@Devs, what are you doing about Healing?

This is a tough comparison. At this point in S1 I was still running keys and farming h raz for gear.

This season? Most players were 440+ week 3. I don’t even do mythic and there haven’t been any significant upgrades to chase for weeks.

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Get better DPS that actually play the mechanics properly, use defensives and self heals. Get DPS that don’t stand in the fire/poison and know what proper positioning is.

Do this and I can guarantee 90% of healers spike damage problems will go away.

Get better DPS players = win.

Just checking this post today…

WOW… So many players dancing around the subject trying to throw blame instead of actually talking about the subject of the thread.

  • Healer Shortage
  • Overly Spikey DMG profile of some mechanics. (many have been already nerfed by Blizz, so I am not making this up).

EDIT: Wanted to through this in here.
Many of you are talking about is that many players are enjoying the current healing challenge. That’s great for them. I also am aware there are those however (the majority of players) prefer easy and enjoy free rides. So healing being harder, has ran many would be healers away from healing. Regardless of where you stand on this. My only concern is HOW CAN or WHAT WILL BLIZZARD do to help the WoW community to get more healers back.

Let me take a stab at the “official response”

"We are monitoring metrics and have a couple of ideas on how we will implement an improved player experience for all including healers very soon!

We notice the difference in ranking and are working hard to correct this". - Signed Blizzard 2016 Devs

As I said before, there needs to be a middle ground. Both in how the healers are designed and how content is designed.

I stated in another thread, one thing which will help all healers is to have complete toolkits. If your spec is really only good at one type of healing, as soon as that type of healing stops working it’s considered underpowered garbage. All healers should have the tools to address any situation, the primary difference being how they do so. While having strengths and weaknesses are fine, especially in raids where you have other healers to cover weaknesses, but in smaller scale content, it becomes more a glaring problem.

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I thought people who wanted free rides are doing +2s, where there isn’t a healer shortage?

Remove healer roles altogether, incorporate the D4 potion system.

Maybe you missed it, but blizzard devs showed their lack of understanding recently when they recorded some devs being absolute trash knobs in diablo 4 as they talked about their work there.

It was funny and sad to see it for real.

If you expect this company to understand and be able to fix gameplay issues when they don’t play at all and don’t understand basic gameplay, you are gonna have a bad time.


coding a game doesn’t mean being part of class design.

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It becomes a “problem” at keys way past where the rewards end for people pushing the 0.1% title.

Any healer, any of the 39 specs in the entire game, are perfectly fine doing 20-23 keys.

There is no “missing toolkit” making healing a 20 impossible or too hard.

Blizzards biggest mistake is adding the 0.1% title to mythic+ when it lacks the features the PvP title has to (sort of) make it work like artificial rating inflation and capability to lose rating.

This is definitely part of the problem. 2500 IO healers with 442 gear score getting turned down for 20’s isn’t a shortage. It’s people wanting to be carried.


Why would you expect layout and graphics designers to be good at the game? This is one of the more idiotic comments in this forum today, which says a lot. The developers from Blizzard who actually designs classes and encounters are mostly very good at the game, HoF raiders and m+ title contenders.

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Perhaps, but you should want people passionate about what they are doing when approaching entertainment/arts. In other words, devs that actually play games. That allows them to understand the mechanics of what they are messing with rather than just making something shiny that they don’t understand.

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Better question…why would you choose someone to represent your devs that clearly does not play games and has no understanding of how the one they are working on actually works?

I’m left to assume that is the best they have.


don’t they have Mike Ybarra still? Some mythic raider and m+ player.

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Yes. Keep posting this image. This one singular image. From one M+ group listing. Where the group was looking for only a healer. On a +23 key. What If I posted 100 pictures of +15 keys, where it is a sea of DPS and no healers? Does that discredit your picture? No. But your picture is an isolated incident. The same would be true if I posted one of all DPS. Isolated incidents just prove something happened once. You need cumulative data sets, to prove or disprove anything.

For me personally, in the +15ish key level, healers are the hardest to come by, but they exist. At that level, which is where I like to play, the healer shortage, feels no worse than the the tank shortage used to.

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Why would anyone want to run a 15? Surely, people think they’re good enough to do a 16 or 17 even, so you’re left with demoralized people that have low ambition, and likely lower skill.

So healers have to babysit some affixes.
Poor you.

Tanks have to carry the whole M+ since its inception and yet we had to endure everything up to Necrotic.

I will say I think healing is fine.

I am an average player I push 20-21 keys but won’t go higher.

I have gotten all portals on my tank, dps, and 3 of them on my healer that I just recently resumed healing. All completed in total pugs.

However I won’t group with someone in a pug that hasn’t timed a key -1 level below the key I am aiming to do. Healing isn’t the issue, dps standing in stuff, tanks pulling faster than the healer can move and heal is the issue.

I find healing to be stress free. Honestly because I don’t care if people die. You need to go in knowing people will die.

My personal experience is that I do make mistakes and sometimes people die. Like for example I was running freehold. The last pull before the first boss has the two enforcers who have a front cleave and a bellow that locks you out of casting from that school of magic. I made a decision to try to heal someone from the previous pull to get them topped off during bellow. The bellow beat my heal so I got nature locked. Then the second bellow went off and someone died. I will take blame for this because had I not got nature locked the 2nd dps would have lived.

I think the problem currently for healers are the affixes, coupled with tyrannical or fortified.

To many times are there group wide Aoe group debuffs that need to be dispelled but also having to dispel the affix, cc the affix, run from roots etc. all this while trying to heal through the potent debuffs.

The common misconception is that these affixes are healer only. But when you get into a group that other people are doing it to it goes so much smoother.

On my monk I spec for the affix by relocating one point, same for my paladin. I lose minimal dps but make the group more successful.

In closing I would say that if you struggle healing then you need to check a few things, your key bindings, learning how to heal, secondary stat choices, and groups you decide to be in. If you join a 20 key with a 415, you have to be able to realize that they are going to lack the stam to take any mechanic and survive this means more heals dedicated to them or just leave the group

Yeah, that was a horrible PR decision on Blizz’s part and conveyed that the Devs were very disconnected from the players. I doubt it was their intention, but it was definitely what happened, and it only made things worse since the relationship was already damaged.