DH feels incomplete

It’s less that the concept is limited and more that Blizzard itself never saw DHs as anythingg else besides “edgy”. It’s funny how they created the concept but didn’t bother to take it to the letter. Devs kinda avoided putting much effort into the class as a whole.

Lots of issues on the class like how fury is clunky to generate, the lack of spells (throwing the only weapons you have is allowed but not casting spells?), sigils are awful for the sake of being different, Immo cd is so long that it feels like I don’t even have Immo. I guess I already made a bunch of comment and topics on the subject. There’s a lot to think about.

What I think could help give identity to the class is:

  • Clean up bad mechanics, like Sigil.
  • Give it spells and perhaps less mobility in exchange (like Mana Burn and reduce Immo cd). I think about Retri/Enhance when I imagine spells for DH.
  • Make Meta actually change abilities into something interesting, like Chaos Strike becoming ranged or something.
  • Give DH a 3rd spec. Classes must be consistent. It’s not simply the lack of variety in talents but how it lacks what every other class has.
    3rd Spec Suggestion: Dread

And, by all means, everything we already can stay here. I don’t think anyone has to lose anything to add new interesting stuff.

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