DF abandons WoW’s solo playerbase... but why?

“Someone who actually solo doesn’t agree with my train of thought they just be an alt or have low self esteem”

You lost the little respect I had for you with that comment.

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Terranox turning on their own. When will the soloist on soloist hate come to an end?!?!


That’s because most of them aren’t actually solo players. They think if they get access to the gear they can actually get invited to the group content.

“I’m a solo player and I loved horific visions!”.

Guy did plenty of M+ and raided heroic weekly in BfA S4.

Meanwhile, actual solo players : “I hated horific visions, the gear from them wasn’t enough to clear them!”.

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I’ll run some more analysis of public data when I get home, but between 75 and 80% of players with a level 70 have also run at least 1 M0 this expansion.

I please do. And then provide a source link just so they drown in their own arguments lol

That guy sounds like what a caricature/stereotype of what an elitist thinks a casual should act like. But then again this thread is mostly dominated by people trying to suppress people advocating for what they want to see in solo game modes.

Anyway its the same old people talking down to solo players. SO I just hope the devs listen to some good feedback.


Some of the math may be over their heads though.

Just wow. We’re they decent io or carried?

It’s not that deep dude, I don’t know.

Every “solo” players I’ve seen go all “Horific visions were great!” weren’t solo players at all in BfA.

Because we all know what “challenging” solo gameplay is : A Raider/Keystoner’s sandbox for end of season dry spells.

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If you couldn’t do mad world at 470 with a max cloak, skill issue.

What do you need full power gear for if you’re not going to do group content, which is objectively the hardest content in the game? Don’t be ridiculous.

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You get absolutely NOWHERE trying to imply that I’m lying.

Please, Armory my main – Fleafly – & look at all the awesome group content that I’ve never done. Then kindly shut up, Mr iLevel 392. You have no dog in this hunt.

I’m a casual.

Casual doesn’t mean you’re bad at the game. You’re the one projecting your opinion on what a solo player is and when they voiced their opinion that was different than yours you literally called them an alt or said they had low self esteem.

That’s low.

No one is talking down on solo players. We are voicing against the idea that solo play should reward bis gear in a game developed around group content.

You’re the guy that goes to red lobster and gets mad because he can’t get a cheeseburger.

If you couldn’t do Mad World at ilvl 460, without even a max cloak : skill issue. It wasn’t that tightly tuned.

It’s then trying to justify hard solo content that most of them couldn’t complete anyways.


Umbric in stormwind could be incredibly annoying depending on what class/spec you were playing.

You actually just come across as an angsty Anakin Skywalker with the…

“If you are not with me…then you’re my enemy”

stance. Complete with tears in your eyes trying to fight them back. And if anything, the argument that casuals should get higher gear just comes across as the ye ole tale of “When you give a mouse a cookie”

If people REALLY want “challenging solo content” then they need to go play EQ2, which is loaded with solo versions of the dungeons.

I’m betting that won’t be good enough tho, because the rewards you get from them are the equivalent of WoW blues.

Casual scrub doesn’t sound like a positive term.

Oh please Snozh you are constantly belittling solo players, actively being passive aggressive, demean people who liked torgast, and are actively being negative toward people saying they don’t deserve gear or have dev time given to them. You are not a nice person on these forums. And I honestly get tired talking to you when this is more for the devs hearing feedback. You say your piece but you don’t have to constantly attack people and be toxic.

It doesn’t feel like there is much good faith arguments coming from you guys.

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