DH Looking for Heroic guild

I’m 9/10 H looking for a heroic raiding guild.

I can play either DPS or Tank spec (current guild has 2 tanks so I currently play dps in raid but tank M+)

This tier has been a bit harder than most and it has exposed the amount of carries in my current guild.

Looking for something thats a chill environment but also where people know there class.

Hello there Corteo -

I am in a guild with some friends that just recently transferred. We’re on Illidan and looking for more people to play the guild with. We could definitely use a DH - whether that’s tank for M+ and raiding or you run DPS on raid. If you’re interested in something fresh please feel free to reach out. Contact information is below

DeathsCouncil is a a guild formed in Warlords of Draenor that is currently being rebuilt as a AOTC focused group of players. Our main focus is to build our roster with the notion to build towards clearing AOTC each tier. We will be a laid back guild looking for fun and active members to build its ranks for our future raid team. We have heroic experience as a group. If building something fresh sounds good to you or you’re just looking for somewhere to hang out please leave your contact information or you can reach out to us directly. Our contact information is below.

Raid Times:
Tuesday and Thursday 7:30pm - 9:30pm (Eastern Time)

Currently Recruiting Priorities:
Recruiting for a 15 man raid group

Tanks: Full on tanks, but taking backup tanks with OS DPS

Healers: Druid, Pally, Shaman, Monk, 2nd disc priest and holy priest would also be fine.

Ranged DPS: Mage, Boomkin, Shaman

Melee DPS: Any Melee

We are also accepting members who want to hang out and chill or ones who are interested in mythic+ dungeons.

Discord-Thorith#8456 / Bnet-DLAres#1711

Hey Corteo,

My guild is Horde on Zul’jin, which I know is a jump since you are Alliance, but I wanted to reach out to you just in case. Keep it Simple has AOTC and is expanding our raid size/playing alts to get a bigger team going into next tier. We are doing heroic clears and getting geared up. If you are interested in seeing what we are about, we can chat with you in discord or stream a raid to you before you make the leap! [H][Zul'jin] Keep it Simple, ATOC Guild Recruiting

Hi Corteo - I’m co-raid lead of an Alliance team on the Proudmoore server. We are currently 9/10 H, and we raid 8-11pm CST on Tues & Wed.

We are specifically recruiting for our Mythic team. We will get our AOTC in the next week or two, and then on to CE. We’re not sweaty neckbeards, we just enjoy playing our toons to the best of our ability and clearing bosses. We crack jokes on trash and down bosses in between.

Our guild Companions has done a great job of providing a niche spot for all types of interests in the game: Tues & Wed - progression team; Thurs - pvp, bgs & arenas; Fri & Sat - casual, everyone welcome guild raid; M+ every day; memes & stupid jokes in discord.

If you’re interested in more information or a trial run please message us.
In game: Gracyn#11617 or Saberpro#1901
Discord: Gracyn#8603 or Saberpro#1256


Hey Corteo!

Are you bored with not dying all the time? Then join Optimal Baddies and find yourself so engrossed in guild chat that you’ll be running off cliffs and pulling 20 mobs at once in no time! Recommended by 4 out of 5 Spirit Healers.

Jokes aside we are a semi hardcore raiding guild that is coming back from the ashes of taking a break and looking to clear heroic and mythic. We are currently looking for more members to fill out our DPS Roster.

If you are interested in a good group of players who have gotten CE in multiple expansions then this guild is for you!

we are located on Lightbringer, Alliance faction.

Raid times are as follows.

Monday - 8PM-10:00PM EST
Tuesday - 8PM-10:00PM EST

If interested please reach out to one of us!

Bnet - Goldfish#1198
Discord - Goldfish#7851

Bnet - Ninjaspace#1577
Discord -ninjaXpope#0788

Hey man! We should talk. We raid Fridays/Saturdays 9pm-12 CST. We are on Sargeras.


Hey there!

We still need a few more for a full raid roster. We raid 9-11 PM PST on W/Th on Proudmoore (Alliance).

Some team members already have 10/10H experience. Our goal is to have a casual progression roster that hits AOTC each expansion.

What you get from us:

A decent number of keys and some casual pvp.
A community of people who are commonly online from 9PM to 11:30PM PST.
Help from your team with mechanics, gear and talent.
Wed/Thurs 9-11PM PST raids, keeping your tuesdays and weekends clear for funsies, online OR offline!
A cauldron for every progression run.

What we want from you:

A promise not to chug white claw while progressing.
Reasonable adult conduct.
Helping your guildmates when convenient.

You can reach me at grimthane#3215 on discord, or VeryGrim#1543 on Battle.net.

Hey Corteo,

One Breath from Death sounds like the place for you.

We are a smaller guild looking to grow a bit on the casual / AOTC side of things. Most of us been together for quite some time and just looking to grow a few friendships.

We raid Tues / Thurs 7:30-10:00pm EST and few people are online during the week as well for other stuff. Definitely looking to grow the mythic + scene of the guild as well as we can.

Feel free to reach out to one of our contacts: Btags below
Recruitment Officer Bettywhite#11673
GM - Dominitus#1741

Dirty Mike and the Boys(H) Malganis is looking for a few people. We raid Tuesday and Thursday 9-12 est. We’re 8/10 Heroic. In need of a few more dps and healers. We do mythic+ on our off nights for anyone interested. Most members are 30+ Feel free to add me on Discord MtMan#2491 or BNet MtMan#1965 for any questions.

Hi Corteo!

I am the GM of [H] on Mal’Ganis. Would you be open in having a conversation to see if we would be a good fit for you? Below is an overview of our culture & focuses. The majority of us play evenings and couple are late night. Add me on discord Scottygartner#1742 and send me PM!

Familia focuses on cultivating a chill, fun, and get stuff done environment. We are a newer guild that is prepping for the next tier of raiding by progressing through Heroic CN & pushing M+ keys. Currently 4/10 H, but several of us have been pugging through to get our AOTC.

Raid times:
Tuesdays: 8:30pm-11pm CST
Thursdays: 8pm-11pm CST

Thanks for taking the time to read through this and I hope to hear from you!

Hello Corteo.

I think you’d make a great fit in our guild. Here’s our guild info. Hope to hear from ya soon. This is Serg btw.

Cant find a guild is a newly formed guild on Illidan focused on Mythic raiding and M+. We’re currently 10/10 H and are looking to expand our roster to step into Mythic. We also push M+ keys and consistently help our raiders clear keys to increase the number of vault choices.


Wednesday: Main Raid 6:00pm-9:00pm CST (7-10 EST)

Friday: Alt Raid (Optional) 6:00pm-9:00pm CST (7-10 EST)

Sunday: Main Raid 6:00pm-9:00pm CST (7-10 EST)

Our Raid Environment is focused on maintaining an atmosphere of constructive criticism. Our goal is to provide everybody with the information and feedback that they need to make necessary improvements on each fight as quickly as possible. We like to have fun and have a good time while raiding but our primary focus is on progression.

Contact Us

Recruitment Officer Norgala - Discord: Weeb#5495

GM Brubo - Discord: Dexxus#6969

RL Serg - BNET: Koliupy#1761 Discord: Koliupy#4041

We think you would be a great fit. Skills over thrills imo.


Vengeful is in need of more Heroic Raid minded ladies and gentlemen to join our Shadowlands Raid team. Stormrage - Alliance.

We are currently looking for all Ranged/Melee Classes

About Us:
We are a Social, active laid back casual guild While currently working through Heroic content, we have plans to dabble in mythic raiding if we have enough people. We also do Mythic + and PvP on off nights from raiding.

The pertinent information:
We are 10/10 N, 5/10 H. We raid Thursday/Friday/Saturday: Pulling at 7:00 p.m. Est and going until (the latest) 10 p.m. EST. Additional We use Discord. If you need to leave early due to Real Life than that is fine or if you cannot make it to raid please let one of the Officers/GM know. Also raid is not mandatory.
What we offer:
Enchants, gems, food, flasks and pots can be created by our Master Craftsmen, often for just the materials. We provide Flasks and Feasts, we will expect you to have enchants, gems, pots, seals and augment runes before we begin the raid. We are helpful and constructive - if you need something we can get it or help you get it. We love innovation, we love pushing the limits, we love working together as a team. We are fun and quirky, sometimes we have to be serious but we are always working to improve and most importantly we are here to have fun.

What we want from you:
Being able to raid 3 days a week for 3 hours a day but not mandatory, preferably Thurs/Fri/Sat 7pm - 10:00pm Server (ET). Your best, fully optimized, best stats DPS set cannot be below 200 gear score (ilevel). Be on time, be prepared, have current knowledge of your class and of the boss encounters. Understand directions and be able to carry out assignments. Have previous raid or mythic + dungeon experience and/or you can play at a competent and competitive level. Be able to take constructive and friendly criticism to improve and play better. Be able to maintain a mature demeanor during raids while having a sense of humor during stressful situations ex, Wipes, loot distribution, disconnects.
We all have full lives outside of the game and looking for more of the same minded folks to join our Team.

You can reach me in Discord at Night#5956
You can also add me on Battlenet: NightKnight#1159389

Thanks for reading and your time,

HI! on Area 52 is looking for active players who want to push raid content AND do keys!! Server transfer not required. We raid Sat 8-11 pm EST, Sun 7-10 pm EST and are currently 8/10 H.

My GMs contact info is:
GM Redriott/thhadcastle (Area 52)
Bnet: thadcastle#1845
Discord: blaze/thadcastle#0520 (preferred)

Carried is a horde side guild on US Kiljaeden that is looking for exceptional people for our mythic push. We have been together about a month now and have sped though CN to the tune of 9/10 Heroic and in one raids worth of attempts we already have sire to 30%
Our raids are Friday and Saturday at 6pm server(pacific) aka 9pm EST until midnight EST aka 9pm server.

Bnet Gorlock#1163
Discord Gorlock#7739

Hey Corteo,

We are TOMB an Alliance guild on Gilneas that is pushing Heroic CN for AOTC.

Our raid leads are 9/10 H. The guild is semi-casual, in the midst of turning into a moderately serious raiding guild, but focused mostly on having awesome adventures with friends and fam.

Our core team consists of committed players focused on mythic+ and raiding.
***6 of our players rank in the top 15 by spec on our realm, so we are fairly good players and just looking to expand our roster.

Raid times are currently revamping, but looking like Tues/Wed 8pm EST for core H progression, and a Sat 8pm EST raid to cap off remaining bosses. (some of our roster is also PST) Attendance is encouraged for two raid days weekly, but isn’t hardcore cuz we all have lives. All we ask is a somewhat regular commitment and good communication (let us know if show/no show for raids).

This guild is a lot of fun and we are all very close friends or even related, so the group is very unlikely to splinter off or fold. Give us a shout, LET’S GO!

Discord: paran0rmal#9167

Heya Corteo! We sound like we could be a fit for you. Here is a little snippet you can review and if you have any questions please feel free to add me.


Turalyon – US is recruiting all DPS classes and potentially a healer with DPS OS. We are a non-hardcore raiding guild focused on Mythic dungeons, helping others gear, and non-hardcore raiding (AOTC) 9/10 Heroic Nathria (starting light mythic)

Raid Times 2 days a week
Tuesday 8-11 PM EST
Thursday 8-11 PM EST

We are a community and family and on non-raid night you might see us doing: Mythic+, WoW hide and seek, mog content, alt runs on Sundays, some casual PvP, and many other random activities and events.

We are active in discord throughout the day and chat with one another as we go about our day. If this sounds like a fit, let’s chat!!

Hey there, hoping we’re a fit for you!

< Unions Only >
Zul’Jin - Horde
Time: Wednesday 7-10 EST
Current progression: 10/10N, 6/10H

We’re looking for some DPS! We’re 6/10H Castle Nathria and run Mythic+. Raid is Wednesday 7-10 EST (one day). M+ throughout the week. Very active and laid back group. We like to down bosses and have fun doing it. Our goal is to eventually progress through Heroic but we won’t be bashing our heads into it.

We will never step foot into Mythic Raid.

Add my btag: ishkurr#1649 if you’d like to chat some more

LightBrigade [Sargeras, Alliance] is a 2 day a week raiding guild focused on progression without burnout. We’re mostly working professionals with families who can’t commit a ton of time to raiding but still want a challenge and to progress on end game content. We’re 2/10 Mythic right now. I’ve included our recruitment post below. Check out our website to see how our guild is structured lightbrigade . us


Light Brigade was formed during the Wrath of the Lich King expansion on 6-12-2009. Our primary focus is to enjoy playing World of Warcraft. Our raid goal is to progress as far as we can as guild in a tier but not at the cost of burn out or fatigue. Our motto is “To finish the marathon, not win the sprint!”

We are here to have fun and challenge ourselves as a group and in an atmosphere that we are all proud to call home.


Tuesday 9:00pm-12:00 server (CST) (7pm-10pm PST; 10pm -1am EST)
Thursday 9:00pm-12:00 server (CST) (7pm-10pm PST; 10pm -1am EST)

[Guild Expectations]

  • Your actions and how you communicate represents who you are. You are expected to maintain a positive attitude and keep negative vibes to yourself.
  • You are expected to stay up to speed on guild announcements in discord and in the game.

[Raid Expectations]

We view raiding as a hobby and a craft. You are expected to take pride in your craft and commit to raid times and maintaining a positive raid atmosphere.

Mythic spots are determined by multiple factors including attendance and raid performance. If you’re online during raid times, your attendance is tracked regardless if you’re in the raid group. These are the players we look to first when spots are needed to be filled.


Thanks for your interest in Light Brigade! We are currently looking to add the following classes to our progression raiding pool:


  • 1 Shaman
  • 1 Priest
  • 1 Monk


  • 1 Warlock
  • 1 Mage
  • 1 Hunter
  • 1 Priest
  • 1 Demon Hunter

We highly encourage all interested players to read our guild governance document found here: lightbrigade dot us/governance

This will tell you how our guild is structured and what to expect as a potential recruit.

To inquire about joining, please fill out the application on our website


Contact one the following officers:

BNET: Deepfreeze#1315
Discord: Feldoh#1345

BNET: Roxybear13#1351
Discord: Roxybear#3418


Leave a message in our discord at:

Hey there, Corteo! I’ll post a little snippet of our guild, and if we’re not the choice for you, I hope you find a guild that suits you well :smiley:
<Øminous Latin Name> is a progression raid focused guild, that transferred from Ally to Horde, along with M+ and some PvP! Fun environment, and of course drama free. We’re a Discord active community and actively looking to build our core raiding team, as we are preparing for Shadowlands.
Schedule [all times are EST]
Raid: Wednesday/Thurs 8pm-11pm
Mythic Plus: Everyday
Interested in joining us? Contact Lebron on Discord: [RoscoeStache#1797], Jacob [nunndathunda#1677], or myself LexNichole#3745 to learn more.
Thank you!