DH completely unplayable now

Silly Exalter, that was removed at the end of Legion!

Neat, except he’s talking about a legendary effect being broken. Try not being an idiot.

This isn’t a tuning issue it’s a “my legendary effect suddenly stopped working for no reason” issue. Bit different than waiting for the awc to finish because this also means it doesn’t work in PvE as well.

Who doesn’t run big darkness in this meta 90% of the time?

Have you not played DH in the last 3 years at least? I don’t remember legion but big darkness has done this throughout the entirety of BfA.

Is an irrelevant comment to the state of a legendary not working.

Also boohoo, press triune ward to negate the damage or DB the DH when he’s flying towards you like good mages do. Heck, you can even Nova it and screw us over. You have actual counter play against it, unlike everybody else into meteor and combust.

Look at the ladder. You have 5 hunters within range of r1 considering both factions. 4 of these 5 hunters are multi r1’s and have dominated the ladder for idk 10 years? Yea I’m sure any hunter can just pick up jungle and get rank1, assuming all of these hunters even play jungle (I know ssds, dilly, and paradise do majority of the time). Why do you think hunters are the least represented class 90% of the time, is it because the high skill ceiling or how utter dogsh!t hunters are normally? Even with MM being where it’s at right now we’re the 3rd to last in representation, nevermind survival lol.

Hunters are a pure dps class, with typically only 1 spec being viable in arenas and pve at a time, so I guess everyone should just go to that spec with nothing else being viable right? Mind you a lot of other classes just got their off specs buffed TODAY so there would be more variety whereas hunters weren’t touched.

Sorry to see everyone rolled more fotm classes leaving DH’s scarce on the ladder. Play arenas and you’ll see their dmg is still good

I play multiple characters. Any time I say anything about a class, it gets rebuked when I say it on my mage.

I’m convinced that if I start posting on my lock or sham, It wouldn’t happen as much.

Probably will because most mage players think their class is bottom of the barrel and it’s their own natural skill carrying them to rating.

Seriously, you can even go back into BfA during the Gpyro days and look at many mage players dropping useful hints like “just line the gpyro bro” when they had shimmer which made it into a meme (that then got co-opt’ed by haste amped destro in the last season).

Post from another toon and you’d likely get a much better response.

Hey I saw you in a claak video. As a dead warlock :clown_face:

They are only relevant in the SLIGHTEST because A. The Hunt B. Legendary (borrowed powers) My point was…at least you have an option…DH has no option…besides tank and we all know tank isn’t an option in arena unless you’re doing prot pally 2’s(which isn’t really arena anymore). Rogue also is a pure dps…Mage is also a pure dps…you know how many VIABLE specs they have to choose from? ONE same as a hunter…that would be like me coming on the forums crying about how bad furry warrior is and not just spec’ing arms…survival didn’t even exist when pvp was good…when all those multi r1 hunters were getting their multiple r1’s…

Do I think only spec should be viable? Did I say only one spec should be viable? Did I say just go MM and you’re guaranteed rank1? No…There comes a time when you have to realize that there is a meta in every game and if you don’t play the meta you are for some obligatory reason gimpy yourself at being competitive and there’s nothing to be done about it if you can’t control the people that control the meta. Sure it would be amazing in fantasy world if EVERY spec was viable but that has never been the case amongst all specs in wow and it never will be…however having at least one viable spec per class sure beats the hell out of zero. If you’re not willing to work with what you have available to you then you really only have yourself to blame for your lack of success…nobody is forcing anyone to play any class/spec. If you have a choice between what’s fun and what’s going to win and you choose what’s fun you have no business complaining about not winning…that’s not just in this game my guy…that’s in life.

Venythr Arms Warrior beat a Destro Lock in 2s. I am garbage,

Can’t tell if that is sarcasm or not lol.

I play with one. They are no joke, unlucky for me my partner is 180 ilvl.

Unrelated to topic of thread but I mean even though MM can shoot through walls this actually feels like one of the weaker states for hunters lately

Jungle plays like RMP that just takes way longer to do its go and it’s damage is far more obvious and inneffective and ye SV sucks

Maybe there’s some other good comp to play, maybe just need an hpal but idk Mm really just feels far too easy to get it’s damage shut down, people on wow forums just over rate it because they have no idea how hunters work (this is really normal)

As for the topic ya bugs suck hard, I’m sure it’ll get fixed


I actually remember that game. He was impossible to kite with the venythr port. I just said f this at some point lol. 2v2 sucks.

DH were only relevant in the SLIGHTEST in previous seasons because of borrowed power no? I understand you’re saying DH only have 1 spec for arenas (because screw tanks in arena), but what’s your point? Hunters should just reroll because at least they have a ‘relevant’ spec? Let me go get Blizzard on the phone so DH’s can have another spec.

Rogues and mages are pure dps classes but viable each only having 1 viable spec? Nah you’re wrong. They have 1 spec that is dominate over the others sure, just as hunters do but my point is those offspecs just got buffed today. Were hunters touched? Maybe I can’t read correctly please tell me. Please compare rogues and mages dominate spec to hunters, and then compare our off specs and see what I’m talking about.

survival didn’t even exist when pvp was good…when all those multi r1 hunters were getting their multiple r1’s…

Survival has been pretty relevant since Wotlk my friend. Do you not remember explosive shot and black arrow? It was only changed to a melee spec in Legion and even since then it’s been the best pvp spec for us.

No…There comes a time when you have to realize that there is a meta in every game and if you don’t play the meta you are for some obligatory reason gimpy yourself at being competitive and there’s nothing to be done about it if you can’t control the people that control the meta.

Exactly you’re right. Just like how DH isn’t meta right now. I only came here to defend my survival boy because according to you every hunter should just be mm.

Did I say just go MM and you’re guaranteed rank1?

Actually you pretty much did lol.

however having at least one viable spec per class sure beats the hell out of zero

Oh so now DH’s just aren’t viable at all?

There comes a time when you have to realize that there is a meta in every game and if you don’t play the meta you are for some obligatory reason gimpy yourself at being competitive and there’s nothing to be done about it if you can’t control the people that control the meta.

I’m confused. How can you make a statement like this while also defending DH’s being terrible?

Ya SV was bad in late wotlk and in cata (even though rly fun) but in MoP SV was really good and super underrated even in S15. I played it a lot and it was really powerful.

SV was mostly the go to spec along with BM in WoD as well (which is when MM started really falling out of favor).

Yea I remember in pretty much all seasons of wotlk being survival just pumping those LnL explosive shots into targets lmao. I only ever played cupid, around 2.7 with a resto druid before it was a pretty popular comp because I was only 15 with no money to transfer off my bad server.

One of the few times I played a hunter comp that straight up dominated rmp mainly because that was before they made only healers have dispel so our ret got us out of most cc haha. We’d only lose to like Toez’s RMP on Orgrimmar arena, good times man.

By survival hunter I meant…MELEE hunter…even then most hunters in WotlK were MM full AP gear…just like rogues because if you didn’t have smourne or play ele/lock/druid you needed armor pen to be relevant.

SO the current iteration of survival did not exist when pvp was good…is that more clear?

I also did not say EVERY hunter should be MM…I said he could roll MM if he’s not happy with survival’s performance…as in complaining about the spec he chooses to play…which is “off meta.”

Actually I pretty much said

do you need me to explain the difference between COULD get and GUARANTEED to get? is it also necessary to explain the difference between pretty much and flat out DID NOT…?

This is taken out of context…by that I meant having one viable spec is better than zero…for any class. It literally means exactly what it says…if you take things people say literally and don’t jump to assumptions to fit your narrative that is…because there were seasons in BFA all hunter specs were dog crap…so having MM be good isn’t better than bfa s2-3?

I actually never said DH’s were terrible. In fact the only thing I said or implied about DH is they depend on a legendary and covenant to be viable in arena and seeing as how this thread is about that legendary not working…the only thing I said that remotely resembles DH’s being bad is…

EDIT: As a matter of fact I was just scrolling through this thread https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/we-got-jebaited-lmaooo/826456/12
You happen to be posting there…and if you look at comments 9/13 you can clearly see me defending DH saying the class isn’t bad and the time stamps were long before you replied here…I also made it clear in my post there…they need their legendary(which isn’t/wasn’t working)…what do ya know consistency at 2 diff places and 2 diff times…crazy huh?

As far as your rogue/mage point…you’ll likely see as many surv hunters at high rating as you will sin rogues or frost mages…people play the meta to win/climb rating…if they are playing for fun there is really no point in complaining about balance…

SO please now…enlighten me exactly what is your point here? Actually out of that entire paragraph anything that wasn’t taken out of context and or assumed by you what’s your point in all that?

My only point to your “survival boy” was complaining your spec isn’t viable (especially in a thread about another class that’s entirely about their legendary item not working) whilst having another spec on your class that is will get you the same response he got…re-roll to the meta. Since DH’s are so dependent on the legendary that isn’t working which is what this entire thread was about…they can’t just re-roll to fix the QQ.

Do you have literally anything to contribute to the subject of this thread or you solely here on a personal vendetta with the intent on making more assumptions, twisting words, putting words in others mouths and flat out making stuff up?

Aww crap, you got me. Hopefully next time I respond it’ll contribute much more to the discussion, something like letting people know they COULD just reroll their spec and get r1

our legendary is busted you spud, please stop posting like an ignorant person.

why are nerds discussing survival hunter in here in a thread about a broken DH legendary. make your own thread please. bumping for visibility to issue.

yo i’m not reading all this garbage since the arena forums hates dh (kinda justifiably so lol)

is it the pvp talent making it not work?
last night while i was doing twisting corridor it was proccing for me since my dh is a dumpster gremlin and doesn’t have any other legendaries

ya…I guess…hopefully next time, he’ll search for hunter pitty in the class forums or make his own thread. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.