For wanting casuals to get a fair shot and improving their char power? That isn’t a loser…that is a consumer wanting value to play for.
Homeboy there jumping to thinking people want to be isekai anime heroes, unable to argue anything but “no one would do the other thing”, and is jumping to insulting because no one just accepts his asinine argument. He does ned some help, and yeah I am qualified to notice someone needs mental help. Actually they trained me and my flight to identify when people are exhibiting traits like his. They told us to immediately have them get help.
Asking for something isn’t crying dude.
Asking for character improvement paths isn’t trying to be a MC champ.
I will let her know you said so. Enjoy the body pillow bud. It would be hilarious if it was Asuna lol
I play a game that has literally “0 content” besides the assets and the map. Just mechanics of physics and construction. By using that and PLAYING THE FREAKING GAME, I make content, which we call in the industry “incidental content” (or something depending on which languange you speak). So no content besides assets and the World warrants me unending content just be me playing the game.
blizzard tried it once, and it was a disaster, because, again, players.
Anything you put in WoW becomes a source of show off and misery, in which players use the content to harass, offend or humiliate others. So obviously, nothing constructive can come from anything Warcraft offered.
But not, the problem of the game is not “devs making content”, it is the damn design of the game that is made for the playerbase it has.
You gonna do the bacon dance on the forums long ? Because the more you scream, the less you get.
Ok so now the solo progression in game isn’t good, because you don’t have hours to play to get through it.
You want progression, but you want it to be instantaneous.
How is it progression if it’s just mailed to you.
You told us about how you “put it in” to your “girlfriend” to score a point in an Internet forum debate. That’s how we know you don’t have a girlfriend, no one who does talks like that, they aren’t objects for your personal gratification my dude.
Just to give you context on who actually needs help here.
Casual doesn’t mean anything other than time played. If you’re not succeeding in this game it’s due to one of two things.
You’re not putting in effort.
You’re terrible at the game.
There are multiple avenues for solo players to increase their gear in a group based game. After you cap ifnyou want higher you need to do group content.
Demanding the game change how it’s been designed for 18 years because you choose to limit yourself to 10% of it is more of an indication of issues
Imagine “Hey babe, I called you a Scabbard on an Internet forum to score a point in a debate and now they’re all laughing at me”, but he’s alone in the room.