@Devs, what are you doing about Healing?

Blizzard is phasing out healers.

I don’t think you’ve healed in the past at all. You still had to heal in the past. Talents are stronger than all the past borrowed power systems.

Nah actually, I usually almost always have 3 dps in my alt keys before i see a healer lol

How long does it take?

Usually around 20 minutes to fill for a +16 in my experience which can be too long for some people

This could be the most useless post I have read in a long, long time.

No, they are not. They don’t provide anywhere near the passive healing or power creep that ap, essences, covenants or azerite armor did.

I have not experienced that.

Idk, take it from people who are way better and say there’s too much healing now cause of all the talents opening up possibilities that were not possible in the past.

Healer overheal in raids is WAYYYYYY stronger (and in m+ too, maybe, less sure on that one.)

My suggestion to anyone who is trying to get into keys in general is to join one of the Community Discords Oasis specifically is ran by my GM theres lots of events and LFG channels to find people to run with, plenty of other servers are great too, I have had success asking people to join runs in the keystone discord as well. in my experience people in these discords are also less toxic. I cant speak for everyone obviously but I definitely have had way more toxic players through the in game LFG. If I want to spam 16s all night or find people to run my 24, or even if my silly alt key is taking ages to fill I usually turn to communities like these to find people.

Again, your experience does not equal everyone elses experience.

My experience is that it can take 20-30 mins to find a healer for M+ in the 16-18 range. Often not always the highest IO or gear, just A healer.
Thursday night myself and 3 guild mates set in que for over an hour for the Mega Dungeon looking for a healer and only 1 player applied that had 398 gear. Which was clearly a troll. So we spent 30 mins in que Friday night and finally had a guild mate hop on to help us clear it. Both times we had full group with tank ready to go should a healer want to heal. Also the tanks and 2 other players are 7/9 Mythic and have higher IO then myself. So its not us being turned down, just no healers online.

what exactly is blizzard suppose to do? a healers job is to heal. If people don’t want to do it then thats on the community.

But your experience does.

What are you talking about? Go back and google azerite armor traits and essences. Look at resounding protection. Now put 2 or 3 of them on every person in your raid or m+ group. Add in lucid dreams, purification protocol or breath of the dying. Look at the % hp increase every few levels for the heart.

Add that up and actually think about how much passive mitigation we had. Compare that to any dps tree now.


I stated healing is more stressful. Its an issue caused by the devs putting crap in like overly spikey dmg mechanics, which they constantly have to keep nerfing every couple of weeks and those stupid affixes.

I get it, healers complained they didn’t want to feel forced to DPS in keys… Yea some people are like that… So Blizzard added huge spikely dmg that can one of two shot players not at full health and then put in affixes which is mostly considered a healer mechanic to deal with.

So what happened is they (WoW Devs) listened to the wrong people. By wrong people, the vocal minority (YES I CAN SEE THE IRONY IN THIS STATEMENT). So Blizz thought, hey they dont like to heal, lets give them other things to do instead and make healing way more challenging to the point where no one will demand they help DPS in high keys anymore. …And, thats how we got to this SShow!

I previously linked other resources all stating the same issues.

dps healing themselves might be weaker, but healers are far stronger (or should be anyway.) Holds true for raid, but doesn’t mean it pertains to m+ too.

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I’ve actually only just started M+ this season, so I don’t have much of an opinion yet on the current environment. However, I can say that my historical view of Blizzard isn’t that they listen to the wrong people, but that they have a team dedicated to taking any feedback they read and asking, “how can we grant this feedback’s request like a monkey paw?”

Everything is more stressful. Players have to hit buttons now.

Players need to use active mitigation before this damage goes out. Most are not used to this. They are used to saving it for a rainy day and letting borrowed passive power deal with most it. That is gone. They need to be rolling something all the time.

You are right. Too many players rallied hard against borrowed power. Borrowed power used to provide power creep long after ilvl capped out. It’s gone now. Keys are dead right because players have hit a wall. This is what “skill” looks like. If people want to prog, they need to play better because they can no longer count on ap giving them bonus 3% damage and stam every week.

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A player without heirlooms will get out of the starting area with an ilvl of 2 (racial zones) to 5. A level 10 player with an ilvl of 2 can’t heal a dungeon. But there is no way to improve their gear without doing dungeons. Quest gear is weak and leveling so fast that they will always be behind while leveling, hardly motivational.

i agree…i have suggested that blizzard removes healers from the game by making all players (of all roles) self-sufficient in terms of healing.

The best way to solve this would be to take buttons away from healers, so then they don’t have to do every job.

Then you’ll have people mad about healer options being taken away.

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This is so far beyond stupid it is physically painful. Is your entire life this diluted? Did you not read the photo? You can’t do basic math? Whats the problem? Inbred?

Well, for one they could design the game to make healing more appealing and fun…and less tedious.

But, if it’s a “community problem” as you say, they may as well just shut off the servers because until Blizz makes some changes, it’s only going to get worse as the game population continues to decline.

The current state of healing is the direct result of Blizz’s changes during DF. The design choices for dungeon/raid damage profiles, seasonal HP/mob damage buffs (aka healing nerfs), and class designs have all had a huge negative impact on healing.

Players are left with the choice of “git gud” or not healing, and In my experience, they are choosing not healing more often than not.

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