DF story - is it just me?

He wasnt trying to cleave. He was only trying to stab it.

He only wanted to rule as a godlike being.

You already said perspectives dont count. Arthas trying to rule the world with them being undead does not mean the world ended.


She’s really bad at this, isn’t she. :rofl:

Nah it was too muted.

Like yay, we’re activating the oathstones I guess? Glad Kalec is feeling better about himsef I suppose.


Hey, if that distinction is important to you, all the power to you!

You’re right, which is why I stated to a lesser scale, because instead of perspectives of GROUPS of people, it was effectively omnicide. Given how WE, no matter our alignments share that trait, it was comparable to a lesser degree. The world won’t end for the undead, though!


Yes, that is indeed an opinion you can have.

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The Jailor was just “Thanos at home”


The difference between cleaving and stabbing is pretty big, esp with intent.

We know he can cleave a planet. But he didnt attempt to cleave this one.

We know he stabbed. We know he wanted to probably purge the corruption of Azeroth. We know that Silithus has a direct connection to the corruption of Azeroth.

Right, so because its based on perspective and not the world ending, it should be stricken from the conversation. We only want to specifically focus on the world itself ending, per you. Groups of people with certain ideologies being killed off is not world ending. Its just their perspective. Its key to be consistent.

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It just boggles my mind how there’s endless cool possibilities for an expansion

And Blizzard found the passion for a weird friendship dragon expansion


Are dragons and magical trees not fantasy?

So you want Game of Thrones. This is not that. And the last time they tried that, it failed miserably.

Not gonna lie, I stopped reading here.

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Well, I can say it definitely wasn’t my thing, there wasn’t ever a moment I found myself caring, I never found the aspects interesting when reading up on the lore, so I guess the game was rigged from the start for me. It doesn’t help that the Primal Incarnates were somehow even less interesting than the Jailer and I swear to god I have no idea how Blizzard accomplished something like that.

So to summarize, I was fighting enemies I didn’t care about, to help allies I don’t care about and to make it worse there wasn’t ever a moment of “high stakes”, like Varian’s sacrifice, the Horde pretty much committing genocide against the night elves, Anduin getting mind-controlled etc. So yeah, this expansion felt like filler through and through.


I think I would have liked the story more if I didn’t get so confused by being introduced to bits and pieces of it out of order. Some cutscenes or events you would only see when you get to a certain point in the campaign, which was gated behind renown. Some cutscenes you would only see in raids. I don’t raid, and I took my time getting to some of the later renown levels, so I watched some cutscenes on Youtube, and they didn’t make a lot of sense. (I tried finding videos where the person put the cutscenes in order but not entirely succesfully).
When did this conversation/fight/revelation happen? Is it before or after the first raid boss defeat? Is it related to Iridikron? Is it before or after Vyranoth turned?
Ugh, Blizz, you need to make sure your story makes sense even to people who don’t raid. Stick an NPC in the main city to give us a recap so we don’t have to rely on 3rd-party sites.

IMO, we didn’t dwell on any 1 topic long enough to really care about it.

Aberrus, there’s a huge void hole left over after you kill Sarkarath, no one cares about it because we weren’t told to care about it.

Razagath didn’t feel like she got a fair shake, getting killed off so early in the story, she felt like a throw away villain.

In Amirdrissil, it felt like during the campaign they were pulling characters out of no where, like Vorarath’s talons.

Also when the world kind of came together to protect Amirdrissal felt really weird, like they help outside the raid then decide to not help in the raid.

I also felt like it was beyond dumb that the Aspect of the Green flight could not tell/instruct/reason with the non corrupted beings in the raid to step aside.

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“It’s not perspective, it’s perspectives; plural!”
-the contrarian, but not a very good one

Not just you. It’s boring crap. I’ve done it 3 times now. After the first time I just mute the game. Dialogue is crap. Story is crap. Half the quests are taking care of animals, getting people in relationships, or sitting through boring conversations with bad puns.

It’s just bad. Hopefully T-dubs will be better, but I doubt it. I’m just waiting for China’s WoW clone at this point.


I think what matter sfor the success of the game is story where the characters involved make choices and actions that relate to their character, with no need to outsource that information for the player. We should get it in game.

then the enemies need to have motivation outside of retconning everything just to make the narrative work. It’s not a good feeling when the goal posts are moved. History is history and we work around that.


To be fair we know the Alliance is a singular perspective.

Its not gnomes, night elves, humans, worgen, dwarves, etc.

Each a different group with their own perspective.

man, while I agree, unfortunately Blizzard never has. The retconning started heavily in TBC.

It’s just funny the double standards she has, but without them she’d have no standards at all!

The intent of the burning legion is to destroy all World Souls. Given how Azeroth is one, and by precedent the destruction of a world soul precedes the destruction of the planet, Sargaras can stab, cleave, or even blow little fiery bubbles at us but the result is us having no planet.

Another contrarian for the sake of it. What are you actually trying to get out of this. We’re talking about how DF feels detached, and that other mortal conflicts have proven to be more effective in engagement. You want to debate about whether Sargaras has stabbed or cleaved the world, or maybe was simply doing Pilates and accidentally left his sword embedded in the planet.

I already explained why Arthas to a lesser extent constitutes as a world ending threat, while faction conflicts aren’t. In reality, the difference would be between genocide, and omnicide. Given how we all would fall under the latter, and as I’ve stated, it is one to a lesser extent. Is being pedantic over this really the point?


Sure. But thats irrelevant to stabbing the planet and not trying to kill it.

My entire point is that WoW rarely ever had the “world ending threat” (as defined in this thread) that people are saying is lacking in DF.

I am sorry that I had the audacity to disagree with the topic of “DF story bad durrrr”

Yes, I am fully aware you contradicted yourself by stating Arthas constituted a world ending thread.

You dont want others to be “pedantic” because that points out how you are wrong. Words have meaning. Words with meaning is how we communicate.

When you use words that state X, but you actually mean Y it makes communication difficult. because at that point we have to guess what you actually mean. if we guess wrong, you get mad at us for putting words in your mouth. if we take your words at face value, you get mad at us for being pedantic.

Its a great win-win situation for people that use words incorrectly. You can always play the victim whenever anyone disagrees with you about anything.