First Blood but this is weaker than the other two.

Monks are lame, roll DH.

When monks can cast while moving again, they’ll stop being lame.

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about how much weaker is the trail of ruin chaos theory build?

I ran a DH tank alt in legion. I have zero idea of how they play now but tanking with them was really fun.

As in its too good so you end up playin it all the time…hmmm…but I am rogue!

Do you like constantly being trash and being hit by a nerf bat the second you get a glimpse of being a meta dps? Do you like bugs that dont ever get fixed? Do you like having your class feedback ignored repeatedly?

If you answered yes to any of those, monk is the class for you

It’s significantly weaker in multi-target but should be fine for Tyrannical prog.
What I personally do is run Vengeance and then on tyrannical weeks I use Chaos Theory and when doing packs just focus on the larger target.

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I see ty for the input Ishu. I’m still struggling to pick idk what im looking for exactly to help me decide but more input would be appreciated!

I’m fine with things being simplified but I agree about momentum that talent is not fun at all for me