DF abandons WoW’s solo playerbase... but why?

SL S4’s main complaint was the fact it had no solo content actually.

You were hard stuck with SL S3 content.

Well I got twelve characters their tier set doing S3 stuff in S4.

Nothing stopping you from getting 12 characters tier sets right now.

A five month grind is not palatable. Only to those who enjoy punishment. I don’t think WoW will ever be as solo friendly as Shadowlands was.

3 hours per toon for the gear, then about 20 minutes weekly for the sigils per toon.

3 * 12 = 36 hours + 20 * 12 = 4 hours. 40 hours.

Seems reasonable enough.

I can play a whole singleplayer game and obtain the best weapons in under 40 hours. All Blizzard needs to do is make BFA raids tuned to be soloable completely and in all the raids on mythic.

Then go do it.

Nothing stopping you.

In fact, in the time you spent whinning here, you’d probably be well underway in Hogwart’s legacy.

I don’t like Harry Potter. And I’ve played every big RPG that I like the IP of on the current market now. And yes, Blizzard should go tune the old raids right now.

I consider LFR as part of the solo player “experience”.

Those that are not solo players are part of guilds, and it is up to them to coordinate and make the necessary arrangements on how they want to play (ie normal, heroic, mythic while being serious or not and tricked out or not).

Solo players do whatever they want, piece by piece and don’t rely on guilds - just PUGs. And the PUGs will be PUGs. No amount of whining or demands should make Blizzard be involved (unless there is verbal harassment that violates TOS).

Anyway, sure - OP is a troll, but the sentiments expressed so indeed exist in this community.

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if you’re not going to do the content that needs better gear than what are you complaining about? You can literally get all of that over time on your own, solo.

The game is centered around social activities. If you don’t like it, find a different game.

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IDK, DF was the most soloable the game has ever felt to me. I feel I can drop into game and play for a few months without having to even consider group content.


I swear, posting anything about “soloing” and it’s such easy bait.


This is a mmo.

Higher gear is rewarded for the more challenging the content is, so you can take on more challenging content.

I swear solo players want a vendor where they can buy 221 gear from doing daily quests.

There are many many systems in place for you to gear without doing any group content that can take your ilvl way beyond what is needed to stomp the content you are doing.

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This would easily fix when Ion decides to make everything que able.

I love this push more players out of the game!


Imagine thinking wows solo only player base is a decent size worth caring about.

I saw it again when I returned to Classic. I was on starting Night Elf region in Teldrassil and there’s that quest full of Furbolgs inside a cave. Definitely, I cant Solo it so I started shouting on Trade Channel to form a group.

And I have many tricks using my hunter. I used my pet micromanaging it to aggro every mob on the area and have it run away while I sneak inside and get the quest item.

But most noobs wont touch those quests. They will outlevel it… return to that quest after 10 levels to be able to Solo it. I dont do the same. On me, I usually go to areas with mobs 3 to 5 levels above me. Kiting Melee elites to Cities to have NPC’s kill it for me is my thing. I am sorry if I overdid it becoz when Classic went Live, all XP gained was nullified if I had NPC’s to kill it for me. Boo. It’s never like that in Vanilla. Even Fel Reaver from TBC was my victim and I gain XP when I kited him to nearest City.

I also remember in Classic Beta. They first cap it to level 25 and they left us with WSG battlegrounds. As a Hunter, I would need biggest gun for it. I went to Stranglethorn Vale at level 25 to complete King Bangalash series quest who is at level 43 to get a Gun quest reward… that’s ‘RED’ on me. I formed 2x 5-man group who are strangers to me to kill it. I was on McConnel’s Warsong Gulch stream playing with him as Asmongold was absent that time. I was showcasing my gun. ROFL. My Guild Chat was talking about me when they were watching the Stream with me on it.


Solo / outdoor player content in DF is poppin. How did you manage to list 0 things…

Main campaign
Zone campaigns
World quests
Rock climbing
Trial of elements
Primal storms
Primalist future storms
Tuskar fishing stuff
Wrathion/sabellion stuff
Cobalt stuff
Pet battles
Warmode stuff
Proffesion revamp

A solo player can get 390 ilvl and 4 set without ever grouping up. That’s pretty solid imo


But the bad ones seem to stick around way longer than they should. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil: