DF abandons WoW’s solo playerbase... but why?

Look at my above post, they can just as well make a solo version difficulties of those dungeons.

they really can’t because each class has different capabilities. It will be really bad or too easy. And what would it drop?

How would you make a difficult version of solo Algathar when not every class can dispell poison ?

Orbs, buffs, ai party members, tech mechanics, special action buttons, torgast like powers etc bunch of things they can do as well as solo gear oriented bonuses.

In other words, you’d involve much more than a simple retuning of abilities.

Much more involved than Mythic raiding is. New spell ids, actual involved AI paths, changing entire encounters…

So you want entirely new dungeons made. Which is why it’s not happening because everytime they put in the effort, people complained about the content.

A lot of old spells and npcs can do the job. We had a bunch of garrison followers who can help you in combat. And npc abilities are developed all the time for world content, pve, and pvp with new bgs and content. Them making stuff for a solo mode wouldn’t be so bad since they are always making stuff that is expansion specific >.>

You thinking it’s not worth dev time is another story.


You can’t just whine about solo content being “too difficult” and hope they keep making difficult solo content my dude.

No it wasn’t lol.

I’m a dedicated casual soloist. I don’t join groups at all. I have no trouble soloing in DF in the gear I have now. There is no need for raid-level gear, or even M+ level gear, for people to solo in DF. I know, because I do it on 3 different low-60s characters, & I’m absolutely confident that if a scrub like me can do it, anyone can.

As a dedicated casual soloing scrub, I’m sick past my ears of the “we need better gear” whining.

SL was the most solo unfriendly expac I’ve seen yet, so I’ve no idea what you’re on about.

DF isn’t solo friendly? Seriously? Whatever.

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Arguably its better done in groups, might as well do dungeons at that point and the rewards are worse then dungeons until you upgrade them with the timegated currency.

Hey we had cool things in mission tables like upgrading our followers and get them new weapons. That system could be used in the solo missions to add utility in the solo modes too. Like all the combat buddies we had in WoD, Legion, and Partly in Shadowlands with ZM And the Necrolord Reps. Withered Army training was fun because you had to protect these units and upgrade them as you did them. It was a fun game mode and solo.

If they made these cool game modes with some scaling ilvl rewards for difficulty that would be awesome. As of now all the gearing you do is tied to group content and that gets old.

just play… diablo 3?

Just let solo players voice what they want to see in a solo mode?

Because bad ideas get implemented if people don’t complain, and worse, they stay around. (Pathfinder.)

Not saying you’re wrong, but I’ll suggest that grouping up isn’t inherently required in service of world building or gameplay. It’s mostly an arbitrary design choice, isn’t it? There are plenty of other ‘fantasy RPGs’ where grouping isn’t a consideration and in fact the player is ‘the chosen one’, tacitly expected to do everything on their own with assistance from others, NPC or otherwise being strictly optional, if it’s even available at all.

Like I alluded to with my question, I don’t see why things necessarily have to stay as they are. There’s certainly ways to accommodate what these players are asking for as evidenced by other games in the same genre.

Torghast (for a large amount of players), was entirely propped up by the fact that it was the only way to get legendary items until mid 9.2.


Pathfinder was the compromise the player base worked toward blizzard wanting to make ground zones and remove flying all together.

Pathfinder remained for so long because of people advocating for their immersions.

other games which are … single player?

You blaming that on people advocating for something instead of the devs that kept it is silly. And non-factual. The devs wanted to go in a direction without flight. Players hated it. They finally turned around and gave us dragon flying off the bat. That felt good and a world designed around flight feels good and it was cool for leveling.

The other leveling zones were also good while grounded, they made both work. Flying feels better though but they wanted to design zones around being grounded. Now they designed content around flight. They both feel nice in different ways.