I have followed much of the Hunter changes closely and have been very appreciative of the rapid iteration on both the class and spec tree.
Now that that iteration has slowed, there are still two main issues in the Survival spec tree that I think should – and can easily – be addressed before the trees are finalized and Dragonflight launches.
Remaining Survival Spec Tree Issues
Issue #1: Too Many Generic % Damage Increases
I examined each dps spec tree to see how many talent points were dedicated to just “Mongoose Bite damage increased by X%”-type effects in each tree. While I had a hunch that Survival had the most, the results were still surprising.
Note: I was overinclusive in my list, including things such as “Mutilate deals an additional 30% Bleed damage over 8 seconds”, “Tiger’s Fury’s damage bonus is increased by X%”, and even “Increase all Fire, Frost, and Nature damage dealt by X%.” Though these talents are not as generic as the talent nodes in the Survival tree, it only emphasizes the ridiculous amount of generic % damage increases that Survival has.
Spec | Cost of % Damage Increases |
Survival Hunter | 13 |
Windwalker Monk | 9 |
Devastation Evoker | 8 |
Assassination Rogue | 6 |
Beast Mastery Hunter | 6 |
Frost Death Knight | 6 |
Havoc Demon Hunter | 5 |
Arcane Mage | 4 |
Elemental Shaman | 4 |
Feral Druid | 4 |
Unholy Death Knight | 4 |
Demonology Warlock | 3 |
Marksmanship Hunter | 3 |
Subtlety Rogue | 3 |
Arms Warrior | 2 |
Destruction Warlock | 2 |
Enhancement Shaman | 2 |
Retribution Paladin | 2 |
Fury Warrior | 1 |
Shadow Priest | 1 |
Affliction Warlock | 0 |
Balance Druid | 0 |
Fire Mage | 0 |
Frost Mage | 0 |
Outlaw Rogue | 0 |
Even being overinclusive, Survival has more than double the generic % damage increase talent points than every other dps spec besides Windwalker and Devastation. Five different specs even have zero generic % damage increases in their tree. Not only does this lead to several uninteresting choices (including spending two points in the bottom third to buff Kill Command damage!?), but it leads to many repetitive choices.
Example #1
In a single target build, you’re likely taking Predator: +10% pet damage; Killer Companion: +10% Kill Command damage; and Beast Master: +6% pet damage; and Improved Kill Command: +10% Kill Command damage in the class tree. That’s up to 7 talent points (admittedly spread across the spec and class tree) spent doing exactly the same thing. You’re also likely taking Spear Focus: +10% Mongoose Bite damage; and Sweeping Spear: +10% Mongoose Bite/Raptor Strike and Carve/Butchery damage. Again, that’s 4 talent points spent doing exactly the same thing (note that the Carve/Butchery factor is likely meaningless in single target situations).
Example #2
For example, in an aoe build, you’re likely taking: Improved Wildfire Bomb: +25% Bomb damage; and Tactical Advantage: +20% Flanking Strike damage and +8% Bomb damage. Again, 4 talent points spent doing essentially the same thing.
Conclusion of Issue #1
The core issue this creates is that it stifles meaningful choice. If you’re going a for a Mongoose Bite build, you just pick up all the Mongoose Bite % damage increase nodes. If you’re going for a Bomb build, you just pick up all the Bomb % damage increase nodes. You basically start the tree with 4 fewer points than any other spec, if not more. This is especially grating when you consider that if these nodes weren’t in the tree and Mongoose Bite or Bomb weren’t doing enough damage, we would likely just see a tuning buff – and we wouldn’t have to pay 4 precious talent points for it.
There’s no reason that Survival should have so many generic % damage increase nodes, and there’s even less reason that Survival’s generic % damage increases should cost so many talent points.
Proposed Solution for Issue #1: Reduce Both the Cost and Number of Generic % Damage Increases
Remove these generic % damage increases; if they cannot be removed, reduce the talent point cost of these generic % damage increases. Replace them with more talents like Bloody Claws. Talents like Bloody Claws (“Each stack of Mongoose Bite increases the chance for Kill Command to reset by 2%”) are creative and add some dynamic to the spec and rotation.
Idea #1
Were Bloody Claws in the place of Spear Focus, I could easily see a choice node below Bloody Claws that reads: “Choice #1: each Kill Command reset grants an extra stack of Tip of the Spear (extra stacks may exceed 3); Choice #2: each Kill Command reset extends the duration of Mongoose Fury by X seconds.”
Idea #2
Another idea is a choice node that offers: “Choice #1: Mongoose Fury may stack up to X; Choice #2: [some ability or mechanic] extends the duration of Mongoose Fury by X seconds.” Choosing between a harder hitting Mongoose Bite or a longer Mongoose Fury window seems like meaningful and interesting choice to me.
Idea #3
A node that reduces Flanking Strike’s cooldown in the single target rotation such that with proper rotation it is available in each Mongoose Fury window. Another Flanking Strike-related talent that might be interesting is to make it interact with Tip of the Spear.
Idea #4
A choice node similar to Marksmanship’s Heavy Ammo vs. Light Ammo like “Choice #1: Your Wildfire Bombs no longer splashes past 3 targets, but deals an additional X% damage; and Choice #2: Your Wildfire Bomb deals a second explosion if it hits more than X targets.”
Issue #2: Viper’s Venom Costs Too Much
Viper’s Venom should only be one point. In single target situations, the second point is completely worthless, since a 15% chance to apply is more than enough for 100% uptime. In aoe situations, Viper’s Venom at 30% might be useful, but with Volatile Bombs applying Serpent Sting as well, the second point will likely be useless as well. Furthermore, we are absolutely required to spend two points in Viper’s Venom since it is the sole gate to Wildfire Infusions, which is as close to a must-pick talent in every situation as Survival can have.
Proposed Solutions for Issue #2:
Idea #1
There are several easy ways to remedy this:
- Make Viper’s Venom a single point talent
- Make Viper’s Venom a leaf node
- Change Viper’s Venom’s or Wildfire Infusion’s position so that it is not solely gated by Viper’s Venom
However, there are a few further solutions that I have thought of:
Idea #2
Make Viper’s Venom a single point and a choice node: Choice #1: “Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite have a X% chance to apply Serpent Sting to your target;” Choice #2: “Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite have a chance to make your next Serpent Sting cost no Focus and deal an additional X% damage.”
Notably, bringing back the live version of Viper’s Venom allows for a combination with Hydra’s Bite that seems impactful and fun in aoe, while also adding the option for some complexity to the single target rotation. Making this a choice node would sidestep any dependency issue with people who choose not to take Serpent Sting in the class tree.
Idea #3
Make the second point of Viper’s Venom (or a separate talent) read: “Applying Serpent Sting to a target that already has Serpent Sting causes a violent explosion” or even something creating a situation where when Raptor Strike or Mongoose Bite applies Serpent Sting to a target already affected by Serpent Sting, adds a stack of Latent Poison and deals damage as if it consumed all stacks of Latent Poison without actually consuming those stacks. Note: this should work even if Latent Poison Injectors isn’t chosen – it would synergize well with the talent, but it should not be a dependency issue, just like talenting into Serpent Sting is not a dependency issue with Viper’s Venom.
Remaining Hunter Class Tree Issues
As many others have pointed out, there are still several issues in the Hunter Class tree that need to be remedied. I will focus on the two that I think are most important.
Issue #1: Utility
As others have said many, many times on these forums and in the Alpha/Beta feedback thread: Hunters lack meaningful utility.
Two quick, easy solutions:
- Give Hunters a passive aura raid buff (+3% Haste, for example)
- Give Hunters an active raid cooldown
For the second proposal, I think thematically something called “Aspect of the Pack” (no relation to the old ability) where the Hunter grants its pet’s passive buff to the raid for a short time would work perfectly. In other words: Hunters would have a cooldown like Stampeding Roar for Cunning Pets; Rallying Cry for Tenacity Pets; and Raid-wide Leech for Ferocity Pets. For Lonewolf Marksmanship Hunters, give them all three abilities on a shared cooldown.
Issue #2: Nesingwary’s Trapping Apparatus Needs to Go
The overwhelming majority of feedback has been completely negative for this talent. Please “keep utility as utility” and don’t make us use our Freezing Traps for throughput.
Furthermore, because Nesingwary’s Trapping Apparatus is so undesirable, the cost of Alpha Predator/Killer Instinct is too high. While Explosive Shot/Barrage also costs 5 talent points to get to, its cost is distributed over nodes that unlock other desirable nodes. For example, if you go through Keen Eyesight to get Explosive Shot/Barrage, yes you just spent 5 talent points for it, but you also unlocked Death Chakram/Stampede for just one more talent point. Likewise, if you go through Master Marksman, you unlock both Serpent Sting and Serrated Shots. This is simply not the case for Alpha Predator/Killer Instinct, especially for Survival. If Survival wants to take Alpha Predator, half of our bottom third budget is immediately consumed and we have to start from scratch to unlock something else.
Remove Nesingwary’s Trapping Apparatus. Even if it wasn’t replaced at all and Death Chakram/Stampede was now also accessible through Beast Master, the tree would be massively improved.
As I said at the start, I am very happy with the attention that Hunter, and Survival specifically, have received. The trees have come a very long way since their initial preview. However, they still have a little way to go. Addressing the above issues will, in my opinion, move these trees that little way.
If you read this far, thanks for reading. I would love to engage in discussion to refine these ideas, so please feel free to respond with any agreement, disagreement, thoughts, comments, concerns, etc.