DH is not op - if anything needs a buff

Please blizzard.


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: now that’s a knee slapper

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We both know that it is not. If you think it, prove it. create an alt dh and get it as high as you can.


Lets hear it then , what buffs does it need?

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10% flat buff.

You’re gonna have to try a lot harder than that man cmon


Flat nerf… there I fixed it.

give us a flash heal. even the board

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Troll post 1/10.

The outcries lol.

DH are in a good place imo, not too OP not weak.

Boomies, WW, Rets, Arms, MM, Enh among others hit the same or even harder than DHs in most RSS im in.

IDK on 2k + MMR how it is, but i’ve seen in my RSS’s some top rets/wars/dk and they were just melting us (noobs) down (1800 range mmr)

i think windwalker should get touch of death on players the same way it works on npcs, if the ww has higher hp you should instant kill them, 15% is like one RSK anyways, whats the point of ToD?

DH still has high burst and high sustain. Still critting 300k+ final hit on Death Sweeps (with proper modifiers). Then you gotta add the smaller hits before that DS.

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It’s high, but not so high, i’ve seen some skill hitting for 350k~400k.

Baity as bait can be. If anything, they need another nerf lmao. Absolute absurd unga bunga 3 button class.

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Says the class that can oneshot…

Yesterday the other team’s Evo Healer just killed my healer and the other DPS with his dragon breath, both were at 50% HP and in a second: 0%…

No way a hunter is talking about one-shotting. Atleast I have to be within 25 yards instead of standing in Africa throwing seven pets at someone.

The topic is about DHs. And I play SV pal, so I can’t kill
anyone with 50% hp with just one shot