DH is proof that less is better

Is it fun because its simple, or is it fun because of the high frontload damage, survivability, and double jump glide?

I bet if the class the wasn’t stupidly strong at everything it wouldn’t still feel fun just because it is simple.

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I answered this earlier. I think it’s fun partly because it is simple. I like the other stuff, but I could live without it.

Demon hunter banter is funny, but in all seriousness, the class is enjoyable to play. It has entertaining movement and enough utility without having button overload and a bunch of superfluous spells.

…nah double jump and glide will always be fun

they currently start at 98, i don’t think the popularity comes from their simplicity.

  • Great self-healing
  • High mitigation
  • Ease of play upon entry
  • Great Bleed
  • AoE stun
  • Awesome mobility
  • Stealth detection

And the fact that people complain about them in WoW and Hearthstone tells you there are no bounds to what Blizzard’s intentions are with this class.

At this point unless other classes get tweaked or DHs get nerfed the only thing stopping a DH is if in PvE the player falls asleep doing the rotation or in PvP you have a rogue and mage and know how to kite.

I’ve never thought they should unprune. All they are going to do with unpruning is 2 things: 1: make bad players worse and 2: bloat my action bars with abilities that I’ll only use once a week. We have enough stuff we need to keep on our bars now. And yeah, simpler classes are more fun to play, that’s why things like Shadow priest in Legion and Marksmanship hunter, Ele Shaman currently feel so bad. They have too many abilities, all trying to be iconic, and instead they all just feel terrible.

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It’s because it’s ridiculous that you can get better results by mashing eyebeam than other specs which have to think about their game play to a degree. I have no problem with specs being simplistic.

Because oh boy there’s nothing more in this world I love than mashing chaos strike over and over on single target and hitting blade dance every 6 seconds.Beast mastery is almost as simple as havoc, but has a clear cohesion between abilities. I don’t play it because it’s a bit on the simple side, but have no problem with it existing.

Give havoc more than 2 main buttons and a clear direction in how to execute the spec and then I’ll be fine with it. Simple doesn’t mean bad. Being overpowered while also being the most simple spec in the game is bad.

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The more I think about pruning v unpruning in Wow, the more I realize that Bliz kinda lost sight of what each class was in terms of fun. Instead they’ve chained themselves to buzzwords like class fantasy, balance, and narrative.

My example is the BC era warlock. I played a variation of the infamous SL/Ruin talented into improved Curse of Elements for the raid. I also talented into making my Howl of Terror ( aoe fear bomb) instant.

My old spec was so flexible, I was able to raid competently, and pvp competently. My ‘rotation’ was to load up the dots, and cast improved Shadow Bolt for the shadow damage buff. However, if needed, I could cast some fire nukes. Why would I cast fire? Because if I got interrupted in pvp, I could be locked out of my main school (shadow) for a few precious seconds. So if I was dealing with a rogue/warrior I would cast a couple fire nukes to fish out the interrupt. Then proceed to fear/dot/shadow bolt or if I needed to run, I could fear/run away.

As of BFA, Affliction is cast a couple dots, maintain your curse at all times, shadow bolt, and use cool downs as appropriate. The core rotation is almost the same, but there are no other options. I’d be holding back the team if I start using cc like I did back when Magisters Terrace was new (banish one demon/fear one humanoid/enslave another demon, all in one trash pack was very fun).

Basically, I’m railroaded into one choice in any situation.

That said, if Bliz isn’t careful, the unpruning could end up being a sack of useless abilities that have no impact on gameplay. That would be worse than leaving them out in the first place.

TLDR: I don’t like class design that railroads me into one choice for any situation. I want depth of gameplay. Or raise the ceiling if you will.


there isn’t a complicated class.

People try to say things like feral are, but that’s just a terrible lie.

If their output was low, less would be less.

And really it may not be that their output is that much higher, they’re just really easy to gear and the combat design has moved to a high mobility style where big attack, small attack, interrupt, is a lot easier to manage.

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Agreed. Current encounter design rewards high mobility/instant damage classes.

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They’re fun, and I enjoy playing mine when I am a bit tired of healing ppl. lol

I agree. Sometimes less really is more! :slightly_smiling_face:


Glad people like it.

The toolkit for both specs personally feels anemic to me at times.

DH is the most smoothest rotations there is right now. Not sure what you’re talking about.

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If by rotation you mean hit blade dance every 6 seconds or so and spam demons bite sure

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You think the clunkiness of Windwalkers is a smooth rotation? Or complex? Lol

That’s weird I didn’t know windwalker was clunky. Never heard that one before. Tuned badly? Sure. Clunky? Not really.

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I also enjoyed assassination rogue which is also very simple but enough was there that you could still tell the difference when somebody was really good at playing one. I stopped playing it when burst of speed was taken away. I didn’t even pvp with it but the spell made running through some old stuff more fun. It also helped me grind through the pirates for insane title. I miss it!

I hate having 50 useless spells, and even worse, 50 GOOD spells. I don’t want to go pure MOBA mode, but there should be only a few core spells, with maybe a few cool downs and utility. At some point it’s just annoying making keybinds for stuff, especially in PvP.