Where are you getting this number? From the DF Season 2 “Unique Class Population” breakdown graph at the top of the all run leaderboards? The tiny text there? Because that is the number of unique players** (correction - unique characters) who ran keys, not the number of keys that have been completed.
with just Guardian druid/fire Mage/Shadow Priest/ Holy Paladin/ AUg Evoker???
Which page though, where are these figures
Probably a better indicator then.
It could simply mean people are running fewer alts.
Also, adding in my full quote above that included the correction that was left out of your quote:

Because that is the number of unique players** (correction - unique characters) who ran keys
isnt season 2 only 2/3 complete? we still have 1/3 of a season to go. 1/3 is ~ 12mil
the math of there being like 3-4 mill less is assuming that keys are cleared at an even rate.
but wouldnt the last 1/3 of the season be the one where more keys are completed? thats the last push.
so i would expect it to be more like a V shape.
its high at the start. low to the middle and then spikes back up at the end once everyone goes for the last push for titles and tend to have access to added gear bonuses like special ring added at the tail end.
but it’s not a better indicator?
It’s almost like they kicked an entire region off their servers…
Still, the amount of unique characters is a lot lower.
That’s kinda what happens when you kick China out?
Wait what it’s all lies? The population hasn’t lowered? Definitely feels lower anyway. I’m guessing all that’s left is people who raid log and do M+?
I’m trying to actually commit to a build in POE and actually fight the end bosses. Lots of friends are off WoW for now and I only really raid log at this point.

Probably a very good indicator that the population of the game has had a very large drop off.
Or, maybe M+ is just losing its appeal. I guess we will have to wait and see what kind of numbers, season 3 brings.
what is the point to play if you are 3k after 1-2 month and have very quick 445-446?
or why should i push for garbage title? (this is reward for april 1st) and i turn all titles off…
and healing was hardcore. i gave my best as holy paladin. but then came patch in the middle of season… (WTF IS THIS???) and i got INSTANT invites for +3/+4/+5 higher keys. i had burnout on same day. because all my hard work is like wet fart and i dont even need very good healing strategy for each boss.
i have gold for 2 month subs. but no way i will waste my time here.
They’re trying to convince the entire playerbase to become true meta slaves (thanks to Ralph, wherever he is, for the meme), to switch mains and reroll multiple times a patch as is required by changes to the game. It’s like free content to them! What, you haven’t gotten on the hamster wheel yet?
Because there’s a lot more to the game than M+.
Gearing was really fast this season, so
That might explain part of the drop off.
Only about 1% of those that even do M+ achieve 3k or higher, and the title is .1% and pretty competitive.
Do you seriously have nothing else to do with your life except complaining about M+?
There are so many ways to play World of Warcraft, which one is your favorite? poll Don’t hesitate to tell us why in a post below.
Everyone is aware that you think “M+ is so dead an it needs to be deleted from the game” because for some reason you just wanna cut out portions of the game you have no interest in despite others actively playing the game … unlike you but I digress

Why can’t people just not like something?
Because unlike sane people, not liking something doesn’t equate to a bizarre obsession of getting rid of it for other people; literally the only thing you have ever advocated for ever is the removal of activities you don’t like
Thankfully the world doesn’t work like that - the random whims of one person doesn’t dicate the world for other people
Seriously, get a real hobby

has had a very large drop off.
people find other games to fill there time. wow isnt grippingly enjoyable.
daily/weekly objectives werent a thing for DF which i think hurt it more.

The forums are, and have always been since at least late vanilla when I discovered them, been primarily negative about the game.
That’s when I began here as well, and you are right about that. Over the last few years the snark level posters have really sharpened their skills. Unsavory lot in general, discussion.