@Devs, what are you doing about Healing?

And yet more keys run now compared to history.

Based on what?

Here’s a chart using Raider.io data comparing seasons 1 and 2 through week 6. I can only assume the S2 numbers have continued to drop over the last 2 months, but the author hasn’t released any updated charts.


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/14l26fb/m_runs_per_week_dragonflight_season_2_week_6/


When healing was harder (now) compared to any point in WOW’s history. Dragonflight vs non, and season 1 was rather hard initially.

Are they refusing to work or are you refusing to invite them?

Biiiiiiiig difference

Here’s another chart showing the numbers for SL Season 1…DF S2 is lower than SL Season 1, which yet again proves your statement is incorrect. The data does not support that more keys are being run now compared to history.


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/10rj6rc/m_runs_per_week_dragonflight_season_1_week_7/

Why are you comparing DF S2 with SL season 1?

19 million keys in DF S2 so far (which is not yet over.) Compared with just 20 million keys in SL S2.

If you’re going to use numbers to support your argument, can you at least link your source?

Because you said “compared to history,” so I am providing historical data. Or are you changing your statement to “more people are running keys in S2 than any previous S2 in history”?

Raider.io, filter by season and see how many keys done.
Season 1 shadowlands data has been corrupted for some reason. (not reliable.)

The chart goes to SL vs DF, with DF having the edge, might have a more comprehensive dataset later on somewhere though.

If the point was to prove that Dragonflight has low numbers of m+ runs, that’s not established well.

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If it is a 10 you outright don’t even need a healer. Anything below like a 16 on my monk I don’t have to cast a single direct heal for 95% of the dungeon since RM and ATotM is MORE than enough to top people.

AV was probably the least liked dungeon in a decent amount of time until PUGs caught on to normalizing skips. Literally tons of posts about how much damage the bosses did and how tight the timer was (since people had to slog through the frogs which eats tons of time compared to pissing off whelps).

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What? Lol

I mean I like both seasons of dungeons, but the forums were on fire about every season 1 dungeon except the joke ones (SBG and CoS), especially RLP and AV.

At what level? Like 27s and 28s?

The forums are always on fire with people crying, lol.

Tbf, RLP did need nerfs early.

AV was not as bad and had more to do with the route.

You’re also far more likely to get complaints in the first season when people are gearing while learning new dungeons. Season 2 was a joke comparatively cause we were all geared up already.

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You’re right about the forums always on fire.

Right now the current topic is how bad healers have it by having to press heal buttons.

It’ll be something else later.

So we agree that Blizz should ignore the complaints because people are always whining?

Bought DF after they gave me a trial in June. Got to 70 2-3 weeks ago, and I am fully pvp geared + geared for both OS. Did my first m+ as healer last night (Underrot +10), and had NO IDEA what any of the new affixes were… But it was easy.

Dispel that ghost… Interrupt that ghost… tbh, I could have handled all the ghosts alone if I had practiced even a little. Also made sure to contribute to dps during down time… 2 deaths; 1 was mine cuz I forgot about 2nd boss’s spore explosion thingy, and 2nd was cuz shaman stood in the madness aoe the faceless mobs do.

So, no, I dont see what healers have to complain about… There is ample down time, even in a pug, and you should 100% be contributing everything you can. I dont even really have to move beacons around much anymore.

100% agreed. Some other brand of tears will show up with the opposite complaint the second they make a change.

Healers complained that they were expected to do big DPS last xpac when healing was free, and now the complaint is that they actually need to try too hard to heal.

Anyone I know that’s a good healer is enjoying the challenge.

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I don’t know what they are supposed to do because healing is currently very easy when the group is competent, but feels rough the group is incompetent.

The only thing Blizzard could do to make healing “easier” in the current state of the game is to nerf the damage that avoidable damage is doing (1-2 shotting people) but I think consistently dying to avoidable damage is the “stop” to players who would normally outgear content and then get free max level gear in vault while taking every bit of avoidable damage in the game (looking at Slands 15s)

So what is Blizzard really supposed to do? I barely have to cast a heal in a 20, and doing 16s-19s feels pointless when I can just run the 20

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They will add another healing afix to m+ and reduce healing by 10% while buffing npc damage output by 15%,also all dps now will be rooted in place whenever ground effect that needs to be moved out of spawns.

when some* healers say they didn’t want to dps.
that didn’t account for all of us. they punished healers for the vocal minority and those who pushed very high keys without a healer.

that is part of it, yes, but shouldn’t be the only thing I should be doing. again, the vocal minority took away any choices/options I had at playstyle in keys. one of the reasons I kind of jumped ship when aug was announced. healing became unfun.

no, it isn’t. they listened to people crying “I dOnT wAnT tO pReSs DpS buTtOnS!” and ruined it for everyone else. its the communities problem, not the devs.

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It’s supposed to be challenging, I always thought that was the point as you did harder content. I don’t know but I’ve been healing for a long time and in my experience the difficulty of healing is not so much different than before.

If anything has really changed it’s the players and expectations. There seems a general desire to get through everything as fast as possible. Obviously M+ has a lot to do with that, but in all aspects of the game there is a trend of burning through content at ever increasing rates. There is little appetite for struggle or mistakes and many players will quit even after one wipe yet alone several.

Finding a healer can be hard. But it’s always been that way, even a long time ago. Healers and tanks have always had a higher value than dps. The usual solutions offered to this are joining a guild/community or making friends with healers. Barring that you’re just going to have to wait in line.