DF class changes

Yeah I mean, I would 100% take a 1min divine protection over magic bop anytime, but 2min aint gonna cut the loss.

Obviously, Magic bop is a really strong spell, but jesus atleast give something.
Monk is literally getting all their 3 walls that were on the same talent row + Karma. That’s 4 defensives cd on top of their good mobility and port.

Lock getting millions ways to reduce damage taken.

Mobility and defensive creep just increasing every single expansion.
And now we’re going into Dragonflight as a worse version of Shadowlands with only Blinding Light, 4min bop and 1min sac, and mobility is getting worse with 4sec horse instead of 6sec, and everyone else beside us got better mobility going into Dragonflight.

No you don’t

it wasnt introduced the paladin class already had it. It just doesnt make it spec restrictive.

Playing paladin vs toxic double caster comps (ele afflic or frost destro) on huge maps will always an unfair matchup having spellwarding would have made these rock papers scizzors matchups almost fair

they could already do that with bubble

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If you think removing blessing of spellwarding was a good thing you are delusional. Try looking at things without your incredible bias for once.


Can you make a coherent repply though.

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how bout we remove the ability to disarm while disarmed

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It’s actually easier to disarm somebody when you have both hands available


How quickly ret players forget their truly deserved fate of having 1.5 pretty good comps and 0 s tier ones. SL has set some funny expectations

me when i have a very good understanding of why giving outlaw and assa shadow dance seems like a bad idea
number of specs that had blessing of spellwarding on beta last week:
number of specs that have recently been introduced to not having blessing of spellwarding:
or to put it yet another way, let me know when you can respec to prot paladin inside of a starting room

Right I was talking about introducing it to ret specifically.

Don’t disagree, but spellwarding making them “immune” to magical effects is more or less going to create an unhealthy outcome rather than a fair one.

Ret main and ret mains liked it. Lmao ironic

Ret/Holy having access to Spellwarden is toxic.

Ret needs an additional talent or a stronger defensive into Magic damage.

Both things can be true, guys. Personally I’m glad Spellwarden was removed from Ret/Holy.

Immunities are almost always toxic. If they made it to where Spellwarden stops you from being able to press your abilities, then I think it’s fair.

Similar to Netherwalk, Ice Block, etc.


Ret is generally so terrible into caster metas that the spec is nearly unplayable. Look at ret in BFA. Giving them some ability to deal with them wouldn’t break the game by any means. It’s also a 3 min cd, not like it’s going to stop every single go. I do think they should look at it in a different way, like creating a talent like the old divine protection glyph. Sadly the paladin devs are completely incompetent.

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At this point, I’d cry tears of joy just to have Long Arm of the Law back.


something or an answer to everything. Big difference. Because what you’re advocating is everything.

So let’s give all casters disarms and immunity to physical damage as well. Everything/ability should have a counter anyways.

We see how great the melee gap closers versus casters has gone. Now with more classes having micro-cc blizz is introducing precognition into the game. They even admit they have gone too far and are monitoring the situation.

All this makes the game better and has been received well by the community amirite :brain: :clown_face:


Your move!

Yea ret has an incredibly easy time getting to wizards.

Qs cupid. Gottem

Stop moving goal posts!

Yup, just like shaman has an incredible time escaping melee. Rogues just can’t win :man_shrugging: