DF abandons WoW’s solo playerbase... but why?

I’m a solo player and I’m good and happy with DF.

The only thing I don’t like is professions and cooking. I just don’t really partake, other than gathering here and there and very slowly pushing skill leveling from time to time.


Someone mentioned it’s probably a troll, probably is but I know there are solo players who won’t do any group content at all and there really aren’t enough WQs to keep them happy unless they have a lot of alts or very limited play time. It’s what makes it a good troll.

The point of giving solo players better gear is so they can progress to other content they would enjoy.

A dude posted a reply saying they were at a storm and saw zero people for thirty minutes.

Can’t have people taking responsibility for their own decisions, that would be too emotionally destabilizing.

It’s there, you just have to adapt.

This is a lie.

I guess this is why I never join groups in DF, because it’s totally impossible to solo there.

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Grats OP, I don’t see one response by you to any of the 700+ comments, plus you posted on an alt that’s hidden. Your main is probably sitting at, at least 390 as a solo player. Nice trollin

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O post Classic throwaway alt. Nothing to see here…


Yes. The problem isn’t solo gearing for solo players. The problem is solo content for solo players. The lack of a Torghast-like game-mode is a real letdown.

I don’t know why Blizzard didn’t build upon the successes of Twisting Corridors or Jailer’s Gauntlet. Instead, you’ve got some boring world quests that only reset every 3.5 days and that’s pretty much it.

You pretty much have to PvP if you are a “solo” player or else you run out of stuff to do. It has nothing to do with rewards - that’s just OP’s bait on the hook.

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Everyone deserves the ability to improve their toon, and why shouldn’t they get 421 gear to make what they want to do easier?


Because solo content is already too easy, that’s why.

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When you overcome a challenge, that feels good. When you overcome a challenge and then get a meaningful reward for it, that feels even better - it’s sort of the basis of this genre of RPG.

Handing out welfare stuff diminishes the sense of reward of overcoming a challenge. I don’t really know why this has to be explained to you. I doubt it does - I think you’re being deliberately obtuse because you want free stuff (which is dumb because that doesn’t actually work to convince Ion - you don’t win if you’re right in your mind, you’ll only win if you succeed in convincing Blizzard that what you want is good for the game / drives player retention… which it won’t).

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No you didn’t. You have none of the Mythic Sepulcher achievements. I doubt you’d waltz through Mythic Sepulcher anyway at this point.

What you probably did is earn that set farming M0s in S4 and catalysted that set from them, as M0 gear converted to the Mythic appearance.

In other words : you did group content. So you’re not in fact a solo player.

I’m talking about the BoD set. Got eyes? Damn.

This poor horse.

This poor poor horse.

That’s the Sepulcher set which you earned using M0s because you don’t have the Mythic Sepulcher achievements, which you grouped for.

Well my pfp has the BoD set now.

If you can group for M0s, you can group for low M+ keys.

Thus you have no place to whine about “solo” gear options, go do real content instead of expecting Heroic raid ilvl gear from making soup.

Shadowlands Season 4 was more solo friendly than now. And I don’t do mythic dungeons anymore. Not as fun as season 4.