DH’s need a 3rd spec.
I’ve always wanted to try out healing the way a disc priest does - through damage.
I’d even love to see it done without mana - but that’s icing on the cake.
Also - we’ve added paladins (I think?) to classes that can brez. We can give DH’s the ability to summon so that warlocks aren’t the ONLY class that can summon. Raid PUGs will REALLY APPRECIATE this one btw. They already use similar schools of magic, so I don’t feel like it’s an “atrocity” against lore.
ANY other class needs to get the summoning ability. No reason at this point to still have only locks doing it.
The healing spec for DH sounds cool. They’ve already shown what they can do with a new style of healer with evoker. It would be great to see what could come of something for a DH that also functions a bit like a support class.
They don’t need another spec. A class made purely to hunt and kill demons no matter their own safety wouldn’t be a healer. They wouldn’t be ranged either because of the nature of their lore and their signature weapon.
Stop it.
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Healing doesn’t match the class fantasy of DH. They’re aggressive monsters.
Correct. Though a support class would make sense lore wise for demon hunter
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Yes that focused on sigils and runes could.
It would be interesting if there was a support class healer.
Aka a class heals through giving other’s the ability to heal themselves / take less damage.
Wouldn’t really work for 5 man content / but it would be interesting
I think demon hunters already stole enough from Warlocks when they were made lol
I think you’re missing an important part of life - change and adaptation.
They have access to magic. If they can use it to kill things aggressively, even through a support role when part of a bigger team, then why not?
That’s kind of the beauty of life in the universe - without these opportunities for change, you’d just have the pure magic type entities sitting in room twiddling their thumbs.
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fistweaver monk
I highly recommend it. I’d love to give a go at a DH healing spec with the same idea in mind.
I don’t really like playing priest, and would much rather have the option on my DH. It would definitely get me playing more on that toon.
Id rather have survival spec as a tank for hunters than give DH a healer spec lmao
Isn’t it obvious?
DH third spec will be a void melee support. Idk where you get healer from.
I think from the idea here:
Both DH specs heal alot…
And oddly enough I think healing comes from both shadow/void and from fel?
We get healthstones from Fel magic right? And then DH’s just heal through their shadow magic already.
Don’t think tons of SELF HEALS translate into group healing.
And again, with the current climate with Augmentation, it’s clears as day DH will get a melee support spec.
They have access to magic that heals - they can learn to use it to help heal and even buff/support allies.
You realize Azeroth and the people/magic/lore/etc. all change over time due to adversity right?
Yeah but we’ve never seen fel utilized like a full fledged healer.
Just because they can self heal a lot doesn’t mean they could be a healer spec.
Look at how much fury self heals. What are they gonna do, give them a healing spec via shouts?
It makes no thematic sense.
No, what does make sense is a melee support dps.
Make it void themed with a two hander like Allari the souleater
DH 3rd spec - melee dps who doesn’t have to use movement abilities to deal damage
I don’t think a healer works with demon hunter conceptually. I think it would work better as a support DPS like Augmentation, or maybe a support Tank.
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a support tank perhaps? DH with 2 tank specs. one just uses fell energy to buff the party for the little extra fel Rush.
Don’t think support specs will be tanks or healers. They already have enough on their plate to now have to properly buff their ally’s.
Support will more likely remain a dps gimmick.
So a dps support spec for DH will be next