DH in pvp, takes "0" damage, kills all players in 1 or 2 seconds

hrm that is very odd then … when u got killed did u see what spell he was using or if u had details could you see what spells and buffs were on him maybe?

Was he using the bakar? Ruby Feast buffs?

I didn’t stick around to see what abilities he was using or buffs. I didn’t check because him winning a cordinated 1 vs 5 multiple times was outside of what I expect to be possible. He killed many, we finally killed him and I went to do other stuff.

World PvP consumables can let any class do that if the people they are fighting aren’t doing the same. This is why world pvp is a joke and not to be taken seriously. Best to just leave pvp toggled off unless you want to abuse all of the dumb crap in it yourself.

This is Soullscape. He also does this on DH and several other classes.

Here is his DH. I haven’t watched it, but claims to be a 1v10.

The amount of buffs you can stack on yourself can make anyone invincible.

the ruby feast, ohn’ahran plains, potions, old world buffs, and event buffs.

This isn’t a hack, but an experienced world pvp’er taking advantage of what’s currently available to us.

You couple that with havoc arguably being the best spec in the game, and it’s good night Irene.

highest performing spec across the whole game in all content…why do people still question if DH is broken lol


The Purpose I made the post was more an issue with the battleground blitz demon hunter one shoting everyone and not taking any damage. World pvpeers doing world pvp is fine. I only made it a point to hunt down the world Pvper because he was preventing me from doing a worldquest. I would imagine there should be coding in place to prevent hacking in battlegrounds, but there doesn’t seem to be.

Ah, maybe I misunderstood your original post. I couldn’t tell if you were talking about a wpvp DH or a Blitz DH.

But yeah, havoc is one of the best dps specs in the game. Them, along with outlaw rogue, are very hard to kill.

As far as hacking…well, that’s always a possibility. Most of the true hacks I hear about in battlegrounds have to do with terrain exploits. I don’t believe a well played havoc DH needs to hack/exploit to be a livelord.

Again my concern was not that he was more durable than most, it was that he could not be harmed, health bar could not be moved, and everyone he touched died.

Obviously strong in arena, but in BGs? They are good, but nowhere close to being oppressively good.

A DH getting harmed through blur and darkness.

And, I have this happen quite frequently when playing my DH as well. I’ll dodge autoattacks and take sniper shots, aimed shots and kill shots to the face.

Luck based defensives… means that everyone remembers the times when the DH avoided all of their damage but forget the times when they didn’t. Unless you were pumping damage into netherwalk or something.

just snipa shot

You can nerf them. It wont matter to me.


DHs are designed to be nearly unbeatable when their defenses are up. Tell me, which melee classes can be beaten when their defenses are activated?

Paladin. All it takes is one snarky priest to mass dispel bubble and it’s over. (:


Bubble is only one of the paladin’s defensive. That’s also one cooky paladin if he got caught in a mass dispel.

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To be fair, DH is still considerably overtuned/bloated.


That’s an understatement, haha.

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i do be doing that to pallies a lot :dracthyr_comfy_sip: my fave time to do it is when they tunnel vision someone else and they pop it thinking they safe in a large group of my team but they dont see me and i magically make their bubble go poof and they flop over its great .


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